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In Hookah.

Verse 10.-Gools. Round balls formed of rice and charcoal, made

up very hard, and used above th tobacco to keep it


13.-Chillum. The name given to the preparation used for

the hookah. Those who are epicures in smoking, go

to great expense in preparing chillums. Tobacco,

rose-water, spices, almonds, &c. are used.

THEE, THEE, ONLY THEE! [From the 8th number of Moore's Melodies.]

The dawning of morn, the daylight's sinking,
The night's long hours still find me thinking
Of thee, thee, only thee,
When friends are met, and goblet's crowned,
And smiles are near that once enchanted,
Unreach'd by all that sunshine round,
My soul, like some dark spot, is haunted
By thee, thee, only thee.
Whatever in fame's high path could waken
My spirit once, is now forsaken,

For thee, thee, only thee.
Like shores, by which some headlong bark
To the ocean hurries, resting never;
Life's scenes go by me, bright or dark,
I know not, heed not, hastening ever
To thee, thee, only thee.

I have not a joy but of thy bringing,
And pain itself seems sweet, when springing
From thee, thee, only thee.
Like spells that nought on earth can break,
"Till lips, that know the charm, have spoken,
This heart, howe'er the world may wake
Its grief, its scorn, can but be broken
By thee, thee, only thee!


There is a gem more pearly bright,

More dear to Mercy's eye,

Than love's sweet star, whose mellow light
First cheers the evening sky;

A liquid pearl that glitters where
No sorrows now intrude;

A richer gem than monarchs wear,
The tear of gratitude.

But ne'er shall narrow love of self,
Invite this tribute forth;

Nor can the sordid slave of pelf
Appreciate its worth;

But ye, who soothe the widow's woe,
And give the orphan food,

For you this liquid pearl shall flow,
The tear of gratitude.

Ye, who but slake an infant's thirst
In Heavenly Mercy's name,

Or proffer Penury a crust,

The sweet reward may claim: "Then while you rove life's sunny banks, "With sweetest flow'rets strewed, "Still may you claim the widow's thanks, "The orphan's gratitude.”


Captain Parry's account of the late Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, has just been published. We present our readers with the following interesting facts connected with the arrival of the vessels in in the Polar Sea, and of the manners and customs of some of the inhabitants of those regions

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On the 1st of August Captain Parry entered Lan caster's Sound, which has obtained much celebrity from the very opposite opinions which have beca held with regard to it. To him it was particularly interesting, as being the point to which his instruc tions more particularly directed his attention. On the 2nd, they sounded with the deep-sea clamms, and found 1050 fathoms by the line; but as, where the soundings exceed five or six bundred fathomt, there is some uncertainty, Captain Parry supposts the actual depth to have been from eight to name hundred fathoms. Sir George Hope's Monument, which had been thought an island in the former voyage, was now discovered to be a dark-looking and conspicuous hill on the main land. On the 300), the Hecla had gained somewhat on the Griper, and was in lat. 74 deg. 25 min. 31 sec.; long, 80 deg.

64 min. 30 sec.

On the following day they came near two iniet, in lat. 74 deg. 15 min. 53 sec. N.; long. 86 deg 20 min. 30 sec.; these they named Burnet's Inlet and Stratton Inlet. The cliffs on this part of the coast present a singular appearance, being stratified b zontally, and having a number of regular projec masses of rock, broad at the bottom, and com a point at the top, resembling so many butirats raised by art at equal intervals. Some islands, which the name of Prince Leopold was given, were also stratified horizontally, but without the battress like projections.

From the time that Captain Parry first entered Lancaster Sound, the sluggishness of the compasses, as well as the amount of their irregularity, had beru found to increase rapidly, though uniformly. The irregularity became more and more obvious as they advanced to the southward. By observation, found that when the true course of the Hecani about S. S. W. the binnacle and azimuth compasses at the same time agreed in showing N. N. W. making the variation to be allowed on that coarse eleven points aud a half westerly. It was evides' therefore, that a very material change had takra place in the dip or the variation, or in both the phenomena, which rendered it probable that were making a very near approach to the mag pole.

"We now, therefore,” says Captain Pary, “u nessed, for the first time, the curious phenome

summer buts of the Esquimaux, which had been
seen at Hare Island the preceding year. Attached
to each of them was a small circle, generally four
or five feet in diameter, which had probably been
the fire-place."

