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To prevent this, it fhould be confidered, that no one man on earth can claim the obedience of others by any natural right of his own, but as he is invested with authority and power from God, who has ordained fome to govern, and for that end to make righteous laws; and others to obey, and this on pain of his great displeasure.

If this were confidered as it fhould be, those in authority would always govern with truth and juftice; and fuch whofe duty it is to obey, would obey for confcience fake.

It was a powerful argument which Jofeph, then governor of all Egypt, made ufe of to his brethren, who, not knowing him, were in the utmost fear for their lives and liberty: This do, fays he, and live; for I fear God. That is, you may expect nothing but justice from one who profeffes to live in the fear of God. And what a powerful influence will this naturally have upon those who feek for justice?

When a man is fecure of the magistrate's integrity, and that he shall not suffer in his rights, either by partiality, corruption, or the overbearing power of others, he will depend upon the juftice of his caufe, without employing men of no confcience to puzzle or mislead the magiftrate with falfe affertions, fufpected evidences, and doubtful precedents not warranted by law or justice.

And here I cannot but mention a passage which we have recorded in fcripture, to the

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praise of the greatest prince then on earth, as we find it in Esther i. 15; the king asks this queftion of his counfellors, What shall we do unto the queen according to law?-How careful was this mighty prince to do nothing which the law would not juftify; and fet a rare example of juftice to all about him, to make the law the rule of his confcience, and confcience the rule of his conduct!

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Thus ftands the duty of fuperiors with respect to their inferiors.

But there is another branch of duty, and a very important one, which, in a more especial manner, regards the honour and laws of God, as we before hinted.

The will of God is, that the laws which he has given for setting forth his own glory, and for the good of mankind, should be reverenced and obeyed by all; that fin be made uneafy to those upon whom reafon and the fear of God have no effect; that wickedness of every kind be punished according to the nature of the offence; that the evil examples of fuch as fcorn to be hypocrites in impiety, who make a mock of fin and damnation, and glory in making profelytes to Satan; that fuch be hindered by the feverest penalties from corrupting others: that growing vices be carefully observed, and a timely stop put to them, before they become too many or too strong to be cured by any methods, except national judgments.


These are the undoubted duties of the Civil Magiftrate, who, being in the place of God, ftands bound to make his will the rule of his actions, remembering the account he muft one day give.

For our part, we are in duty bound to keep awake the confciences of men with the remembrance of God's glorious attributes, and of a judgment to come; of his all-feeing eye; of his juftice and vengeance upon hardened finners; of his power to deftroy both body and foul in hell; of the fad and certain confequence of difhoneft gain; of the wafting vices of idlenefs and luxury; of the damning fin of blafpheming the name of the great God; of the great evil of vexatious controverfies, and giving men trouble without caufe; and lastly, of the abfolute neceffity of making reftitution for injuries done our neighbour, to the best of our power, as ever we hope for falvation.

To conclude:-Let these things be confidered as they should be, and we fhall foon fee the happy effects of taking God along with us, in all our actions and councils.

They that are in a fuperior rank will remember, that they are in the place of God, and will be careful not to bring contempt on him whofe place they fupply; the fear and regard for God and his laws being the best fupport of their own authority.


On the other fide; they that are to obey will confider, that their fuperiors are in the place of God, and are bound to confult his glory; their obedience, therefore, will be more cheerful, their behaviour peaceable; and thankful will they be for the bleffing of such a government.

And may God, the great governor of the world, give all his fubftitutes grace and a spirit to discern what will be most for his glory, and fuch as he will approve of at the great day; through Jefus Chrift our Lord; to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory. Amen.





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