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Governor, and fo after I have bin made the object of their fcorn and derifion, and fpit on and ignominioufly fcourg'd, I fhall breath my laft upon a Crofs, but on the third day fhall rife again.

Notwithstanding Jefus had more than once foretold what should happen to him, and now again declar'd it to them in exprefs terms, yet the Apoftles could not conceive how the Meffiah, the great Deliverer of the Jews, should be put to death, and rife again; a Doctrine they never heard a fyllable of from the Doctors of the Law and their prejudices concerning the Terreftrial Monarchy of the Meah were the occafion of that controverfy between the Sons of Zebedee which happen'd in this journy. For as they were on the road in the retinue that accompanied Fefus, they perfuaded their Mother to fall down at his feet, and intreat a Boon of him. Being ask'd by Jefus what her request was, fhe anfwer'd, the defir'd he would grant her two Sons the privilege of fitting on each fide of his Throne, meaning, that he would prefer them to the greatest places of dignity in that Kingdom, which


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39 And they faid unto him, We can.

And Jefus faid unto them, Ye fhall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptifm that Í am baptized withal fhall ye be baptized:

40 But to fit on my right hand and on my left hand, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared.

41 And when the ten heard it, they began to be much difpleased with James and John.

42 But Jefus called them to him, and faith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles, exercise lordship over

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they expected he was going to establish among them. Jefus addreffing himself to them, You know not, faid he, what you defire, who thus dream of a Terreftrial Empire: Can you drink of the Cup that I muft drink out of, and be baptized with the fame Baptifm that I fhall be baptiz'd with? (which words were a defignation of the Sufferings he was to undergo) They replied, they did not refufe to fuffer any thing, provided they might obtain what they fued for. Then faid Jefus, You fhall indeed endure afflictions like to mine; but as for fitting on my right hand or on my left, I am not to difpofe of it any otherwife than as my Father has predetermin'd.

The reft of the Apoft les obferving this Ambition of the two Brethren, were much difpleas'd at it. On which Jefus calling 'em all to him, thus befpake them: Kings and, Princes among the Heathens tyrannize over their Subjects with an arbitrary Swa



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and the Grandees domineer over and brow-beat their Inferiors. But the cafe fhall be quite otherwife with you; for he that would excel others, muft know, that the way to it is to make himfelf as generally useful as he can, to neglect his own Interest rather than not advance the Welfare of others; and thus the true means to obtain a priority over others, is to become the Servant of all: fo far muft he be from any ambitious hopes of lording it over his Fellow-Creatures. Set me before your eyes, who declare to you that I am come into the World for the general good of Mankind, not expecting any fervile Devoirs from them; fo far from it, that 1 flaй offer up my Life to redeem them from the Slavery they are in.

Jefus being not far from Jericho, attended with his Apostles and a great multitude belide, two blind men met him, the one a noted Beggar, the Son of Timaus, call'd in the Hebrew Language Bartimeus. Thefe were laid near the Road, and beg'd Alms of the Paffengers and hearing now a greater noise than ufual, they inquir'd





cried out, faying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou fon of


31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more,

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on me.

on me.

48 And many charg- 39 And they which ed him that he fhould went before, rebuked hold his peace: but he him, that he should cried the more a great hold his peace: but deal, Thou fon of Da- he cried fo much the faying, Have mercy vid, have mercy on more, Thou son of on us, O Lord, thou me. fon of David.

32 And Jefus ftood ftill, and called them,

and faid, What will ye that I fhall do unto you?

33 They fay unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened.

34 So Jefus had compaffion on them,

David, have mercy

on me.

49 And Jefus ftood
40 And Jefus flood
ftill, and commanded and commanded him
him to be called: and to be brought to him:
they call the blind

man, faying unto him,
Be of good comfort,
rife, he calleth thee.

50 And he cafting
away his garment, rofe,
and came to Jefus.

51 And Jefus an- and when he was come
fwered and faid unto near, he asked him,
him, What wilt thou 41 Saying, what
that I fhould do unto wilt thou that I shall
thee? The blind man do unto thee? And he
faid unto him, Lord, faid, Lord, that I may
that I might receive receive my fight.
my fight.


into the occafion of it, and were told that Jefus of Nazareth paffed by: upon which they cried aloud, O fefus, defcended from King David, have compaffion on us. Being thus clamorous and troublefom to the people that paffed by, they rebuked them for it, but the blind men reiterated their Cries, and vehemently urg'd him to pity their cafe. When therefore he was come to the place where they fat, he order'd them to be brought to him; of which being inform'd by others, and likewife exhorted to be of good comfort on that account, the Son of Timeus,that he might come the fooner to him, let fall his upper Garment. Jefus asked them what they defired of him, who answer'd, that they might recover their fight. Then taking

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52 And Jefus faid unto him, Go thy way, thy faith hath made

thee whole.

42 And Jefus faid
unto him, Receive
thy fight thy faith
hath faved thee.
And immediately 43 And immediately
he received his fight, he received his fight,
and followed Jefus in and followed him,

the way.

glorifying God:

and all the people
when they faw it, gave
praise to God.

ND Jesus en-

'A`tred and paffed

through Jericho.

2 And behold, there was a man named Zaccheus, which was the chief among the Publicans, and he was rich.

3 And he fought to fee Jefus who he was, and could not for the prefs, because he was little of ftature.

4 And he ran before and climbed up into a fycomore-tree to fee him; for he was to país that way.

pity of them, he touched their eyes, and commanded them to go away with a full affurance that they fhould be curd by reafon of the Faith they had in him. Jefus had no fooner made an end, but they recovered their fight in an inftant, and followed him, giving thanks to God for the great benefit he had confer'd upon them. Upon this, the whole Multitude who had bin Eye-witneffes of the Miracle, join'd with them in praifing and glorifying God.

As Jefus pafs'd thro Jericho, Zaccheus an Overfeer of the Publicans of thofe parts, a very wealthy man, an Inhabitant of that City, being greatly defirous of feeing Jefus, and unable to fatisfy his curiofity by reafon of the Crowd, and his being low of ftature, ran before the company, and climbed up a Sycamore-tree planted by the road's fide, that from thence he might get a fight of him as he paffed Eee 2


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