The whole encampment appeared to have been
deserted for several years; but very recent traces
of the rein-deer and the musk-ox were seen in many

of the directive power of the needle becoming so in diameter; the broad flat sides of the stones | ones received the proposal to descend somewhat reweak, as to be completely overcome by the attraction standing vertically, and the whole structure, if such luctantly, till they saw that their old companion of the ship; so that the needle might now be pro-it may be called, being exactly similar to that of the perly said to point to the north pole of the ship. It was only, however, in those compasses in which the lightness of the cards, and great delicacy in the suspension, had been particularly attended to, that even this degree of uniformity prevailed; for, in the heavier cards, the friction upon the points of suspension was much too great to, be overcome even by the ship's attraction, and they consequently re mained indifferently in any position in which they happened to be placed. For the purposes of navigation, therefore, the compasses were from this time no longer consulted; and, in a few days afterwards, the binnacles were removed as useless lumber, from the deck to the carpenter's store-room, where they remained during the rest of the season, the azimuth compass alone being kept on deck, for the purpose of watching any changes which might take place in the directive power of the needle: and the true courses and direction of the wind were in future noted in the log-book, as obtained to the nearest quarter-point, when the sun was visible, by the azimuth of that object and the apparent time."

On the 2d of September a star was seen, being the first that had been visible for more than two mouths. Two days afterwards, namely, on the 4th, at a quarter past nine, P. M. the ships crossed the meredian of 110 deg. west from Greenwich, in the latitude of 74 deg. 44 min. 20 sec. by which they were entitled to the reward of £5000. In order to commemorate the event, a bluff headland, which they had just passed, was called Bounty Cape. On the following day they dropped anchor, for the first time since quitting the English coast, in a roadstead, which was called the Bay of the Hecla and Griper, and the crews landed on the largest of a group of On the following day (the 8th of August) the islands, which was called Melville Island. "The directive power of the magnet seemed to be weaker ensigns and pendants", says Capt. Parry, "were than ever; for the North Pole of the needle, in hoisted as soon as we had anchored, and it created Captain Kater's steering compass, in which the in us no ordinary feelings of pleasure to see the friction is almost entirely removed by a thread sus-British flag waving, for the first time, in these pension, was observed to point steadily towards the regions, which had hitherto been considered beyond ship's head, in whatever direction the latter was the limits of the habitable part of the world.” placed. An accidental circumstance convinced Captain Parry that there was no current setting

was willing to show them the example, and they
then followed without fear. We had soon occasion
to remark that they were much better behaved
people than the Esquimaux who had visited our
ships in 1818, on the north eastern coast of Baffin's
By. Although we were much at a loss for an
interpreter, we had no great difficulty in making the
old man understand, by showing him an engraved
portrait of an Esquimaux, that Lieutenant Beechey
was desirous of making a similar drawing of him.
and sat for more than an hour with very tolerable
He was accordingly placed on a stool near the fire,
composure and steadiness, considering that a barter
for their clothes, spears, and whalebone, was going
on at the same time near him. He was indeed kept
quiet by the presents which were given him from
time to time; and when this failed, and he became
impatient to move, I endeavoured to remind him
that we wished him to keep his position, by placing
my hands before me, holding up my head, and as-
suming a grave and demure look. We now found
very good natured and obliging man; for, whenever
that the old gentleman was a mimic, as well as a
I did this, he always imitated me in such a manner
as to create considerable diversion among his own
people, as well as ours, and then very quietly kept
other three stood behind him bartering their com-
his seat. While he was sitting for his picture, the
modities with great honesty, but in a manner which
showed them to be no strangers to traffic. If, for
instance, a knife was offered for any article, they
would hesitate for a short time, till they saw we
were determined to give no higher price, and then at
once they consented to the exchange.
In this case,

as well as when any thing was presented to them,
they immediately licked it twice with their tongues;
after which, they seemed to consider the bargain sa-
tisfactorily concluded. The youngest of the party
very modestly kept behind the others; and before
he was observed to do so, missed several presents,

constantly in one direction. A small piece of wood ACCOUNT OF SOME ESQUIMAUX IN THE which his less diffident, though not importunate


[From the same.]

was picked up, which appeared to have been the end
of a boat's yard, and which caused sundry amusing
speculations among the gentlemen on board, who
felt rather mortified to think that a ship had been
"At six in the evening, being near the outermost
there before them; and that, therefore, they were
of the islands, with which we afterwards found this
not entitled to the honour of the first discovery. inlet to be studded, we observed four canoes pad-
A stop was suddenly put to this and other ingeniousdling towards the ship. They approached with
inductions, by the information of one of the seamen great confidence, and came alongside without the
least appearance of fear or suspicion. While pad-
who said that he dropped it out of his boat a fort-dling towards us, and indeed before we could plainly
night before.

The vessels continued their progress; and several bays, capes, and headlands were discovered, and received names by the voyagers. On the 22ud, they had a clear and extensive view to the northward, free from ice; and they now felt that they had actually entered the Polar Sea. The magnificent opening, through which their passage had been effected, from Baffin's Bay to a channel dignified with the uame of Wellington, was called Barrow's Straits, after the Secretary of the Admiralty.

