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Mullahs. Kozroe Khan shewed to me a beautiful Persian manuscript, which was a complete translation of the Pentateuch, made in the time of Nadir Shah-evidently by a Mussulman, for, Gen. xlix., Shiloh is translated Mehde. I desired him to get made a copy of it, that I might send it to the British and Foreign Bible Society; which he promised to do.

"When I returned to my room I found it crowded by Jews of Teheran, who desired Bibles and Testaments—even those Jews who sent the Testaments back six years ago, when I was here. Mullah Muhamed Muhamed Mirza Resa, the Jew who turned Turk, called again, with whom I conversed six years ago. This man is certainly not a sincere believer in his new faith, for his arguments are quite hypocritically sophistical: so, for instance, he says, as

ולא קם נבוא עוד במשראל כישה,there in Deut. xxxiv. 10 is said

―i. e. 'There arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses that there shall therefore not arise in future a prophet like unto Moses in Israel; for the word since (Ty) would be superfluous : there must therefore rise a prophet among another nation like unto Moses, who is the same predicted in Deut. xviii. 15—18: ‘A prophet from among their brethren '--i. e. the brethren of Israelnamely, the Ishmaelites--who is none else but Mohammed.

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Aug. 17.-Jews called again. They invited me to come to their houses next Sabbath, and dispute with them. Among them were Mullah Moosa Ibn Haji Bachar Dar, and the Jew Elasar, who was at Bokhara. He tells me that the richest Jews there are, 1, Yakoob Boy; 2, Joseph Boy; 3, Mesheakh. The learned men at Bokhara are-1, Rabbi Eliahu; 2, Rabbi Pinhas; 3, Rabbi Nathanael; 4, Rabbi Penas. At Bokhara are 1500 families of Jews. Besides, there are Jews in the neighbourhood of Bokhara, at Jarsap and Balkh. Eleasar has been likewise at Meshed, where 100 families are. The most respectable Jews at Meshed are, Benjamin Haheem, Aga Joone, Abraham Haheem. Rabbi Meir ben Isajah, from Safet, is now here. He called on me. He came to this country to collect money for Jerusalem. He has travelled among the Jews in Daghestan, where the Jews wear arms, like their neighbours the Tatars. He tells me there are at Derband 100 families of Jews: the learned man of them is Rabbi Eleahas. At Audura are 400 families; at Koba, 600 families.

"Rabbi Meir ben Isajah tells me that the Messiah must come in nine years hence: for every temple was to stand 410 years, according to the number of the letters in the word wp, holy; and three temples are to be according to the thrice holy: but the first temple stood 420 years, on account of the prophets who honoured that time; so that the last temple is to stand only 400 years. world is to exist 6000 years: it has stood already 5591; so that in nine years hence the Messiah must come absolutely, in order that the temple may have time to stand 400 years more; and then the great Sabbatical year shall have its commencement.


"I read then with the Jews the liiid chapter of Isaiah, and the ixth of Daniel. After this I called on the Vizier, who received me with great kindness. Then I called on my friend Khosroe Khan, where I met with one of that extraordinary sect, the Ali Ilahe. Khosroe Khan is a particular friend of that Ali Ilahe; and therefore he desired every one else to leave the room; and I began to question him. (The name of that Ali Ilahe is Kozan.)—

"In whom do you believe?'-' In Him who lives.' "Who is this?' -

place of Ali.'

Sayid Abbas at Kerman-Jah, who is in the

"Who is Ali?'- - Greater than Ali is none: we call him God.'

66 6 'Why do you believe him to be God?'- -'Ali said to his friend Benjamin, If one should assert too much, strike him at the same time. Ali said to Benjamin, I Ali have created heavens and earth. Benjamin said to him, O Ali, dost thou not assert too much? Ali gave to him a sweet-smelling Indian flower, which that moment grew out of his mouth. Benjamin saw by this that he was God.' "Have you no books?'-' Properly, no written books, but we have Daftars, records of our sayings.'

"There was no time to question him more. After this the Ali Ilahe went away. I urged Khosroe Khan to confess Christianity openly before men. I knelt then down with him and prayed: after the prayer, Khosroe Khan literally kissed my feet: I fell round his neck, and kissed him. He tells me that the Apostle Peter had appeared to him, and asked him whether he had a great desire to enter the kingdom of heaven; but he was ashamed to answer. Khosroe Khan has frequent dreams about Jesus Christ.

