The Twenty-eight Fundamentals: Apostasy Proclaimed in Silence |
Our First Church Manual | 13 |
The Period 18831932 | 20 |
7 | 29 |
9 | 37 |
Attendance in the Twentyeight Fundamentals | 43 |
12 | 49 |
The New Fundamental Adopted | 57 |
17 | 64 |
Paralleling the Fundamentals The Baptismal Vows | 86 |
21 | 92 |
22 | 100 |
25 | 116 |
26 | 124 |
27 | 132 |
29 | 147 |
Inspiration is Unalterable | 159 |
Common terms and phrases
accept adopted Adventism Adventist Review alterations Alternative Baptismal Vows alternative vows Andrews University angels apostasy Australia authored by Colin Avondale College believe Bible Biblical Research Committee Biblical Research Institute Business Session Chairman Christian Church Manual Committee church members church organisation Conference President Conference Session creed declared delegates denominational Desmond Ford doctrine document Dr Johnsson Elder Folkenberg Elder Robert error Evangelical faith Fundamental Beliefs God's Church Hartland Hartland Institute hath heaven hoc committee Holy Spirit Ibid inspired Investigative Judgment issue John July Lake Region Conference live Lord matter ministers ministry Mission motion Nominating Committee omission present Professor prophetic Revelation Review and Herald righteousness Roennfeldt Roman Catholic Russell Sabbath salvation sanctifies Satan Scripture Secretary Seventh-day Adventist Church sins Sister White South Pacific Division Spirit of Prophecy Statement of Fundamental teachings Testimonies theologians Theology tithes and offerings truth Twenty-eight Fundamentals Twenty-seven Fundamentals Union Conference unto voted