perceive their canoes, they continued to vociferate loudly; but nothing like a song, nor even any articulate sound, which can be expressed by words, could be distinguished. Their canoes were taken on board by their own desire, plainly intimated by signs, and with their assistance, and they at once came up the side without hesitation. These people consisted of an old man, apparently much above sixty, and three younger, from nineteen to thirty years of age. As soon as they came on deck, their vociferations seemed to increase with their astonishment, and, I may add, their pleasure; for the reception they met with, seemed to create no less joy In latitude 75 deg. 3 min. 12 sec.; long. 103 deg, than surprise. Whenever they received a present, or were shown any thing which excited fresh admi44 min. 37 sec. an island was discovered, and Cap-ration, they expressed their delight by loud and tain Sabine, with two other officers, landed on it near the east point, which was called Cape Gillman. The gentlemen reported, on their return, that "the remains of Esquimaux habitatious were found in four different places. Six of these, which Capt. Sabine had an opportunity of examining, and which are situated on a level sandy bank, at the side of a small

ravine near the sea, are described by him as consisting of stones rudely placed in a circular or rather elliptical form, They were from seven to ten feet

companions had received. As the night closed in, they became desirous to depart; and they left us before dark, highly delighted with their visit.

"As I had purchased one of their canoes, a boat was sent to land its late owner, as only one person can sit in each. Mr. Palmer informed me, that in going on shore the canoes could beat our boat very much in rowing, whenever the Esquimaux chose to exert themselves, but they kept close to her the whole way. During the time they were on board, we had observed in them a great aptness for imitating certain of our words; and, while going on shore, they took a particular liking to the expression of Hurra, give way!' which they heard Mr. Palmer use to the boat's crew, and which they frequently imitated, to the great amusement of all parties.

"Being desirous of seeing more of these people, of whom the first interview had given us a favourable impression, I determined to lie-to during the night, and to take the ships higher up the inlet on the following day.

Mr. Bell came on board from the Friendship in the evening, and, after repeating his offers of assistance, communicated to us many events of a public nature, which could not but be extremely interesting to us, after a complete seclusion from the rest of the world for a period of 17 months. The temperature of the sea at the bottom, in 195 fathoms, was 314 deg. and at the depth of 76 repeated ejaculations, which they sometimes con- fathoms, 31 deg. 3m.; that of the surface water betinned till they were quite hoarse, and out of breathing 33 deg. and of the atmosphere, 32 deg. with the exertion. This noisy mode of expressing their satisfaction was accompanied by a jumping, which continued for a minute or more, according to the degree of the passion which excited it; and the bodily powers of the person who exercised it; the old man being rather too infirm, but still doing his utmost to go through the performance.

"After some time passed on deck, during which a few skins and ivory knives were bought from them, they were taken down into the cabin. The younger

night was succeeded by a breeze from the westward "The calm weather which prevailed during the on the morning of the 7th, of which advantage was immediately taken to beat up the inlet, which proved a very extensive one, and of which a particular chart is annexed. The sun did not break through the clouds till half-after seven, when the expected eclipse was found to have commenced, and I determined to land, with Captain Sabine, upon the nearest island, in order to observe the end of it, as well

as to obtain the other usual observations, together | fully steadied it alongside the rock, till he had safely
with angles for the survey, At ten minutes past
eight the sun became again obscured, and was not
visible till twenty minutes past nine, when we had
landed, and were prepared with our glasses, but
were disappointed, in finding that the eclipse was


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embarked, carried his own down, and contrived,
though with some difficulty, to get into it without
assistance. They seem to take especial care, in
launching their canoes, not to rub them against the
rocks, by placing one end gently in the water, and
holding the other up bigb, till it can be deposited
without risk of injury.


"As soon as we commenced rowing, the Esquimaux began to vociferate their newly-acquired expression of Hurra, give way!' which they continued at intervals, accompanied by the most goodhumoured merriment, as we crossed over to the main land. There being now a little sea, occasioned by a weather tide, we found that our boats could TO THE "BRIEF JOURNAL OF THE SIEGE easily beat their canoes in rowing, notwithstanding OF LATHOM HOUSE," their utmost endeavours to keep up with us.


Which appeared in three Numbers of our present
Volume; see pages 145, 153, and 169.
[Continued from pages 341, 347, 366, and 375 of our present

