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" And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my Son. "
The harmony of the Evangelists, with a paraphrase, with dissertations by J ... - Page 30
by Jean Le Clerc - 1701
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A Paraphrase on the Gospel of St. Matthew

Samuel Clarke - Bible - 1701 - 416 pages
...young child and his mother by riight,and departed into Egypt: i ^ And was there until the death pf Herod : that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken of the Lord by the prophet, faying, Out of Egypt Egypt have^T called iny /on. ' in 1 6 1 Then Herod, when he faw that he was mocked of the wife men,was...
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The History of the Old and New Testament Attempted in Verse: And Adorn'd ...

Samuel Wesley - Bible - 1701 - 368 pages
...for Herod wiU feek, the young Child to dcjiroy him. 1 4. When be arofe, he tool^ the young Child ani his Mother by night, and departed into Egypt, 15. And was there until the death of Herod r that it might be fulfilled which was ffoken of the Lord by the Prop htt, faying, Out of Egypt have...
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The history of our Saviour ... in the words of the Scripture, with notes [by ...

John Locke - 1721 - 334 pages
...his name (b) Jefus ,: for he Jhall fave his People from their Sins. (Now all this was done that 22. it might be fulfilled which was fpoken of the Lord by the prophet [Ifai. VII. 14.] faying , Behold a virgin Jhall be with 23child, and Jhall bring forth a fan, and they...
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New Memoirs of Literature,: Containing an Account of New Books Printed Both ...

Michel de La Roche - Bibliography - 1725 - 488 pages
...prophecy of his birth. St. Matthew, obferving the wonderful birth of the Meffias, fays : All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken of the Lord by the Prophet. But he meant no more than an accommodation of the words of the Prophet to the cafe in hand : or, as...
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A brief exposition of the Apostles creed, according to bishop Pearson, in a ...

Basil Kennett - 1726 - 218 pages
...Evangelical Hiftory muft therefore affure us of the Complerion of this Prophefy j All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken of the Lord by the Prophet, faying, Behold, a Virgin jhall conceive, &c *. (r) Tho' we find not this recorded in Scripture, as not having...
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Sermons on the Following Subjects ...

Samuel Clarke - Sermons, English - 1730 - 434 pages
...The miraculous Birth of CHRIST, [Preached on Chrifttnas-Day] MATT. i. 22, 23. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken of the Lord by the Prophet, faying; Behold, a Virgin jhall be with Child, and jh all bring forth a Son, and they jh all call his Name Emmanuel,...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volume 2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...from two Years old and under, according to the Time which he had diligently inquired of the wife Men. 15. And was there until the Death of Herod: That it...the Prophet, faying, Out of Egypt have I called my Son. 18. In Rama was there a Voice heard, Lamentation and Weeping, and great Mourning, Rachel weeping...
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The History of the Works of the Learned ..., Volume 7

Bibliography - 1740 - 480 pages
...Egypt •, St, Matthew ufes the fame concerning Jefus, and fays, that Jefus con1 tinued in Egypt till the Death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken of the Lord by the Prophet, &c. Matt. ii. 15. But this, our Author evinces, is nothing to the Purpofc of thofe whom he is anfwering:...
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The New Testament, with references. To which are added, the ..., Volume 1

Francis Fox - 1748 - 636 pages
...14. Whenhearoie, he took the young child and his mother by night, and (i) departed into Egypt : 1 5. And was there until the Death of Herod: that it might..."the Prophet, faying, Out of Egypt "have (I called my Son. 16. Then Herod, when he iaw that he was mocked of the wile men, was exceeding wroth, and fent...
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The Church catechism explain'd, by way of question and answer; and confirmed ...

John Lewis - 1751 - 144 pages
...How do you prove that Chrift was born of a Virgin ? A. From Matt.'i. 22, 23. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken of the Lord by the prophet, faying, Behold, a virgin Jhall be with child, and Jhall hring forth a fan. ^. Why was Chrift conceived by the...
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