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A. M.3841.A.C.163; OR, ACCORDING TO HALES, A.M. 5247.A.C.164.1 MAC.v.1. JOS. HIST. b. xii.c.14-END OF MAC. JOS.HIST. b.xill. c. 19.

a strong city, and well garrisoned by Lysias, the people | the rest, armed with royal harness, and supposing refused to open their gates; whereupon he assaulted the thereby that the king was upon it, at once, both to deliplace, and, having taken it by storm, put all the males, ver his country, and gain himself immortal honour, he to the number of twenty-five thousand persons, to the made at it with all his might; and having slain every one sword, took their spoils, and razed the city to the ground. that stood in his way, got under its belly, and thrust his After this, repassing Jordan, and returning to Jerusa- spear into it, so that the creature fell down dead, but lem, he and his company went up to the temple, to give unhappily crushed him to death by its weight in the fall. God thanks for the great success wherewith he had been At length, after having slain about six hundred of the pleased to prosper this expedition, and for his singular king's forces, perceiving that they must be overpowered and wonderful protection of them, in that, notwithstand-by so great a number, they withdrew from the fight, and ing all the hazardous enterprises they had been engaged made a safe retreat to Jerusalem. Antiochus followed in, they had not so much as lost one man. after with one part of his army, but left the other to carry This continued series of success gave Judas encou- on the siege of Bethzura, which the inhabitants, seeing ragement to carry the war into the southern parts of Idu- no prospect of relief from their friends, were forced to where he took and dismantled Hebron, the metro-surrender. From Bethzura the king's forces marched polis thereof and thence passing into the land of the to Jerusalem, where Judas had shut himself up, and his Philistines, took Azotus, formerly called Ashdod ; pulled friends, in the temple. They defended the place with down their heathen altars, burned their carved images, great resolution, but must inevitably have been compelled and spoiled the place; and having done the like to all to surrender, had they not been relieved by this lucky the other cities of that country, where he prevailed, he and unexpected accident. led his victorious army, laden with the spoils of their enemies, back again to Judea.




In the absence of the king, and the regent Lysias, that Philip, whom, as we said before, Antiochus EpiBut, notwithstanding all these successes, the Jews phanes, at his death, constituted guardian of his son, had could not call themselves entirely masters of Jerusalem. made himself master of Antioch, and taken upon him the The fortress of Acra 3 still held out for the king of Syria, government of the Syrian empire. 8 Upon the receipt and the garrison, consisting of Macedonians and rene- of this news, Lysias found it necessary to make peace gado Jews, was very troublesome to such as resorted to with the Jews, that he might be at liberty to return, and the temple. Judas therefore thought it highly necessary expel the intruder. Accordingly a peace was granted to attempt the reduction of the place; and having got them upon honourable and advantageous terms, and ratiengines and machines for that purpose, he soon strait-fied by oath; but when Antiochus came to see the strength ened the garrison. The besieged, however, found means to acquaint king Antiochus with their distress, who promised to relieve them, and, for that end, gathered an army of an hundred and ten thousand foot, twenty thousand horse, thirty-two elephants, with castles on their backs full of archers, and three hundred armed chariots of war. With all this force, Antiochus, marching to the relief of the fortress of Jerusalem, passed through Idu- In this expedition against Judea, Menelaus, the high maa, where, in his way, he laid siege to Bethzura, which priest, accompanied Antiochus, and was as busy in offermade a brave defence; for the inhabitants, by bold sal- ing him his service against his own people as any: but lies, so burned and disordered his engines, that he spent falling by some means under the displeasure of Lysias, much time about it to no purpose. Judas all this while he was accused, and condemned, as the author and fopressed the fortress of Acra with all his might; but fear-mentor of this Jewish war, and accordingly was carried ing lest the Bethzurians should be forced to submit to the to Berhæa, a town in Syria, and there cast headlong superior strength of the enemy, he left the siege of it, and went to the relief of them.