"Soon after we had landed, the old Esquimaux and one of his younger companions, paddled over from the main land, and joined us upon the island. They brought with them, as before, some pieces of whalebone and seal-skin dresses, which were soon disposed of, great care being taken by them not to produce more than one article at a time; returning to their canoes, which were at a little distance from our boat, after the purchase of each of their commodities, till their little stock was exhausted. Considering it desirable to keep up among them the ideas "The two Esquimaux tents, which we were now of fair and honest exchange, which they already going to visit, were situated just within a low point seemed to possess in no ordinary degree, I did not of land, forming the eastern side of the entrance to a permit them receive any thing as presents, till all considerable branch of the inlet, extending some their commodities bad been regularly bought. distance to the northward. The situation is warm While we were waiting to obtain the sun's meridian and pleasant, having a south-westerly aspect, and (9.) Blair does not merit this contemptuous men. altitude, they amused themselves in the most good-being in every respect well adapted for the conveni- tion. He was left, with a very inadequate force, at natured and cheerful manner with the boat's crew; ent residence of these poor people. We landed Wigan, whilst Lord Derby marched his best troops, and Lieutenant Hoppner, who, with Mr. Beverley, opposite the point, and walked over to the tents, with the exception of scanty garrisons, placed in the had joined us in the Griper's boat, took this oppor- sending our boats, accompanied by the two canoes, shire. Seaton immediately detached a party (anzious remote castles of Hornby and Thursland, into Yorktunity of making a drawing of the young man. It round the point to meet us. As soon as we came to recommend themselves to the Lord, yet not despise required, however, some show of authority, as well in sight of the tents, every living animal there, men, ing the more tangible benefits which the "plundragg" as some occasional rewards, to keep him quietly women, children, and dogs, were in motion; the lat- of a wealthy town might afford) against Wigan. År seated on the rock, for a time sufficient for this ter to the top of the hills out of our way, and the gier speaks of this town as impregnable; but the for purpose; the inclination they have to jump about, rest to meet us with loud and continued shouting; tifications (if gates, posts, and chains, in which the art when much pleased, rendered it a penalty of no the word pilletay (give me) being the only articulate dealt at that period, deserve the name) were not put trifling nature for them to sit still for half an hour sound we could distinguish amidst the general up. down until long after, in Tyldesley's time. When this together. To show their disposition to do us what roar. Besides the four men, whom we had already mighty triumph of the Parliament party is examined, little service was in their power, he afterwards em- seen, there were four women, one of whom being there will be found little cause for the irritation Halployed himself in sharpening the seamens' knives, about the same age as the old man, was probably his possessed themselves of the town for a few hours only, sall manifests. The Bolton soldiers appear to have which he did with great expertness on any flat wife; the others were about 30, 22, and 18 years and that after a severe conflict. The return of night smooth stone, returning each, as soon as finished, to of age. The first two of these, whom we supposed brought back the Royalists, who quietly took posses its proper owner, and then making signs for another, to be married to the two oldest of the young men, sion of what the enemy had spared. In June, 1654, which he sharpened and returned in the same way, had infants slung in a kind of bag at their backs, Alex. Blair was imprisoned at London, for assisting without any attempt, and apparently without the much in the same way as gypsies are accustomed to in Gerard's conspiracy, as also was Humphry Baggu smallest desire, to detain it. The old man was carry their children. There were also seven chil-ley, the person who attended Lord Derby at his exeextremely inquisitive, and directed his attention to dren, from twelve to three years of age, besides the cution; and whose affecting narrative of his Lord's last those things which appeared useful, rather than to two infants in arms, or rather behind the mothers' moments has been often published. those which were merely amusing. An instance of this backs; and the woman of thirty was with child. occurred on my ordering a tin canister of preserved "We began, as before, by buying whatever they meat to be opened for the boats' crews' dinner. The had to dispose of, giving in exchange knives, axes, old man was sitting on the rock, attentively watch-brass-kettles, needles, and other useful articles, and ing the operation, which was performed with an axe then added such presents as might be further serstruck by a mallet, when one of the men came up to viceable to them. From the first moment of our us with a looking-glass. I held it up to each of the arrival until we left them, or rather until we had Esquimaux, who had also seen one on the preceding nothing left to give, the females were particularly evening, and then gave it into each of their hands importunate with us, and 'pilletay' resounded from successively. The younger one was quite in raptures, the whole troop, wherever we went. They were exand literally jumped for joy for nearly a quarter of tremely anxious to obtain our buttons, apparently an hour; but the old man having had one smile at more on account of the ornament of the crown and his own queer face, immediately resumed his former anchor which they observed upon them, than from gravity, and returning me the glass, directed his any value they set upon their use; and several of whole attention to the opening of the canister; and these were cut off our jackets to please their fancy. when this was effected, he begged very hard for the When I first endeavoured to bargain for a sledge, mallet which had performed so useful an office, the persons I addressed gave me distinctly to underwithout expressing the least wish to partake of the stand by signs, that it was not their property, and meat, even when he saw us eating it with good pointed towards the woman who owned it; though appetites. Being prevailed on, however, to taste a my ignorance, in this respect, offered a good opporlittle of it with some biscuit, they did not seem at tunity of defrauding me, had they been so inclined, all to relish it, but ate a small quantity from an by receiving an equivalent for that which did not evident desire not to offend us, and then deposited belong to them: on the owner's coming forward, the rest safely in their canoes. They could not be the bargain was quickly concluded. The pikes persuaded to taste any rum, after once smelling it, which I gave in exchange underwent the usual even when much diluted with water. I do not know ceremony of licking, and the sledge was carried to whether it be a circumstance worthy of notice, that, our boat with the most perfect understanding on when a kaleidoscope, or a telescope was given them both sides. In another instance an axe was offered to look into, they immediately shut one eye, and one by some of the Griper's gentlemen, as the price of of them used the right, and the other the left eye. a dog, to which the woman who owned the animal consented. To show that we placed full confidence in them, the axe was given to her before the dog was caught, and she immediately went away, with a kind of halter, or harness of thongs, which they use for this purpose, and honestly brought one of the finest among them, though nothing would have been easier than to evade the performance of her

"In getting out of their canoes, as well as in them, great care is required to preserve the balance of these frail and unsteady coracles, and in this they generally assist each other. As we were leaving the island, and they were about to follow us, we lay on our oars to observe how they would manage this; and it was gratifying to see that the young man launched the canoe of his aged companion, and having care-contract."