"When I came back to the British Embassy, six Jews-among them the Rabbi from Safat, called on me. Rabbi Meir said that the world worshipped originally fire and water; which he tried to prove by the words of David: 'We went through fire and water, but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.' The Jews desired me to use my influence with Khosroe Khan, and endeavour to persuade that it was a mere calumny that the Jews use the blood of Christian or Mohammedan children.

Aug. 18.-Haji Telah, of Multau, in the government of Rengidsicki, of Lahor, called on me, but he accepted no books of me. Khozroe Khan sent to me again Kozor, the Ali Ilahe, in order that he might give to me further information. I addressed to him the following questions:


"Do you believe in Muhammed ? '—′ Our faith is concealed, though spread throughout the world.'

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What do you think of God?'-'Ali is God: he is every where, and in every thing, as the salt must be in every thing; and every thing is God. Every one who believes in Ali never dies: he only puts on another clothing. We have a visible faith, a contemplative faith: we see every thing: a talking faith is of no use.' "Have you priests? 'We have Sayda.'

"Where is the principal place of the residency of the Ali Ilahe?'-' Here, at Teheran, are 1000: the inhabitants of Kermanjah are all Ali Ilahes; and thus at Hamadan, Senardala, Sahola, Schiraz, Teheran, Sehamran in Mayanderan.'

"What do you think of Jesus?'-'Ali was Jesus and Moses.' "What do you think of Muhamed?'- -Muhamed was Benjamin; but not the son of Jacob, but that Benjamin who was created of the sweat of Ali; for Ali was before the world was. The law of Muhamed is called Huhehat Benjamin-i. e. Truth of Benjamin.'

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Have you books?'-'We have Daftar (records) ; but our religion is no book religion; it is a religion of the heart.'

"What do you think of angels?'Little children are angels : other angels do not exist. We know in the world four things: 1. Sun; 2. Metal; 3. King; 4. Lion.'

"Do you believe in the existence of the devil?'-'Ali is the devil; for the devil is the hand or whip of God, with which he punishes his children. The devil is good; for nothing bad can come of God.'

66 6 'Do you believe in paradise and hell?'-'No; but if I sit near a good man, I say, He is paradise; near a bad man, I say, He is hell.' "Do you know Yazid?'-' No; but we know Jamshid, who was a good man. In his time men lived 700 years: no man died in the time of Jamshid.'

"What do you think of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?'-'The faith of Abraham is our faith.'

"Is it true that fire cannot hurt you?'-'If it is prepared in our assemblies, then fire is changed into a rose, by breathing on it. If we say seven words, the mountains fall, and this room is divided.' ""What do you think of Adam ?'-'Adam was the picture of God.' "Have you sacrifices?'-'All our prayers consist in sacrifices of sheep, oil, and rice.'

"The Muhamedans say that Mehde will come; the Christians say Jesus will come. Whom do you expect?'-' Whoever comes will be the true Person, for in Ali all these persons are embodied. Two years ago a child was born at Ispahan: the time he was born he said to his parents, "Carry me to Mecca, for I am Jesus; and fourteen years more, then I shall take possession of the world ; and the whole world shall have one religion and one book: the book of Jesus shall take possession of the world. All shall be brethren : every one shall marry his sister. Before that time war shall take place with Russia; and the Ali Ilahi shall join the Russians; and Jesus shall reside at Sultanrach, near Cusheen. Before the open appearance of Jesus, who is myself (the child continued), the Russians shall take Persia, with the assistance of the Ali Ilahi." "Whence did the first Ali Ilahi originate?'-'From Shahr-Zor, near Senaar.'

"Of what was man created?'-' Of water and earth. That child said that plague shall be every where, but he who drinks milk and wine shall never die.'

" "What do you think of the resurrection of the dead?'-'Every one who is Jesus will rise from the dead; for the believer in him is one with him.

"What do you believe about witchcraft?'-'We believe witchcraft to be a lie. Every man of God can perform miracles. There are four sciences in the world :—1. Simia, a book, with the letters of which book one can perform miracles: 2. Limia, a book; wherever that book exists, serpents are harmless: 3. Kimia, with which we can make an old man young: 4. Khafa, a science with which one can make oneself invisible.'

""Could you perform a miracle now in my presence?'-Only a perfect man can do it.'

"Have you circumcision?'-'We have circumcision on account of the Mussulmans, but we do not consider it necessary. Jesus said circumcision shall cease.'

"Do you believe the crucifixion of Jesus?'-'No: we believe that Jesus went to Mecca, and then to heaven.'

