MAY it please your ROYAL HIGHNESS : Mr. PRESIDENT, MY LORDS, AND Gentlemen, I do not doubt that I may offer to your Royal Highness the thanks of the whole College of Surgeons for your presence here to-day. By thus honouring the memory of John Hunter, you make us more than ever proud of being the guardians of his great museum and his reputation; you make us more than ever anxious for the promotion of that true scientific surgery of which we reverence him as the founder. Moreover, we shall venture to regard your Royal Highness's presence as a sign of your approval of the efforts of the College for the public welfare, and of your desire to encourage the sciences on the cultivation of which its reputation and utility depend. For these, and many more unspoken reasons, the College, fully represented here to-day, offers to your Royal Highness its grateful and respectful thanks. When time and the favour of my colleagues in the Council brought to me the occasion of delivering the B |