(10.) Sir Thomas Tyldesley, a gentleman of an ancient Lancashire family, who, by his own brave actions, would have supplied the want of ancestry, had he been otherwise born. He is one of those cava liers whose deeds are more suited to the pages of remance than of history; and who, by their affection towards an unfortunate master, their dauntless courage, and chivalrous actions, have cast a halo over a cause which, of itself, has little to recommend it. Tyldesley is the Bayard of Lancashire, the Knight "sans per this gallant soldier, was placed, in 1679, about 2 quar sans reproche." A pillar, commemorating the fall of ter of a mile to the north of Wigan, in the hedge-ferce on the east side of Wigan Lane. This monument was defaced and removed, but has been lately replaced by an inscription on a brass plate fixed in a piece of stone. The following is the description of the ancient pillar, extracted from an anonymous correspondent to Adams's Chester Courant, for Tuesday, May 29, 1750:-"The pillar was of hewn stone, plain and quadrangular, rising from a projecting base, and on its top is the neck towards the west, has a vacancy of about 18 inches of a conick pedestal. A stone globe on the front of it, square, and 2 inches deep, which seemed to have crntained some inscribed marble, or flat stone, which had been injuriously carried off; yet the stone was left. Sometime ago I was passing that way, and to my no little surprise observed that this monument itself was taken down, and totally moved away, so that even its situation is not now to be discerned." The writer seems to have found the slab taken from the front of marble, and the letters had been gilt; he had some the monument in an alebouse hard by. It was of black difficulty in decyphering the following


A high act of gratitude erected this monument, and
conveighs the memory of Sir Thos. Tyldesley
to posterity,

who served King C. 1st, as Left. Col. at Edghill battell
after raised Regiments of horse foot and dragoons
and for the desperate storming of Burton upon Trent
over a bridge of 36 arches

Received the honour of Knighthood.

He after served in all the wars in great commands
Was Governor of Litchfield

and followed the fortunes of the Crown thro' the
3 kingdoms

formed on this subject than any other, I devote my
labour. It is strange and unaccountable, to see with
what unconcern, not to say contempt, this venerable
study is treated by the literary world. I once witnessed

would never compound with the rebels tho' strongly a striking instance of this fastidiousness: a worthy di


and on the 25 h Aust. 1650*

was here slain commanding as Major Genl. under the E. of Derby

to whom the grateful erector Alexr. Rigby Esqre was Cornet and when he was High Sh riff of the Co. of Lancaster anno 1679 placed this high obligation on the whole family of the Tyldesleys.

vine, noted for his classical acquirements, entered a sale room, where he expected to find an auction of books, but where the hammer was disposing of some valuable relics of antiquity in the shape of coins. The gentleman turned to the auctioneer, and inquired what he was knocking down? "A few lots of rare coins, Sir," was the answer. "Coins!" replied the other, with a face The family incurring this "high ob igation" are now expressive of more contempt than my pen can describe; no more; and perhaps, in the pages of Clarendon, a more enduring testimony to the merits of Tyldesley and taking from his pocket a halfpenny, he held it up, may be found, than on the column of the brave Rigby. and triumphantly exclaimed, "this is the coin for me, Alexander Rigby, of Lapton, near Poulton, in this Mr. Auctioneer; I'd rather have this than a halfpenny county, served the office of Sheriff, in the years 1677, of William the Conqueror!" But to proceed. The 1678, and again 1691. He does not appear to have been coins of the seven kings, from William the First to of the same families as the Preston Rigbies, He was taken prisoner at Wigan fight, and is, unquestionably, Henry the Third, are less frequently met with than those the person styled Lt. Col. Rigby, by Heath. Mr. of their successors: but they are barbarous in design, Rigby married the daughter of Sir Gibert Houghton. and rude in execution. We have not one English coin (11) Colonel Norris," the representative of the house of Norris, of Speke. He maintained the high of John extant; whether they have been all swept name his valiant ancestors had transmitted to him, away by the ravages of time, or whether none were especially in his defence of the town of Warrington. coined by this monarch, except in Ireland, has not been In the early part of April, 1643, a body of Seaton's determined. The coins of Henry the Third are not forces attacked Col. Norris, and met with a very unexpected repulse. Angier speaks with bitterness of uncommon; indeed, so many mints were instituted in the strange fortune that should give them Wigan, different parts of the kingdom, during the extended du"that was impregnable," and yet refuse them War-ration of this reign, that it would be strange were it rington, "that was easy." There are, however, seasons of the year when the otherwise open town of Warrington is not so accessible as the minister represents. Veni Warrington, profluentes Rivos ripas transeuntes. Spectans, multo satius ratus Mergi Terris quam in aquis, Vixi laute, Bibi loete,