His intent was to surprise the king's forces; and therefore marching in the night, he fell upon one quarter of the army in the dark; killed four thousand of them; and having put the whole army into confusion, retreated ou break of day, without suffering any loss. In the morning, when both sides prepared for an open battle, Judas and his men, with great fierceness, began the onset, and did wonders: for Eleazar, a brother of Judas, observing one particular elephant, which was higher than


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of the fortifications belonging to the temple, he caused them, contrary to the articles he had sworn, to be all pulled down and demolished, and then returned towards Syria, where he found that Philip had seized on the imperial city; but by one easy battle, wherein Philip was worsted and slain, he soon recovered the possession of it.


61 Mac. vi. 47.

7 Ibid. ver. 48, &c.

Ibid. ver. 55, 56; 2 Mac. xiii. 23. 9 Ibid. ver. 3-9. 6 Though elephants have an hide impenetrable almost in every part, except their belly, yet for their greater safety, those that are appointed for the wars, are usually armed and covered all over, as it were with a coat of mail. The kings of India, according to Q. Curtius, (b. 2.) when they took the field, were drawn by elephants all covered over with gold; and Florus described the elephants made use of in battles, as brilliant with gold, silver, much after the fashion of the war-horse in Virgil: purple, and their own ivory, (b. 2. c. 8.) harnessed, and set out, "he pricked on his foaming steed, covered over with a skin of brazen scales, clasped together with gold."-En. 11.

e This was one of the punishments of the Persians, whereby great criminals among them were put to death. The manner of it is described in the 13th chapter of the second book of the Maccabees, to be thus: An high tower was filled a great way up with ashes; the criminal, being from the top thrown down headlong into them, there had the ashes by a wheel continually stirred up, and raised about him, till he was suffocated and died. 'Such was the death of that wicked man,' says the author of the book above cited,' that he had not a burial in the earth, and that very justly. But then the reason which he gives for this pro


A. M.3841. A.C. 163; OR, ACCORDING TO HALES, A.M.5247. A.C. 164.1 MAC.v. 1. JOS. HIST. b.xii.c.14-END OF MAC. JOS, HIST. b. xiii, c, 19. into a tower of ashes; but after his death, Antiochus | and so, without any farther opposition, became thoroughconferred the office of high priest upon one Alcimus, a ly settled in the whole kingdom. man altogether as wicked as the other.

He had not been long so settled, before Alcimus, who, All this while Antiochus Eupater held the crown of on the death of Menelaus, had by Antiochus Eupater Syria, by an unjust title; for Demetrius, the son of Se- been constituted high priest of the Jews, but was never leucus Philopater, elder brother to Antiochus Epiphanes, acknowledged as such, because in the time of persecuwas the legal heir thereof. He, in exchange for his un- tion he had apostatised, came, and implored his proteccle Antiochus, had been sent an hostage to Rome, the tion against Judas Maccabæus and his party; accusing very year that his father died; and Antiochus returning them of being enemies to the kings of Syria, fomentors at the very nick of time, was unanimously declared king, of sedition, and murderers and persecutors of his most in the absence and minority of the rightful heir. But faithful subjects. By this representation Demetrius was Demetrius, being now in the twenty-third year of his age, so exasperated that 3 he immediately ordered Bacchides, when his uncle died, and his son Eupater, who was ap- the governor of Mesopotamia, to march with an army into pointed king in his room, a thought it high time to put Judea; and having confirmed Alcimus in the office of in his claim; and accordingly moved the senate of Rome high priest, joined him in the same commission for carfor their assistance in the recovery of his father's king- rying on the war in Judea. dom; and as an inducement thereunto, he alleged, that having been bred up in that city from his childhood, "he should always look on Rome as his country, the senators as his fathers, and their sons as his brothers." But the senate having more regard to their own interest, than the right of Demetrius, and judging it more to their advantage to have a boy reign in Syria, as Eupater then was, than a man of mature understanding, as they knew Demetrius to be, instead of asserting his right, to whom it belonged, they confirmed Eupater in the kingdo1n.

