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mmanded at the commencement of the proceedings | the Lord, though, perhaps, those I have mentioned are gainst Latham House, He was afterwards a se- the most worthy of remembrance. To the Council of estrator. The few generations which separate this Holy States experienced officers were from time to entleman from the Egertons of Ridley, may be found time attached; such as Roseworm, Brereton, Seaton, the "Oldham Guide," a book, which, though com- Meldrum, Cromwell, Robert Lilburn, and others. led with little skill, contains some valuable inforation. Egerton served the office of sheriff, 1641.ol. Daniel, of Tabley; Col. Dukinfield, of Dukinld; (see note 31) John Bradshaw, of the Haigh; Sir obert Bendlows, Knt. M. P. for Lancaster; Colonel

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—, a cele.

brated auctioneer, and refusing to show the pompous A poor fellow being summoned by JusticeMagistrate due respect, by styling him "Your Worship,' was committed: when released, he appeared at every sale where his punisher presided, and bid threepence, your Worship! sixpence, your Worship!" and so on, till the laugh and confusion became so irresistible, that the worthy auctioneer bought the man's absence for the sum of ten guineas!


ohn Moore, of Bank Hall; (see note 31) Sir Edward anley, of Bickerstaff, ancestor to the present Lord Derby; Sir Richard Hoghton; William Langton, M. for Preston; Thomas Standish, M. P. for Preston, ed 1644; Richard Standish, M. P. for Lancaster, 654; Peter Brooke, of Sankey, M. P. for Newton; r Gilbert Ireland, of the Hut, Hale, and Bewsey, $ years old, 1642, Governor of Chester, M. P. for ancashire, 1654, and for Liverpool, 1660-1661, was mprisoned 1659, at Chester, for taking part in Booth's sing: (the two last gentlemen voted that Cromwell hould be made King.) Col. Richard Shuttleworth, M. for Preston, also 1654, the Chairman of the Sequesators; Lieut. Col. Henry Bradshaw, of Maple and yhersleigh; (see note 31) Col. John Holcroft. of Holcroft, M. P. for Wigan; Col. Holland, of Heaton; ee note 13) Thos. Fell, Esq. (Mr. Erid, of Denton? mentioned by Vicars, as one of the Justices who were tive near Manchester; I take it to be Mr. Robert Hyde, of Denton, who died March, 1683-4, and is the st layman in the projected classes of 1646;) Richard shton, of Downham; Robert Ashton, of Shepley; ieut. Col. John Dukinfield (brother to Col. Robert) ied in Essex, and was buried at Denton, 15th Feb. 577; Richard Howorth, of Manchester; Edmund opwood, of Hopwood; Thomas Strangeways, of arton; John Starkey, of Huntroyd; (Sheriff, 1656) obt. Lever, of Durey Lever; John Parker, of Extistle; heriff, 1653) Peter Caterall, of Croole; Peter Bold, of old, embraced the Presbyterian party during his mirity, Dec. 1649. (Ormrod)-The above are all written Esquires," or were prominent in the wars: I omit ose entitled "Gentlemen” and “Yeomen." (Husnd's Coll. folio, 1646, p. p. 919, 920, 921.)—The folwing ministers are also worthy of mention:-Chas. erle, Rector of Winwick; (Brooke's Lives of the uritans, vol. 3, p. 324; Wood's Athena Osconiensis, 4. 2, p. 237, edition 1721.) The circumstance of ord Derby sending for Herle to join him at Warring(1651) serves only to show he was then supposed have considerable weight amongst the Presbyteins; and not that any friendship subsisted between early patron and himself. The conference at which and others of bis sect were opposed to Lord Derby d Massey, ended in the refusal of the Presbyterians serve on the King's side unless all Papists were forthth dismissed. But Charles, preferring the certain I of Tyldesley, Widdrington, and Throgmorton, to uncertain succour of his father's worst enemies, lined complying with their conditions. Herle died ptember 1659, aged 61 years; and lies buried at nwick. Wood, amongst other works, assigns to 8 divine," Microcosmography:" this is a mistake; book in question being the production of John rle, Bishop of Salisbury; it has lately been reinted (1811) under the care of that eminent antiquary r. Bliss, of St. John's, Oxford. Richard Heyrick, A. Warden of Manchester Church, turned Presterian, when that religion became "pleasant and ofitable" (about 1643) and retained his living in conLion with Hollingsworth, attended classical meetings, d, according to the straitest of his sect, walked a arisee; but when Charles returned, he embraced old faith, and died (as he well deserved to die) arden of Manchester, A. D. 1667, aged 67 (Wood, . 8, p. 399; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, part p. 88) John Fogg, of Liverpool, died 1670, aged 48 alamy's Nonconformists' Memorial, vol. 3, p. 522) hn Angier, of Denton, died Sept. 1, 1677, aged 72; alamy, vol. 2, p. 360; Life of Mr. Angier, (by his -in-law) the Rev. Oliver Heywood) John Tilsley, Dean, died Dec. 1684, aged 70; (Calamy says 60. obituary, which is my authority was written by riend of Tilsley's, for the writer styles him " mirable man, my very worthy father and friend.")— ward Gee, of Eccleston, died 1660, aged 47 (Wood, I hope, through the channel of thy next Lancaster 2, p. 251. Brooke, vol. 3, p. 349.) Isaac Ambrose, Gazette, to have the privilege of thanking thee for Garstang, died 1664, aged 72 (Wood, vol. 2, p. 334; the pains thou has taken in the obituary of thy last lamy, vol. 2, p. 363.) The lives of the remaining nisters, and, in 1646, there were 80 residing in Lan- publication, in sketching my character, though it is, hire, may be found in the books above quoted: they in several instances, erroneous. Had I been a re all active in what they considered the work of worldly minded man during my residence on that

