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they support the Protestant Ascendancy; and that we will faithfully support and maintain the Laws and Constitution of these Kingdoms.

2nd. That we will be true to all Orangemen in all just actions, neither wronging one, nor seeing him wronged to our knowledge, without acquainting him thereof.

3d. That we are not to see a Brother offended for sixpence, or one shilling, or more, if convenient, which must be returned next meeting if possible.

4th. We must not give the first assault to any person whatever, that may bring a Brother into trouble.

5th. We are not to carry away money, goods, or any thing from any person whatever, except arms and ammunition, and those only from an enemy.

6th. We are to appear in ten hours warning, or whatever time is required, if possible (provided it is not hurtful to ourselves or families, and that we are served with a lawful summons from the Master,) otherwise we are fined as the company think proper.

7th. No man can be made an Orangeman without the unanimous approbation of the body.

8th. An Orangeman is to keep a Brother's secrets as his own, unless in case of Murder, Treason, and Perjury; and that of his own free will.

9th. No Roman Catholic can be admitted on any account.

10th. Any Orangeman, who acts contrary to these Rules, shall be expelled, and the same reported to all the Lodges in the Kingdom and elsewhere.



Marksman's Obligation.

I, A. B. of my own free will and accord, in the Presence of Almighty God, do hereby most solemnly and sincerely Swear, that I will always conceal, and never will reveal either part or parts of what is now to be privately communicated to me, until I shall be duly authorised so to do by the proper authority of the Orange Institution; and that I will bear true allegiance to his Majesty, King George the Third, his Heirs and Successors, so long as he or they maintain the Protestant Ascendancy, the Constitution and Laws of these Kingdoms; and that I will keep this part of a Marksman from an Orangeman, as well as from the ignorant; and that I will not make a Man, until I become, and only whilst I shall be Master of an Orange Lodge; and that I will not make a Man, or be present at the making of a Man on the Road, or behind Hedges; and that I will be aiding and assisting to all true honest Orange Marksmen, as far as in my power lies, knowing him or them to be such; and that I will not wrong a Brother Marksman, or know him to be wronged of any thing of value, worth apprehending, but I will warn or apprize him thereof, if in my power it lies. All this I swear, with a firm resolution; So help me GoD, and keep me stedfast in this my Marksman's obligation.

General Rules for the Government of Orange


1st. That every Member of the Orange Institution, should undergo a new Election, whenever the Grand Lodge may think it expedient.

2nd. That each Lodge now existing, shall, on such occasion, elect by ballot five of its Members, that those five Members shall then proceed to re-admit, or reject the remaining Members


of such Lodge; and that each Member, as he shall be so re-admitted, shall become qualified to proceed with the said five original Members to the further re-election of others: but that, in the event of any Person's being discontinued as a Member of this Lodge, or wishing to become a member of another, he cannot be ballotted for in any other, without producing to the committee of such Lodge, a Certificate from his former Lodge, specifying the cause of such change; and that he is a fit and proper Person to be admitted, or continued an Orangeman.

3d. That each Lodge shall have a Master and Deputy Master, a Secretary and Deputy Secretary, and Treasurer, and five Committee Men; the Master to be appointed by the Lodge; the Deputy Master, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Treasurer, by the Master, with the approbation of his own Lodge; and the first Committee-man by the Master; the second by the first; and so on until the number of five be completed :--the Election to each of those Offices to take place on the first day of June, for one year from the first day of July; which Election, and every other Change or Alteration that may take place, shall be forthwith certified to the Grand Master of the County, or City, to be by him forwarded to the Grand Lodge.

4th. The Master, Deputy Master, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, and the five Committee Men, upon their appointment, shall take the following Obligations:

M.; D.; M.; S.; T.; and C. Mens' Obligation.

I, A. B. do solemnly and sincerely Swear, that I was not, nor am not a Roman Catholic or Papist; that I was not, am not, nor ever will be an United Irishman; and that I never took the Oath of Seeresy to that, or any other Treasonable Society.


For the Master, and Deputy Master, add

That I am not now made a Master for any private Emolument, or Advantage; that I have not a Sitting in my House for the purpose of selling Beer, Spirits, or any other Liquor; that I will not knowingly admit, or consent any person for me shall admit any one into the Society of Orangemen, who was, or is a Papist, or has been an United Irishman, or has taken their Oath of Secresy: that I will use my authority to keep proper Behaviour and Sobriety in this Lodge; and that I will not Certify for any person, without having first proved him, and being satisfied in my conscience that he is a person of good character.


For the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, add

And that I will, to the utmost of my power, keep safe the Papers belonging to the Lodge; and that I will not give any copy of the Secret Articles, or lend them to make an Orangeman out of the Lodge I belong to; or lend the Seal, so that it may be affixed to any forged paper, or irregular Orangeman's Certificate.

For the Treasurer, add

And that I will fairly account for all money I have, or may receive for the use of this Lodge, when called upon by the Master of this Lodge.


For the Committee Men, add

And that whenever I may be called upon to act in the absence of the Master and Deputy Master, I will not know


ingly admit any one into the Society of Orangemen, who was, or is a Papist, or has been an United Irishman; or has taken their Oath of Secrecy; and that I will use my authority to keep proper behaviour and sobriety in this Lodge.


5th. That the affairs of each Lodge be conducted by the Master, Deputy Master, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, and the five Committee Men.

6th. That in the absence of the Master, the Deputy Master shall preside, and, in his absence, the senior Committee Man, who shall be present; but that no other person whatever shai! have the power of making an Orangeman.

7th. That each Candidate for admission, shall in future be certified to be eighteen years of age; and that he shall be proposed by one, and seconded by another member at one meeting; and admitted, or rejected at a subsequent one: but no ballot can take place, unless the person proposing, or seconding, be present.

8th. That one negative shall exclude.

9th. That any person, wishing to become an Orangeman must be admitted in the Lodge nearest his place of abode (except in cities or great towns,) or have a reccommendation from that Lodge, that he is a proper person, before any other Lodge can accept him.

10th. That the names of persons withdrawn and rejected in, or expelled from any Lodge, shall be forthwith sent by the Masters, or Secretary, to the District Master, with the objections to such persons; in order that the District Master may communicate the same to other Lodges; as those, who are unfit for one Lodge, must be so for every other.

11th. That each Member on admisssion, shall pay

12th. That

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