Demetrius being excluded from all hopes of any favour or assistance from the senate, had nothing left to do, but to endeavour to make his escape from Rome, and to risk his fortune in his own country: this he did; * and landing at Tripolis in Syria, made it believed, that he was sent by the Roman senate, which would support his pretensions, to take possession of the kingdom. Hereupon Eupater's cause, being in the general opinion given up for lost, every one deserted from him to Demetrius; nay, the very soldiers seized on him, and the regent Lysias, with an intent to deliver them up to this new comer, as soon as he arrived at Antioch; but he refusing to see them, ordered them both to be put to death,

12 Mac. xiv. 3; Jewish Antiq. b. xii. c. 15.

21 Mac. vii. 1, &c.; 2 Mac, xiv. 1, 2; Joseph. Antiq. b. xii. c. 16; Justin, b, xxxiv. c. 3.

vidential judgment upon him is very light and trifling: forasmuch as he had committed many sins about the altar, whose fire and ashes were holy, he received his death in ashes,' v. 7, 8.Prideaux's Connection, anno 424.

a What excited him the rather to do it at this time, was the murder of Cn. Octavius: for the Roman senate having sent three ambassadors into Syria, whereof Octavius was chief, to administer the affairs of the nation, during the minority of the king, these ambassadors, finding that there were more ships in the navy, and more elephants in the army, than the treaty made with Antiochus the Great, after the battle of Mount Siphilus, allowed of, caused the ships to be burned, and the elephants to be slain, that exceeded the number stipulated. This occasioned great murmurings and discontent among the people, and provoked one Leptines to such a degree of indignation, that he fell upon Octavius, as he was anointing himself in the gymnasium at Laodicea, and there slew him. Eupater and Lysias did all they could to clear themselves from having any hand in this vile act, and to this purpose sent ambassadors to Rome to inform the senate of their innocence; but the senate, after having heard what the ambassadors had to say, gave them no answer, expressing their resentment by their angry silence: and therefore Demetrius thought this no improper time to move the senate, when he perceived them thus out of humour with Eupater, the usurper of his kingdom.-Prideaux's Connection, anno 162.

No sooner were they arrived in Judea, with a considerable body of troops, but the scribes and doctors of the law met together, and consulted what they were to do upon this occasion. Very desirous they were to have an high priest again settled among them, and not at all suspicious that any of the sons of Aaron would do them any wrong; and therefore upon promise of safe conduct, they waited upon them, in order to bring matters to a peaceable accommodation: but the perfidious Alcimus, having got them in his power, caused sixty of them to be seized, and all put to death on one day, which made the people more cautious of him for the future.

Bacchides, however, returning to Antioch, put Alcimus in possession of the country, and left him some forces to support him in it. With these the wicked high priest did much mischief, and committed many murders upon those that were not for him: but as soon as Judas, *with his men, appeared in the field again, he left the courtry for fear, and returned to the king with fresh accusations against him and his brothers, who, as long as they were permitted to live, as he told him, would never suffer the king's authority to take place, nor any lasting peace to be established in the country. So that, upon this representation, Demetrius sent another army against the Jews, under the command of Nicanor, with strict orders to destroy Judas, disperse his followers, and thoroughly establish Alcimus in the high priest's office.


Nicanor was not insensible of the courage and conduct of Judas; and therefore, loath to come to an engage. ment with him, he endeavoured to compose matters by a treaty, and accordingly entered into articles of peace with him but the high priest, not liking the peace, because his interest, as he imagined, was not sufficiently secured in it, went, the third time to the king, and so possessed him against it, that he refused to ratify what was agreed, and sent his positive commands to Nicanor, to go on with the war, and not cease proseca ing it, until he had either slain Judas, or taken him prisoner, and sent him bound to Antioch. Upon these these instructions, Nicanor being obliged, though much against his will, to alter his conduct, marched his armiy

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A.M.3311. A.C. 163; OR, ACCORDING TO HALES, A.M. 5247. A.C 164.1 MAC.v.1.JOS. HIST.b.xii.c.14-END OF MAC.JOS. HIST.b.xiii.c.19.