"What do you believe about the Deluge, and Noah ? '—' We do not believe it, for none of us have seen it; for the sect of Ali Ilahi existed before the creation of the world, and at that time no decree went out that there shall be a deluge.'

""You told me that you are buried by the Mussulmans; why do you say you do not die ? -'We call this in our language, Hutam -i. e. we went from one place to another: if he is buried, his body rises in another place."

"What do you believe about the transmigration of souls ? '— 'One who has been bad comes into a beast. Balool, brother of a Khalef, had a brother who was changed into a mule, and Balool knew it. The Khalefa wanted to kill the mule: Balool said, Do not kill it, but pray that it may become good. The Khalefa prayed seven years, and the mule became a man again. The beasts are properly the hell of bad men.'

-We give a

"Have you marriage, and in what manner? present to the parents, and take the daughter: we take one wife. "Do you not marry with other sects?'' With Armenians, for the Armenians and we are one; for they believe that Jesus was God, and we believe Ali; and Ali and Jesus are one and the same person.' [He told me that at Jabl Amoor, between Mecca and Egypt, are 60,000 Ali Ilahi.]

"As I have further examined the Ali Ilahe, I continue to give to you the result.

"Have you prophets? We have no message-bearer of God; but every man at prayer is a prophet. God is One, who has four witnesses, Awb Yar Akhar Yar (i.e. First and the Last, God Himself) :—1. Keran Khowandekar (i. e. the noble of God); 2. Shert Benjamin (i. e. Confirmation of Benjamin); 3. Resa Daud (the Reception of David); 4. Kalim Sarin per Moosa, Khidmet Par Resuwar (Pen of Moses, Service of Pure Resuwar). One who knows these words can introduce himself as an Ali Ilahe into our assemblies.'

"Who was David ? present.'

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“❝ Was Ali married? '—'Ali had neither father, mother, nor wife.' "What day of the week is sacred with you?'—' Thursday.' "Do you make proselytes here? Yes: he that will be received must bring sacrifices, and give a feast to the dervishes. Dervishes of all sects are Ali Ilahi.'

“How is adultery punished?'—'A wife of an Ali Ilahe may come to another man: we have every thing in common-wives, money, and table.'

"Make a copy of this journal, and send it to Mr. Drummond, and let Mr. Frere take a copy of it. Write duplicates of your letters: one send to Tabreez; another to Bombay, via England, care of the Earl of Clare.


Numerous demands are made by the Persians for Bibles and Testaments in Persian, and by the Jews for Hebrew Bibles and Testaments. Mr. Campbell told me I should mention this to the Bible Society. Khosroe Khan twenty times desired a whole Bible. Aug. 19.-I just arrived from Khosroe Khan, who has made to you a present of a fine Persian manuscript, which I send to the care of General Ponsonby. I leave this place for Bokhara in five days hence, well recommended by all authorities. I send you the letter of his Royal Highness Malek Kasim Mirza, who is the son of the King of Persia.

“P.S. I dined this day (Aug. 20) with twenty Jews of Teheran.

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"As the caravan is not yet gone from here, I continue my journal for you.

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Aug. 21.-I was introduced to his Royal Highness Ali Khan Shah Zadek, one of the sons of the King of Persia: he received me most graciously, and asked me to sit down: he conversed with me for half an hour, and asked the object of my pilgrimage; which I did openly explain to him. His Royal Highness was greatly interested in the war between Russia and Poland. My visit to the Jews to-day was very satisfactory: I preached to about twenty, on the riches of Christ. No disputation took place.

A Persian Mullah called on me; he tells me that the Mohammedans of Persia acknowledge twelve Imaums, i. e. those of the family and successors of Mohammed. These are the twelve Imaums: 1. Ali, who is buried at Korfa: 2. Hassan, his son, who is buried at Medinah 3. Hassein, who was killed by Yazid, and is buried at Kerbelaz; he is a shahed or martyr: 4. Sein Alabedee; he was poisoned, and was buried at Medinah : 5. Muhamed Baher; he is buried at Medinah : 6. Jaaper Saadeh, buried at Medinah: 7. Merzo Kasem, buried at Kasemier: 8. Rezar, killed by Haroun Rasched, and buried at Meshed, in Khorasan: 9. Muhamed Tahee, buried at Kasemein: 10. Ali Nakee, buried at Suromoxah: 11. Saheb Alzeman; he disappeared; and it is still believed by the

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