| Edmund Bott - Law reports, digests, etc - 1773 - 552 pages
.../ii. work the children of all fucb, whofc parents fhall not by the faid churchwardens and overfeers, or the greater part of them, be thought able to keep and maintain their children ; and alfo for letting to work all fuch perfons, married or unmarried, having no means to maintain them,... | |
| 1791 - 612 pages
...to work the children of all fuch, whofe parents fhall not by the faid churchwardens and overfeer?, or the greater part of them, be thought able to keep and maintain their children," (this feems to have been the full object of the ad, and the judgmer.t and' difcretion here veiled in... | |
| Great Britain. Court of King's Bench - Law reports, digests, etc - 1793 - 818 pages
..." work the children of all fuch whofe parents ihall not " by the faid churchwardens and overfeers, or the greater " part of them, be thought able to keep and maintain " their children : AND ALSO, for fetting to work гЛ1 fuch " perlons married or unmarried, having no means to " maintain them, and... | |
| Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Francis Const - Law reports, digests, etc - 1793 - 964 pages
..." work die children of all fuch whofe parents Ihall not " by the faid churchwardens and overfeers, or the greater " part of them, be thought able to keep and maintain " their children : AND ALSO, forfeiting to work all fuch *' perfons married or unmarried, having no means to " maintain them, and... | |
| Francis Const - Law reports, digests, etc - 1793 - 980 pages
...iiii (") Vide ante, " parent1? lhall not, by the laid churchwardens and over- j,^ ,_ jnd a_ " fecrs, or the greater part of them, be thought able to " keep and m?intain their children : AXD ALSO for " letting to work all fuch pcrfoivs, married or unmarried, "... | |
| Thomas Ruggles - Poor - 1794 - 368 pages
...fetting to work the children of fuch whofe parents mall not, by the faid churchwardens and overfeers, or the greater part of them, be thought able to keep and maintain their children. Seet. i. " And alfo to raife weekly, or otherwife, &c. a convenient flock of flax, hemp, wool, thread,... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1778 - 526 pages
...peace, to bind the children cf all fuch parents who /ball nit, by the ¡aid churchwardens and overJeers, or the greater part of them, be thought able to keep and maintain their children, to be apprentices, where they ßall jce convenient ', till fuch щап- child /hall come tothtage of... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1811 - 898 pages
...fetting to work the Children of all fuch whofe Parents fhall not by the faid Churchwardens and Overfeers, or the greater Part of them, be thought able to keep and maintain their Children ; and alfo for fetting to work all fuch Perfons, married or unmarried, having no Means to maintain them,... | |
| Joseph Chitty - Apprentices - 1812 - 192 pages
...consent of two or more justices of the peace, take order, from time to time, for setting to work the children of all such whose parents shall not, by the...thought able to keep and maintain their children ; and the 5th section enacts, that they may, with the assent of two justices of the peace, bind any such... | |
| Joseph Gabbett - Law reports, digests, etc - 1812 - 700 pages
...setting to work the children of all such whose parents should not by the ehurch-wardens and overseers, be thought able to keep and maintain their, children, and also for setting to work all persons, married or unmarried, having no means to maintain them, and using no ordinary and daily trade... | |
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