3 For Demetrius, having received an account of the defeat and death of Nicanor, sent Bacchides, with Alcimus, the second time into Judea, at the head of a very numerous army, made up of the prime forces and flower of his militia. Judas, at their coming, had no more than

up to Jerusalem, and designing, by craft and treachery, desist from giving the Jews any farther molestation; to get Judas into his power,' invited him to a conference, but before the return of these ambassadors Judas was which the other, upon the presumption of the depending dead. peace, readily complied with, and came to the place appointed: but when he found that an ambush was laid for his apprehension, he fled from his presence, and so began the war afresh. This war was carried on with various successes for some time, and with some particular cruelties on Nicanor's side, a but at length, com-three thousand men to oppose them; and these were so ing to a decisive battle near a village called Bethoron, terrified with the strength and number of the enemy, that Nicanor was slain in the first onset, which the rest of the they deserted their general, all to eight hundred men. army perceiving, cast away their arms, and fled; so that, However, with these few, he resolved to try his fortune; what with Judas's pursuing them, and the country rising and when his soldiers advised him to retreat, and wait for upon them as they endeavoured to escape, not one of a supply; "God forbid,” says he, "that the sun should the whole army, which consisted of five and thirty thou-ever see me turn my back to my enemies. If provisand men, was left to carry home the tidings of their dence has ordained that we should die, let us die manoverthrow. fully, fighting for our brethren; and let us never stain the honour of our former valorous deeds by an ignominious flight:" and so animating them by his own example, he charged and broke the right wing, where Bacchides commanded in person, and pursued them as far as the mountains of Azotus; but having not forces enough to keep

After the pursuit was ended, the victorious army returning to the field of battle, took the spoils of the slain; and having found Nicanor's body among the dead, they cut off his head, and this right hand which he stretched out so proudly in his threatenings against the temple, and hanged them up upon one of the towers of Jerusa- | the left wing in play, he was followed and encompassed. lem. A general joy overspread the whole city upon this occasion, and in commemoration of so great a deliverance, it was ordained, that the thirteenth day of their month Adar, (which answers in part to our February,) the day whereon this victory was obtained, should be ever after observed as an anniversary day of solemn thanksgiving; and so it is kept even to this present time, under the name of the day of Nicanor.

2 Judas, having now some respite after this victory, was thinking of making a league with the Romans. He had heard much talk of their power, prowess, and policy; and was therefore desirous of making an alliance with them, in hopes of receiving thereby some protection and relief against the oppressions of the Syrians. To this purpose he sent Jason and Eupolemus, men of sufficiency for such an embassy, to Rome, who were kindly received by the senate, and from them obtained a decree, acknowledging the Jews for friends and allies to the Romans, a league of mutual defence between them, and a letter to Demetrius, requiring him, upon the peril of having war denounced against him, to

2 Mac. vii. 27—31.

2 Mac. viii.-Jewish Antiq. b. xii. c. 17. a One instance of this kind was practised upon Razis, an eminent and honourable senator of the Jewish sanhedrim, who had not only persevered in his religion through the worst of times, but upon all occasions been very munificent to the people, Him Nicanor was resolved to cut off, the rather, because he thought it would be an act of high displeasure to the Jews; and therefore sent a party to seize him. Razis was, at this time, at a castle of his which he had in the country, where he defended himself against them for some time with great valour; but at length finding that he could hold out no longer, he fell upon his sword. The wound however was not mortal, and therefore he threw himself headlong over the battlements of the tower whereon he fought; but finding himself still alive, he thrust his hand into his wound, and pulling out his bowels, cast them upon the assailants, and so died, 2 Mac. xiv. 46.

b Josephus takes notice, that this was the very first treaty that ever the Jews made with the Romans, which is very pro

bable from the manner in which the author of the first book of Maccabees prefaces his account of it; for there it appears that the Jews, till this time, had very little knowledge of the Roman state.-Jos. Antiq. b. xii. c. 17; and 1 Mac. viii, 1.