At the suggestion of a very respectable individual, and with the view also to amuse our readers, we insert the following article which appeared in the obituary of the Lancaster Gazette of Dec. 21, 1816; together with the reply of the whimsical old gentleman, who had been prematurely consigned to "that bourne from which no traveller returns," but who had the rare advantage of knowing while he lived, what the world would say of him after his death.


Lancaster, Dec. 21st, 1816-Died, a few days ago, suddenly, at Kidside, near Millthorpe, aged 71, Mr. Daniel Eccleston, of this town. To many of our readers he was doubtless personally known, but to describe his character in adequate terms would require the exertions of no common pen; amidst many striking eccentricities he possessed soine good qualities of heart; he was born at Bo-na-row in the Filde, in this county; and having passed several years in Antigua, Barbadoes, &c. settled in this town, embarking in several trades successively, as Liquormerchant, Insurance-broker, &c.; he was of a speculative turn, and engaged in many visionary schemes, none of which answered his expectations; the remark might well be applied to him, that Dr. Fuller, in his Worthies, has made of a similar character; "He buttereth his bread with divers sorts of butter, but none of them would stick thereto." Amongst others may be mentioned his scheme of a carriage for crossing the sands at high water, for which purpose he caused an immense pair of wheels to be contructed; he also invented cast-iron looms for weaving sail-cloth, some of which are yet to be seen in this town. He was a collector of coins and medals, and caused a large and handsome medal of the late General Washington to be executed, of which he sent presents to the government authorities in America, to the Emperor of Russia, &c.; and, about the year 1794, he coined and issued a halfpenny bearing his own effigy and name, which was in circulation in this town."

small speck of carth on which thou still continuest to exist, I had many opportunities of amassing a fortune, during my residence in America and the West Indies, as well as in England, and might, long before thou sent me across the river Styx, have been driving about amongst you in my leathern vehicle, called a coach; but my visionary schemes, as thou callest them, were not entered into solely with a view to profit: I might truly have said with how to abound; and I could also have added, that St. Paul, that I had known both how to want and I never murmured, but was always content with every dispensation of Providence.

To the sketch thou hast drawn, I will, with thy leave, just add one circumstance, viz. that I was two or three years in Virginia and the Northern provinces of America; and in my returning from Montreal to Boston, sailed down Lake Champlain and Lake George, in a birch bark canoe, with the King of the Cohnawaga Nation, and five other Indians, and was eleven days and twelve nights on the lakes and in the woods with them.

