MATTHEW. MARK. LUKE. Јони CHA P. IV. 13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the fea-coaft, in the borders of Zabulon, and Nephthalim : 14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Efaias the prophet, faying, 15 The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the fea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Geniles : 16 The people which fat in darkness, faw great light: and to them which fat in the region and shadow of death, light is fprung up. ! CHAP. XV. Jefus dwells at Capernaum. He inftructs the Galileans, and inculcates the neceffity of Repentance, by reafon of the Speedy coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. He cures one poffefs'd with a Dæmon, as also Peter's Mother-in-law, who was fick of a Fever, with both there and in other parts of Galilee; and forbids the Dæmons to many others own him as the Chrift. He makes choice of Peter, Andrew, James, and John, to attend him conftantly; and continues to preach the Gofpel, and heal the Sick throughout the whole Country of Galilee. JE ESUS having again left Nazareth, dwelt at Capernaum a place fituated on the Confines of the Tribes of Zabulon and Nephthalim,near the Lake of Gennefareth; in which City he continued longer than he had done at any other: So that what was formerly faid by the Prophet Ifaiah upon another occafion concerning this place, may be more truly applied to it on this account: ch.9.1,2. The Land of Zabulon,and the Land of Nephthalim,by the way of the Sea beyond Jordan,in Galilee of the Nations. The People that walked in Darkness have feen a great Light: They that dwell in the Land of the shadow of Death, upon them bath the Light Shined. For the divine Light of M Chrift's Chrift's Doctrine expel'd the Ignorance of many of the Galileans, it being cufto mary for him to go into the Synagogue every Sabbath-day, and inftruct the People, who were ravifh'd with admiration of his Doctrine: for he did not preach to them after the manner of the Dotors of the Law, who profels'd to have had all their Knowledg handed down to 'em from their Ancestors, and fupported what they faid with their Authority; but he taught them as one endued with Divine Power, and every thing he faid feem'd to have been reveal d unto him immediatly by God himself, From this time, John being detain'd in prifon, Jefus began to urge the neceflity of Repentance among the Jews with greater vehemency, and plainly to declare upto 'em that the heavenly Kingdom of the Meah was at hand. At a certain time, being in the Synagogue at Capernaum, they brought unto him one poffefs'd with an evil Spirit, who making ufe of the Man's Organs, cried aloud: Depart from us, what have we to do with thee, O Jefus of Nazareth? art thou come. come to deftroy us? We know thee well enough to be that holy perfon God. has promis'd to fend to fet the Jews free. But Jefus not ftanding in need of any fuch Suffrage, and not being willing to have that Truth as yet divulg'd among the Jews, commanded the evil Spirit to be filent, and leave the Man. The Damon obey'd, but with a terrible Outcry, and after having tormented him with ftrange convulfions, tho without doing him any further harm. All were immediatly ftruck with aftonifhment at the Miracle, inquiring of one another what this new Doctrine of Jefus was, fo eminently confirm'd by God himfelf, who had given him fo great Power over the evil Spirits, that he only commanded 'em to depart, and they obey'd. In this manner his Fame was spread abroad round all the neighbouring Countries. There liv'd at that time in Capernaum four Fishermen who were Partners, Peter, Andrew, James, and John, all together in one Houfe, where Peter's Mother-in-law was then fick of a Fever. Peter and Andrew being now both known to Jefus, they brought him directly to their Houfe from the Synagogue, and defir'd him to cure her. Jefus complied with them, and found the Woman, as they had told him, fick and in bed, but coming to the bed's fide, he commanded the Fever to leave her, and taking her by the hand, bid her raife her felf: the immediatly perceiving her felf cur'd, rofe accordingly, and having recover'd all her former Strength, admi-. niftred to Jefus, and the reft, whatever they had occafion for. After the Sun was fet, there was a Concourfe of People from all parts of the City, who brought thofe that were fick of any manner of Difeafe, and fuch as were. were poffefs'd, and laid 'em before the Door of the House where Jefus was, who cur'd 'em all feverally, laying his Hands upon them. Now the Demons, who knew what Office he was invefted with by God, making ufe of the Organs of thofe that were poffefs'd by 'em, loudly proclaim'd him to be the Meah, or Son of God; but he having feverely check'd them, commanded 'em to be filent. By thefe Cures that Prophecy of Ifaiah, ch. 53. 4. He hath born our Griefs, and carry'd our Sorrows, may be faid to be in a manner fulfil'd, inas-much as out of compaffion to the Sick he freed 'em from their Diftempers. Early the next morning before break of day, he went out of Capernaum, and retir'd into a folitary place, that he might worship God without difturbance from the importunity of the Crowd that flock'd to him from all parts of the City. But Peter and his Companions, together with a promifcuous Multitude, follow'd after him; and having found him, they complained to him of his having withdrawn |