The action was very hot and obstinate: the Jews sold their lives at a dear rate: their general did every valiant thing that man could do; till, being overpowered by numbers, he was slain, and his men, thus deprived of their heroic leader, were forced to fly.

Thus fell the great Judas Maccabæus, the restorer and preserver of the true worship of God, and the reliever and protector of his distressed countrymen, while he lived. His two brothers, Simon and Jonathan, took up his dead body, and conveying it to the city of Modin, they there buried it, in the sepulchre of his ancestors, with all the funeral honour that was due to the memory of so brave a man, and so excellent a commander.


After the death of Judas, Bacchides made himself master of the country, and used all the friends and adherents to the Maccabees, wherever he found them, with the utmost barbarity ; so that Jonathan was in a manner necessitated to take upon him the command in the room of his brother Judas, and to become the captain of all those who had preserved their integrity. To this purpose, taking with him his brother Simon, and those that had resorted to him, he retired into the wilderness of Tekoa, and there encamped, with a morass on one side, and the river Jordan on the other, so that they could not easily be come at. But Bacchides marching after them, and having made himself master of the pass that led to their encampment, assaulted them in it on the sabbath day, expecting to meet with no resistance. Jonathan, however, reminding his men of the determination that was made in this case in the time of his father Mattathias, encouraged them to dispute it bravely; which accordingly they did, even till they had slain about a thousand of the assailants: but then, finding that they should be overpowered with numbers, they cast themselves into the river, and, by swimming over to the other side, made their escape.

Bacchides thought it not proper to pursue them any farther, but rather to go back to Jerusalem; where, hav

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A.M.3841.A.C.163; OR, ACCORDING TO HALES, A. M.5247. A.C.161. 1 MAC.v.1. JOS. HIST.b.xii.c.14-END OF MAC.JOS. HIST.b.xiii.c.19. ing fortified Mount Acra, and the neighbouring towns, well supported by foreign powers, seized Ptolemais, a and put garrisons in them, he took hostages for the city of Palestine, and was making preparations to drive fidelity of the inhabitants, and so returned to Syria: "Demetrius out of the throne. On this occasion the two but, before he departed, Alcimus, the great troubler of rival princes did both make their court to Jonathan, as Israel, and whom he had, not long before, settled in the thinking him a good ally: Demetrius sent him letters, high-priesthood, was smitten with a palsy, whereof he constituting him his general in Judea, with full authority suddenly died; so that the land had rest for two years, to raise forces, and to provide them with arms to come and Jonathan an opportunity of bringing his affairs to to his assistance, and commanding, at the same time, some better settlement in Judea. that the hostages, which were in the fortress of Jerusalem, should be delivered to him; which accordingly was done. Alexander, on the other hand, having sent him a purple robe and a crown of gold, as ensigns of great dignity, made him a grant of the high-priesthood, and of the honour to be called the king's friend. Demetrius hearing of this, and being resolved to outbid Alexander, made him still more advantageous offers: but the Jews, remembering what a bitter enemy he had been to all those that had adhered to the true interest of their


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The adverse party, however, was not long easy; but, at the end of two years, prevailed with Bacchides to return with his army into Judea, proposing to seize Jonathan, and all his abettors, as soon as he was arrived with his forces to support the enterprise; but when Jonathan had intelligence of this, he laid hold on fifty of the principal conspirators, and put them to death, which quelled all the rest. Being sensible, however, that he could not stand against so great a force as Bacchides had brought against him, he retired to Beth-country, and suspecting that these offers proceeded only basi, a place strongly situate in the wilderness, and here he purposed to make a stand against the enemy.


from the necessity of his affairs, which would certainly be revoked as soon as the storm was blown over, resolved rather to enter into league with Alexander: and therefore Jonathan,d accepting of his grant of the high priest's