During my residence in Virginia, when at Alexandria, I had the pleasure, and I may also add, the honour, of meeting with General Washington, who gave me an invitation to call and spend a few days

with him on his estate at Mount Vernon,

We are totally precluded from giving you poor mortals any description of this happy country. "Hope, humbly then, with trembling pinions boar, "Wait the great teacher, Death, and GOD adore. "Know this, enough for man to know,

"That VIRTUE only makes your bliss below, "And all your knowledge is yourselves to know." From my habitation in HEAVEN, the NEW JERUSALEM, the CITY OF THE SAINT'S SOLEMNITY, in which, through the infinite mercy of GOD, I hope to obtain an inheritance. DANIEL BELTESHAZZAR






MAISTER HEDDITUR,-There wur o hiut gin i, yore papper a bit sin, abeawt givvin such quere ewtlandish neams to things ot wur ritt'n in't-but aw see sum foke winno tak a bint in a frenly way; for, there's won felly wud a made us a deol o' sport abeawt a lady 'ot wur runnin stairk wood aftur im; un heed likkurt to gett'n kilt be a Jarman (aw think he wur) as wanted t'avvur too. Woile he wur i'that pikkle ( Lawd help 'im) aw thowt 'twur a pitty to say owt to im; but neaw as hees gett'n eawt ogean, safe un seawnd, he shud be towd to roite plane inglish, as aytch boddy cun reed it-for aw see ith last akeawnt he gis o'bissell, there wur a word ith In these pursuits he squandered most his property; second loine aw cud no moor gawm nor aw cud Aloy and in the latter years of his life, his means of sup-ore th' moon; aw made it eawt as weel as i cud, un port were supposed to be very limited. He was cawd it" D'ys know mon"-but if yode seen eawr originally a member of the Society of Friends, but Rafe un Tum grinnin at me as oire stam'rin at it, was excluded by that cominunity on account of his yode a' bin quoite pottert at t' felly roitin sic stuff. total neglect of attending their meetings.

[From the same paper of Dec. 28, 1816.] "And the Ladies cry, in doleful dumps, "Daniel's dead.-What's Trumps?"" FRIEND MINSHull,

-Well-when awd gett'n tort middle on't, there wur another bauk-"ossing quere," aw cawd tat, un this browt another leugh fro Tum ogean-a bit fur on, summut moor cum across me, ut aw cud may nowt uttaw on, it wur "Doley Tron Quill Hoity!!" Egad! thinks oy to mysell, this mun be th' lady's neam, it's so foine; but we cud no be shure on't so be so good as caw on 'im, Maister, Hedditur, un hax im t'explane bissell.-Bill Jenkins is gooint Livverpoo, un aw towd im to tak this un put it i, yore printin hole-so aw'st happly yer from o ogean.-Awm a Cuzzen o' Tim's. DICK BOBBIN

Hoff Loine, too moile fro' Owdum.




Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit. Compliance procures friends ; and truth, dislike.

SIR,-As there never yet was an author who did not feel anxious to know what the world thought of him, I am less reluctant to confess my weakness. I have, since my last communication, done all in my power to discover in what esteem I am held as a writer. It has been said that listeners seldom bear any good of themselves; but I have been fortunate enough to hear little fault found with my essays, save one objection, "that they are too SHORT," now this very objection has made me sleep more comfortably ever since.

Some, perhaps, attribute this brevity of mine to idleness; others may suppose that you, Sir, serve my paper as the cook serves a radish, i. e. cut off the top and bottom to render it palatable; but most, doubtless, are of opinion, that the reason Pyrus says no more is, that he has no more to say; that his subject is ill chosen, or his brain empty.

I might here urge much in defence of myself like most people, who talk little'; I am well versed in proverbs, and of these not a few are on my side, “Ne quid minis:" "too much of one thing is good for nothing." There is having too much of a good thing: "Inest sua gratia purvis :”“ despise not the worth of those things that are small, &c."

But as I at the same time acknowledge the justice of my motto, “ Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit," I shall neglect these adages and acquiesce with the wishes of my friends: for, if I do not, the bon vivant will set me down for a stupid companion; the merry will fancy me dull; the grave will conjecture me shallow; and the ladies, dear creatures, turn up noses, and observe, that the man has apparently little to say for himself.

In future, therefore, Mr. Editor, I shall trouble you for a column of your Kaleidoscope; and if (though I hope it will not be so) it should happen that your readers convict me of plagiarism or tautology, may punishment fall on the heads of the Procusta, who have extended me to this unnatural length, and may I go free.