Donec aquas signant metœ,

s3ys Barnaby Harrington, whose drunken journeys are often more useful than the peregrinations of soberer


otherwise. A penny may now be purchased for much
less than the value which it originally possessed; we
are told, that "four of them would buy a ram or sheep,
or provision for twenty horses, and a shilling would pur-
chase a pasture-fed ox, or provision for a hundred






SIR,-I do not know whether I am more offended or amused at the epistle in your last Kaleidoscope, from a Mr. Jessamy, who brings forward, I think, a direct charge of coquetry against me; me, one of the very last persons in the world who can be accused on that ground The complaint of Jessamy is ill-founded; and I trust a few remarks will convince him, and yourself also, Sir (if indeed your good sense has not already acquitted me) that my conduct has been uniform and correct. Jessamy has not described himself in false colours: he has read much; he dances well. Respecting the former he is as foolishly bashful, as of the latter he is superlatively vain; and, while he imagines his person is most engaging, he fancies that his intellects are despised and neglected. Nor do I much blame him; for really some of my sex (I grieve to say it) would rather flirt an evening with a smalltalking "elegant man of dress," than listen to the lively wit and flow of soul, which, on most occasions, proceeds from the lips of the scholar and gentleman. The backwardness of Jessamy, however, in discovering whether or not I duly appreciate his merits, is to me most astonishing; knowing, as I do, that he is not only well acquainted with our sex by books, but by long and frequent intercourse. Has he yet to learn that it is long before a modest woman will confess, even to herself, that she entertains a regard for any man? and, when she sees that man is endeavouring, through indecent channels, to obtain a confession, I believe there are few, whose pride and good sense would allow them to make a disclosure, certainly premature, and most selfishly sought for. I repeat selfishly, I, alas! knew an instance, where, from such arts as those, a lovely and innocent girl was made the sport and victim of a contemptible worldling, one of those who daily exhibit their figures in the street; whose heads are too weak to conduct them safely through society; and whose hearts have long forgotten, in the vanities of fashion, to throb with pity at the misery, or rejoice at the prosperity, of virtue. I hope I do not express myself too warmly; but, Mr. Editor, were I to relate the story, you would acknowledge I may be well excused, if indignation prevail over good manMy day being altogether occupied with the cares of business, I allotted almost all the spare hours ners. At a future period you may perhaps hear from me on this subject; but the purpose of this epistle is of a considerable length of time to the compilation to give Jessamy a little good advice. I should thank and copying of my letters; and having promised that him for the very brilliant quotation he uses to describe no delay should take place on my part, I took the my person: but a man in love is blind, you are well precaution of preparing several numbers beforehand. aware; and, though female vanity may lead me to beFlattered with their insertion, I have already com-lieve I am not quite homely, yet certainly Mr. Moore's menced another on the Coins of England from the description of beauty is too poetical to be true. Flatearliest periods, which I purposed bringing forward | tery is pleasing to most folks; but Jessamy ought to in the next volume of the Kaleidoscope, but the being anticipated in such an undertaking is so far a. relief, as to save me a considerable trouble; and it suffices me to show, that, as an Englishınan, I know how to value the productions of England, and overlook those imperfections which are so visible on the coins of her Kings: but I must remark, at the same time, the very cold manner in which your correspondent appears to regard coins belonging to other countries; the beauty of the Roman I have shown, and I hope the gratification they afford will be as great to Cocciensis as to

On the 20th May, 1643, the Manchester Colonels, after having driven Lord Derby into Yorkshire, set forward to take Warrington. On the 23d, the usual fast, "to advance so holy a work," was observed in SIR,- Having dubbed myself, during my late Manchester. Whilst thus employed, news arrived of correspondence relating to the study of coius, AN the taking of Winwick Church, which had been gallantly defended, and was not surrendered until one of ANTIQUARY, I should not consider myself as supthe Royalists had been shot by a fowling-piece as he porting that character as it deserves, were I not to stood parleying on the steeple. The Presbyterians also mentioned with delight the excellent provisions reply to the letter of "Cocciensis," which appears they found in the strong hall of a neighbouring Ca-in your Kaleidoscope of the present week; and to loyal Sir William Gerard, of Bryn. On the 26th of in those of both nations is equal. tholic, the sufferer on this occasion was probably the convince your correspondent that the interest I take May, Warrington Church and steeple were carried, with the loss, on the Parliament side, of one rider. Col. Norris now hung out the Royal flag from the highest chimney in the town; and he is charged with putting to death an aged man and his wife, greatly esteemed amongst the presbyterians, who had lately fallen into his hands. His determination, however, gave way to the increasing difficulties of his situation; and on the 28th of May, 1643, he capitulated on very

favourable terms.