Bacchides, as soon as he arrived in Judea, went after Jonathan; but, upon his approach, Jonathan left Simon his brother with one part of the forces to defend the place, whilst himself, with the other part, took the field 31 Mac. x. 25, &c.; Joseph. Antiq. b. 13. c. 4. to harass the enemy abroad: in which capacities they Ibid. x. 15-20. Joseph. Antiq. b. 13. c. 5. both acted so well, Jonathan, by cutting off several of $ 1 Mac. x. 25, &c.; Joseph, Antiq. b. 13, c. 5. their parties, and now and then falling upon the out- Timarchus, another favourite of the king's, was governer of it; skirts of their army employed in the siege; and Simon, found guilty of great misdemeanours, for which Timarchus was but on the coming of Demetrius to the crown, they were both by making frequent sallies upon them, and burning the put to death; but Heraclides made his escape out of the kingengines they had brought against the place; that Bac-dom, and took up his residence at Rhodes. While he was there, chides, growing weary of this undertaking, and not a little enraged at those who were the occasion of his return and disgrace, put several of them to death. This opportunity Jonathan laid hold on, and therefore sent messengers to him, to desire an accommodation, which Bacchides readily came into, so that a peace was concluded. The prisoners whom he had in his custody were all restored, and himself took an oath, never to molested him how to act his part, he carried him to Rome, where, by the Jews any more: which accordingly he fulfilled; for as soon as the peace was ratified on both sides he went away, and never more returned into the country.

Demetrius, having given himself up entirely to luxury and sloth, so neglected the affairs of government, that his subjects justly took a disgust against him, and were ready to enter into any conspiracy to depose him; which Heraclides understanding, in hopes of making a revolution in favour of himself, he contriv ed this plot. In the isle of Rhodes there was a youth of a very mean and obscure condition, called Balas, but, in other respects, every way fit for his purpose. Him he prevailed with to pass for the son of Antiochus Epiphanes; and having thoroughly instruct

his craft and earnest solicitations, he not only prevailed with the permitting him to recover the kingdom of Syria out of the hands senate to own him, but procured a decree from them likewise, of Demetrius, and promising their assistance in doing it. By virtue of this decree he raised forces, and with them sailing to Ptolemais in Palestine, seized that city; and there, by the name king of Syria. Great numbers, out of disaffection to Demetrius, of Alexander, son of Antiochus Epiphanes, took upon him to be flocked to him; so that, at length, Demetrius being defeated and slain, Alexander obtained the full possession of the Syrian em

When the wars were thus happily ended, Jonathan retired to Michmash, a town about nine miles' distance to the north of Jerusalem, where he governed the people according to law; cut off all those that had apostatised from him; and, as far as in him lay, reformed all abuses, both in church and state; repairing the city of Jerusa-pire. Prideaux's Connection, anno 152. lem; fortifying it on every side, and causing the wall round the mount of the temple, which had been pulled down, to be rebuilt.

At this time Alexander, (for that was the name which he assumed,) pretending to be the son of Antiochus Epiphanes, laid claim to the Syrian monarchy; and being

11 Mac. ix. c. 59-61.

21 Mac. ix. 69-73; Joseph. Antiq. b. 12, c. 1, and 2. a It is most likely, that Demetrius had, by this time, received the letters which were sent to him by the Romans in behalf of the Jews, and thereupon gave Bacchides orders to surcease his vexations of that people; and that, in obedience to these orders, Bacchides took occasion, on the death of Alcimus, to leave the country.-Prideaux's Connection, anno 160.

In the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, one Heraclides was his treasurer in the province of Babylon, while his brother

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this effect: King Alexander, to his brother Jonathan, &c. c The letter which he sent him, together with these, is to Being informed of your power and valour, and that you are worthy of friendship, we constitute you high priest of your nation, and it is our pleasure that you should be enrolled in the number robe, and a golden crown, not doubting of a suitable retura of the king's friends. To this end we have sent you a purple from you, for our affection and friendship.'-Joseph. Antiq. b.