By the way you decapitated my last, (No. vI.); this motto should have preceded it:

"Aves, solatia ruris

Assuetum sylvis, innocuumą. genus."-Ovid. Perhaps this was omitted in deference to a correspondent of yours, yclept, A Subscriber. I was not astonished at seeing his letter dated from Manchester; he appears to have imbibed a little of that Boeotian air. Still I am sorry I led him into so awkward a situation; there cannot be a greater misery than the one he described, which, perhaps, Lord Falkland had in view when he declared "he pitied unlearned gentlemen on a rainy day."

It is, however, but justice to him and to others who cannot translate the Latin in your publication to observe it is often corrupt. Thus, we have had “ cachisme” for “cachinní;" and "Frontisius," for "Frontinus." However, you will perhaps say, "let

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Readings and Recitations,

At Mr. PARIS's Rooms, Hardman-street, Rodney-
street, will be repeated on Wednesday Evening,
June 27, 1821.

Admission, to the Body of the Room, Three Shillings;
Gallery, Two Shillings.

The Doors will be opened at seven, and the Reci-
tations commence at half-past seven o'clock precisely.

Tickets may be had at Mr. Kaye's, and Mr. Gore's,
Castle-street; Mr. Willan's, Bold-street; and of Mr.
Putnam, No. 15, Clarence-street.

To Correspondents.

veral valued correspondents, whose communications
are now in our port-folio, and have been already ac-
knowledged, must permit us to transfer them to our
second volume, which it shall be our unremitting
labour to render worthy of the extensive patronage
which our work has now attained.

Our friend PEREGRINE will perceive that we have
taken some liberty with certain passages of his letter,
the reason of which we will personally explain, if he
require it.

lately received a letter, suggesting the propriety of
establishing in Liverpool, a Humane Society for the
restoration of suspended animation. The proposer is
a Mr. John Paterson, Lower Castle-street; and the
letter is reserved until our next Mercury or Kaleidos-
cope: in the mean time, we shall only say, that the
plan has our entire approbation, provided it be con-
ducted by a responsible committee, with a man of un-
exceptionable character to act as treasurer; without
such conditions, we do not believe the public will
countenance the scheme, at a period of such general

Since writing the above paragraph, the letter of Mr.
P. has been withdrawn, in consequence of its not
having appeared so soon as the writer wished. The
circumstance is of no consequence, however, as the
object, if ever it be accomplished here, will be as
effectually promoted by the mere suggestion, as by the
insertion of the letter of Mr. P. whose plan has no
pretensions to novelty, being merely, as far as we can
see, the adoption of an establishment similar to that
of the London Humane Society.

SURE PREVENTATIVE OF THE HYDROPHOBIAWe cannot help suspecting that the correspondent whom we are indebted for the following letter belong to the company of sadlers and collar-makers, who trade would benefit not a little from the immens quantity of muzzles which his plan, if adopted would require. It was one of the fraternity, not sadlers, indeed, but of the leather craft, who, as we read in the fable, found out that there wa nothing like leather for fortifying a besieged tow against two-legged animals; why not, therefore, more modern times fortify our towns, by the same means, against the incursion of four-legged invads, Seriously, however, the nuisance, arising from the immense number of half-starved and useless mongth is of such magnitude, as to call for some check Th enforcement of the dog-tax might do something, as s temporary measure; but a radical and national preventive can alone proceed from the legislature. A though it is a vulgar error that dogs, which have undergone the operation of worming, are not subject to the hydrophobia, we are assured it is a fact, that after these animals have been wormed, although they may receive the infection, they cannot communicate it, owing to the swelling of some of the glands, which prevents the mouth from closing so as to bring the teeth in contact. It would, therefore, be a subject not unworthy of the attention of parliament. An act might be passed to levy a very heavy penalty upon those, who should neglect to send their dogs to the farrier, or some other competent person, to have this necessary operation performed; by which simple means a dreadful malady would be averted, the consequences of which, when once it rages, defy all calculation.

To the Editor.-My dread of mad dogs has been considerably increased, by the various notes of your correspondents upon this subject, and is now become quite alarming to myself. I never see a dog in the street but I am sure to reconnoitre him, and find out, before he passes me, which side he is likely to take, that I may slide snugly past on the opposite side. I have long looked for a remedy being preposed by some of your numerous readers, to put s end to my fears on this subject, by taking away the danger of injury from animals affected with this dreadful malady, but hitherto I have not been gra tified; I, therefore, beg leave to propose a method of my own, which I think will answer every purpose, and cannot be considered a harsh measure, when we look to the evil it protects us from. I propose that our Chief Magi;trate should issue an order direct ing that no dogs should be permitted to go at large in the town, or in public yards, without being se curely muzzled, on pain of forfeiture of the life of the animal, and a fine from the owner. This, I think, would effectually prevent dogs from biting, in which consists all the danger, and I am sure would relieve me from many a painful palpitation Yours, &c.