(12.) Lord Derby has given, in the work published by Peck, a very ample history of his proceedings in the Isle of Man, to which the reader is referred.

*Should be 1651.-Edit.

Fine Arts.



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know the sex too well to think that they are to be won by it. Let him then become open and sincere; let him lay aside languishing glances and soft words; let him not sit for hours with eyes fixed intently on her, he would wish to captivate; which last particular, not only he, but many other young gentlemen of my acquaintance, are guilty of; believing, I have no doubt, that they thus excite interest, and call forth sympathy and commisseration. That the graces of the dance; that the beauties of the poets, well recited, have charms, I will allow; humanity and kindness also do much in winning female affection; but he must indeed be a man of very little penetration who cannot immediately discover whether a more indulgent eye than. that of mere casual approbation brightens on such oc

persuade me to change my condition, but to make him
speak out, and tell me what I was dying to know?

No, Mr. Kal, he is not the modest, diffident, laugh-
afraid-of person he represents himself. He is imposing
on you under a fictitious signature; his real name is
Narcissus. For the reason he neglects his shoe-strings
in the quadrille, is, to catch a glimpse of his own dear
self as he passes the glass, and to contemplate the
graces of his own pretty little person; which, for all
he has said to you, I believe he prefers to all others.
In less than four weeks, he has professed to me his
admiration of as many different ladies; and why does
he do this, but to play with, or break the heart that he
knows is his own? Dear Mr. Kal, if you knew what
my sufferings have been under these trials-but I can-
not repeat them!

casions. I now come to the more explicit charges | passages from Shakspeare, Moore, Byron, &c. about |
against me, which Jessamy brings out in rapid succes- love, but that I love him? Why did I press his arm,
sion. I laugh at his dress, forsooth! But I believe I and give him that approving glance, when he relieved
should laugh more, were he, as he half threatens, to that miserable object, but that I adore him? And
turn out, some day, a complete dandy. No, no, Jes-why did I once tell him that no man I ever saw could
samy; only remember a philosopher need not be a
sloven, and you will do very well as you are; though,
on consideration, the embossed ring and diamond
might be an improvement. To praise is no proof of
particular regard; but few women will praise the man
they love, excepting to a sister, or an intimate friend,
unless she feels it necessary to defend his character
from the sting of jealousy, or the venom of calumny;
and then, who so eloquent as woman? When I looked |
grave at Jessamy, he must have been guilty of some
piece of personal vanity, which, for his own sake, I
regretted; when I took wine from a puppy (as he was
pleased to express it) I obeyed but the dictates of po-
liteness; for I would not have even a puppy suppose I
was vulgar or ill-bred: and, alas! how often, when we
hear of plans being laid which may deprive us of the
society of those we regard-how often are we forced He implores your advice; and I, as the most in-
to dissemble in smiles, the grief which burns inwardly; terested, will give you mine. Tell him to "pop the
and while our hearts, sick with sorrow, are bursting question" at once. If he is ready, I am willing; and
in our bosoms, to hide from the world its tremb-when he next appears in print, let it be in that delight-
lings and despair. Of Jessamy's summing up I shall
take merely this notice, that I never yet called him |
"a pretty little man;" and he may consider this as a
compliment or otherwise, as he thinks fit."
Though "the mask of night," is not "on my face,"
yet the mask of concealment in some measure is :

"Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek,"

ful nook in your Mercury, prefaced with "Married
last week," &c. &c.


Reckon on me, henceforth, as a subscriber to your dear little paper; and if Narcissus does as I wish, and you (I hope) will advise, I will take half a dozen copies weekly; and, more, you shall have a good large hunch when I say, that were Jessamy to be what he should be, of my wedding cake, and a pair of gloves, and someI might perhaps be what he wishes. Let this, how-thing (that shall be nameless) when you call to see me ever, suffice: good sense, good manners, a good heart, "sitting bride." and a little attention, may beget esteem and love; but candour and sincerity alone, can call forth an avowal of it.

Jessamy may twist the meaning of this letter as he pleases; but, if he has the vanity to suppose it is meant as encouragement, I would advise him to apply to her who can best inform him whether he is mistaken or not. I am, Sir,

Your very humble servant,


P. S.-Were I to describe to you the verses Jessamy speaks of, which he presented as the production of a friend, I might amuse you not a little; for the poor fellow not only made me give animation to a dead body, but also to extinguish life with one single glance of my bright eye; I do not remember whether he compared its effects to galvanism (on which science he gave me a lecture, coming from the concert one night) or not; but there were some remarks about shocks and tremblings, all resulting from the same liquid cause, as he poetically expressed it.



How glad I am that I happened to get a sight of your last paper. I am sure from Mr. Jessamy's description of himself, that I am the tiny trinket of his affections: but why he should appeal to you for advice as to what he shall do, when, according to his own confession, I have given him so many opportunities of declaring himself, I cannot tell, unless it be to see himself in print.