13. c. 5.

d From the time of the return from the Babylonish captivity, the office of high priest had been in the family of Jozadach. and, in a lineal descent, was transmitted down to Ónias, the third of that name. He was supplanted by Jason his brother, as Jason was by his brother Menelaus, and after the death of Menelaes, Alcimus, who was of a different family, was put into the office by the command of the king of Syria. Whether the Asmoneans were of the race of Jozadack, or not, it is no where said; but it is certain that they were of the course of Joarib, (1 Mar. ii. 1', which was the first class of the sons Aaron; and therefore, upon the failure of the former pontifical family, they had the best night

A. M. 3841. A.C. 163; OR, ACCORDING TO HALES, A. M. 5247. A.C. 164. 1 MAC.v.1.JOS. HIST. b. xii.c.14-END OF MAC.JOS. HIST.b.xiii,c.19.

office, did, on the feast of tabernacles, which soon ensued, put on the pontifical robe, and officiate as high priest, after that the place, from the death of Alcimus, had been vacant seven years.

the governor of Cœlo-Syria, who, to oblige Jonathan to quit Alexander's party, and join with Demetrius,3 marched an army as far as Jamnia, and from thence sent a challenge to Jonathan to leave his fastnesses on the mountains, and come and fight him on the plains.

Provoked at this message, Jonathan marched out with ten thousand men. He first took Joppa, in the sight of Apollonius and his army, and then joining battle, not only vanquished him in the open field, but pursued his broken forces to Azotus. Here was a famous temple of the god Dagon, unto which the Syrians fled for shelter; but Jonathan entering the town, burnt it to the ground, and set the temple on fire; so that the number of those who were slain in battle, and perished by the flames, amounted to no less than eight thousand men. After this, having treated the neighbouring towns, that belong

In the mean time, the two contending kings having drawn together all their forces, committed the determination of their cause to a decisive battle, in which Demetrius a being defeated and slain, and Alexander, by this victory, made master of the whole Syrian empire, 'he sent to Ptolemy king of Egypt, demanding his daughter Cleopatra in marriage. To this marriage (which was performed at Ptolemais) Jonathan the high priest was invited, and was received by both the kings (for Ptolemy was likewise at the nuptials) with great favour, especially by Ptolemy, who, to do him a particular honour, caused him to be clothed in purple, and to take place near himself, among the first princes of his king-ed to the enemy, in the like manner, he led his victorious dom; and, besides making him general of all his forces in Judea, gave him an office of great credit and renown in his palace.

But Alexander himself did not long enjoy this prosperous state. Demetrius, the son of the late Demetrius, resolving to revenge his father's death, and recover his kingdom, came from Crete, (where he and his brother Antiochus had been concealed in the late troubles,) and with an army of mercenaries, landed in Cilicia. It was not long before he gained over to his interest Apollonius e

11 Mac. x. 54; Joseph. Antiq. b. 13. c. 7. 21 Mac. x. 67; Joseph. Antiq. b. 13. c. 8; Justin, b. 35. c. 2. to succeed. With this right it was, that Jonathan took the office: and in his family it became settled, and continued for inheritance, changed it into that of arbitrary will and pleasure. Whoever had the power after him, put the high priests in or out, as they thought fit, till at length the office was extinguished by the destruction of the temple by the Romans.- Prideaux's

several descents, until the time of Herod, who, from an office of

Connection, anno 253.

a In the first ouset, Demetrius's left wing put the opposite wing of the enemy to flight; but as he pursued them too far, (a fault in war which has lost many victories,) by the time that they came back, the right wing, in which Demetrius fought in person, was overborne, and he slain in the rout: for his horse having plunged him into a bog, they who pursued him shot at him there with their arrows, till he died.-Joseph. Antiq. b. 13. c. 5; Justin, b. 35. c 1 Apion, de Syriacis; and Polybius, b. 3.

b The word meridarches, which we translate a duke, Grotius, in his commentary on 1 Mac. x. 65, makes to be the chief sewer, which, even in the German empire, is an office that one of the electors bears: but, in his commentary on Matth. xix. 28., he makes it denote the governor of a province: and if, in this place, it were so taken, it would better become Jonathan, one would think, to be made governor of some part of the Syrian empire, than to be the regulator of the dishes at the royal table. Prideaux's Connection, anno 150.


army back to Jerusalem, loaded with spoils; whither he had not been long come, before Alexander, hearing of his renowned actions in favour of his cause, ' sent him adbuckle of gold, such as none but the royal family were allowed to wear, and, at the same time, made him a present of the city of Ekron, and all the territories thereunto belonging.

"When Apollonius, governor of Cœlo-Syria, had declared for Demetrius, Alexander called in his fatherin-law, Ptolemy Philometer, to his assistance. He marched into Palestine with a great army; and as he passed, in all the cities (which, by Alexander's orders, opened their gates to him) he left a good number of his own soldiers to strengthen the garrisons. But, whether or not this might give some umbrage to Alexander, 80 it was, that Ptolemy discovered a design, which Ammonius, Alexander's great favourite, had formed, to have him cut off at his coming to Ptolemais; and upon his demanding justice to be done to the traitor, by Alexander's refusing to give him up, he plainly perceived that the king was a party to the treason, and thence began to harbour an implacable hatred against him.

He therefore marched his army to Antioch; and, hav

31 Mac. x. 9-77; Joseph. Antiq. b. 13. c. 8.
4 1 Mac. x. 88, 89.

5 1 Mac. xi. 1-5; Joseph. Antiq. b. 13. c. 8.
under Seleucus Philopater; and this I take to be the same Apol-
lonius, who, being continued in the same government by Alex-
ander, now revolted from him, to embrace the interest of
Demetrius, the son of his old master, and to engage Jonathan to
do the like, marched his forces against him. Another Apollonius
is spoken of, (2 Mac. iv. 21,) as the chief minister of Antiochus
Epiphanes, who from him was sent as ambassador, first to Rome
and afterwards to Ptolemy Philometer, king of Egypt; and him
I take to be the same, that, with a detachment of two and
twenty thousand men, was sent to destroy Jerusalem, and
build a fortress on Mount Acra. There are, besides these, two
other persons, in the history of the Maccabees, mentioned under
the name of Apollonius. The former of these, being governor
of Samaria in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, (1 Mac. iii.
10,) was slain in battle by Judas Maccabæus; and the latter
(who is called the son of Genneus,) (2 Mac. xii. 2,) being go-
vernor of some toparchy in Palestine, under Antiochus Eupater,
did then signalize himself by being a great enemy to the Jews.

e Apollonius was a common name among the Syro-Macedonians and Greeks; and in the history of the Maccabees we find so many mentioned of that name, that, for the prevention of mistakes, it may not be improper to give some account of the several persons who bore it. The first that we meet with of that name, is Apollonius, the son of Thraseas, (2 Mac. iii. 5,) who was governor of Colo-Syria and Phoenicia, under Seleucus Philopater, when Heliodorus came to Jerusalem, to rob the temple. He was chief minister of state to Seleucus; but, on the accession of his brother Antiochus Epiphanes to the crown, he left Syria, and retired to Miletus. He had a son of his own name, that-Prideaux's Connection, anno 148. was bred up at Rome, and resided with Demetrius, the son of Seleucus Philopater, who was then an hostage in that place. When Demetrius recovered the crown of Syria, this Apollonius became his prime favourite, and was made governor of ColoSyria and Phoenicia, the same government which his father held

d The golden buckle, which was worn upon the shoulder, was a very singular mark of distinction both among the Greeks and the Persians, from whom the Macedonians took it, and was generally made the reward of great and gallant actions in war, -Calmet's Commentary on 1 Mac. x. 89.

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