Why would I rather dance with him than any other, but that I like him? Why do I give him the preference in our evening strolls, when he continually repeats

To Correspondents.

READER" on this subject, shall appear as soon as
possible. We fancy it will draw down upon him the
animadversions of some professors or amateurs, who
will not admit that HAYDN's exquisite harmonizing
of the Scotch melodies, can be surpassed in any particu-
lar. Although there is certainly such a thing as na-
tional and peculiar character in music, which can
be better appreciated by a native than a foreigner,
there is at the same time genius of so high an order,
as to leave all adventitious disadvantages in the back
ground. Such a genius was HAYDN, although his style
of harmonizing the northern melodies is not exactly to
the taste of our correspondent, who may, however,
go farther and fare worse."



THE POINT OF HONOUR.-We did not receive M.'s
letter before our arrangements were finally completed
for the week; and we regret this circumstance the
because the writer has paid us the compliment
to solicit our opinion upon the nicest point in the
world-a point of honour. We shall not decline to
offer a little advice upon the subject next week; and
if the young German cavalier will not be pacified in
the interval, but will insist upon measuring swords
sur le champ, all that we can do in such a case, is to
make honourable mention of M. in our next Obituary,
if he should unfortunately be run through the body.
Our present impression is, that the lady is skittish, if
not coquettish, and as she appears to have a little
dash of the quizzical also in her composition, the
probability is, that if both rivals should perish in the
encounter, she would only regard the event as a
"feather in her cap." In short, with all her charms,

VALERIO will perceive that we have already two letters upon the subject he has selected. Not wishing to to overstock the market with one commodity, which is the certain way to depreciate the article, we must defer VALERIO's offering until our next.

SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND.-If the writer of a letter in the last Mercury, signed "A Friend to the Institution," will send to our office, he will find a communication which will, we believe, satisfy him on the subject of his inquiries.

ORIGINAL TRAVELS IN ASIA.-We feel much obliged by the loan of a series of letters, which we have perused with much interest, and which is peculiarly adapted for the Kaleidoscope. We have styled the letters original, because they have never appeared in any English print; having been ushered into the world through the medium of the Boston Patriot. The series consists of twenty short letters, and the fol lowing is the title:-"Letters, written by an American Gentleman while in Asia, to his friend in Boston; the writer of which unfortunately died by the plague, on his passage from Alexandria in Egypt, to Constan tinople, in a Grecian vessel." When we have disposed of the remaining portion of the Walks in Der byshire, and of the notes to the Siege of Lathe House, we shall commence this entertaining series of letters, which will have all the charm of originality to the English reader.

CAPTAIN PARRY'S RECENTLY PUBLISHED ARCTIC VOYAGE. We refer our correspondent A REA DER, to our preceding pages; six columns of which are occupied with extracts from the interesting nar rative of the late voyage of our enterprising country men. This is a subject peculiarly suited to the plan of our work; and if our correspondent be in posses sion of the first volume of the old series of the Kalei doscope, he will find that we have been in the habit of recording the most interesting events arising out of the modern discoveries in the Arctic regions. (See Kal. vol. I. pages 112, 113, 135, 157, 161, 167, 169,


YOUR CONSTANT READER shall be attended to next
week; in the mean time we shall make some inqui
ries respecting the object of his communication.
We shall next week notice that part of the letter of
CANDIDUS, which relates to the 6th sound of ough
when we shall produce a seventh.

LOVE AFFAIRS. The letter of JESSAMY in our last
has produced answers from two fair ladies, one of
whom must of course be mistaken; which may be
the genuine SOPHIA perhaps will only be known to
the swain, at whom the two ladies appear to be
"setting their caps.'


HORE OTIOSE, NO. XII. and the continuation of
Walks in Derbyshire, and ALCANDER in our next

G. B. of Lancaster, shall be attended to next week.
We repeat the question to C. M. H.-Are the lines
addressed to "Any Pretty Girl" original?

formed, that the present volume of the Kaleidoscop
will terminate on the last Tuesday in June; immedi
ately after which, the Index will be ready for delivery.
which we have before acknowledged, is reserved for
the first number of our second volume, together with
several other promised communications.

We have further to notice A LONDONER; O. H.; AN

Letters or parcels not received, unless free of charge.

she does not appear to be worth dying for; although Liverpool: Printed and published by E. Smith & Co.

of the two, were we single, we have a notion we
should, as the least of two evils, prefer fighting the
gentleman to marrying the lady.

CHESS.-The errata noticed by our friend, A. S. of
Warrington, shall be recorded with some other ne-
cessary corrections along with our Index at the end
of next month.

54, Lord-street, Liverpool. Sold also by J. Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Evans, Cheg win & Hall, Castle-st.; T. Smith, Paradise-st.; T. War brick, Public Library, Lime-st.; E. Willan, Bold-st; M. Smith, Tea-dealer and Stationer, Richmond-row; and J. Smith, St. James's-road, for ready money only.

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