NOTES TO THE SIEGE OF LATHOM HOUSE.-The A. R. K. shall be attended to.
necessity we are under of disposing of the whole of
these notes before we complete our volume, has in-
duced us to adopt 53 numbers instead of 52. If we
find that we cannot, by that means, accomplish our
object without devoting a very unreasonable portion
of this and next week's Kaleidoscope to the subject,
we shall, in all probability, complete the series by a
half-number of four pages, by way of supplement.
We can recommend the perusal of the notes given in
our present number to our readers, who will probably
find in them more entertainment than they anticipate.
INSULA MONA. Our numerous friends in the Isle of
Man will find, in this and the preceding numbers of
our miscellany, several interesting facts touching the
ancient history of Peel Castle, &c. in the Notes to
the Siege of Lathom House. In the course of two
or three weeks, we purpose inserting some original
correspondence, on the present state of the bright
little Isle."

The elegiac lines by W. C. T. of Oxford, came too late
for the possibility of obtaining a place this week. If
the writer feel no objection to give the name of the
individual who is the subject of his eulogium, we
think it would enhance its interest.

We take it for granted that the lines on Thought, by
Z. which we reserve for our next, are original.
MONTMORENCI's request shall be attended to.

As we wish to pay due deference to age and experience,
we regret the postponement of the letter of AN OLD
MAN for one week, owing to its not having reached us
until Saturday morning. It is reserved for our next,
which will be the last number of our first volume,
new series.

The length of the ballad of Cumnor Hall has occasioned
us to lay aside some other articles which were prepared
for our poetic department.

The lines transcribed by E. shall have a place in our next. They are somewhat in the style of Sir Walter Raleigh, and, we presume, are to be referred to the age in which he lived; although they have probably been modernized in their passage down the tide of


POSTPONEMENTS.-The following were prepared for press, when they were unavoidably laid aside unul next week: CANDIDUS; ALCANDER; Y.; The conclusion of WILFRED WENDER'S Walks in Darbyshire; the letter of a CONSTANT READER, dated Hyde, near Manchester; all of which shall appest next week.

Letters or parcels pot received, unless free of charge.

Liverpool: Printed and published by E. Smith & Co. 54, Lord-street, Liverpool.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


This familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature, Criticism, Men and Manners, Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Natural History, Monthly Diary, Fashions, &c. &c.; forming a handsome Annual Volume, with an Index and Title-page.-Regular supplies are forwarded to the following

[blocks in formation]

Manchester Miss Richardsons;
J. Fletcher; and T. Sowler;
Nervcastle-U.-L.-C. Chester;
Northwich-J. Kent;
Ormskirk W. Garside;
Prescol-A. Ducker;

TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1821.

arrangements for this purpose, and shall be glad of the
orders of our friends, which will be promptly attended
to, on reasonable terms.

We have a few Sets of the Kaleidoscope (Old Series,
two vols. in one) on sale. They are deficient four num-
bers; but contain nearly the whole of Geoffrey Crayon's
Sketches, and a vast variety of interesting matter.

Price £1 10s.

[blocks in formation]

singular and delightful. Before you, towers that stupendous rock containing the arch, and through that arch you look far down, and there the river is running charmingly along through a woody wilderened by the distance. A little island divides its ness, and sending up its tranquillizing sound, softstream, covered with a profusion of green herbage and flowers, the foamy meadow-sweet, the large blue geranium, the valerian, and the water-flag. Beyond rises a lofty pile of rocks, with vast spires, and tall, pointed arches, resembling a magnificent Abbey in a beautiful wood, and behind are reared those sylvan mountains that beautify the Staffordshire side of the dale, with dark dells running between them, shrouded with trees, and impressing

The present number of the Kaleidoscope completes Dur annual volume, and presents us with the proper opportunity of thanking our numerous readers and correspondents for their valuable patronage: the former have so greatly increased since the commencement of he New Series as to elevate our little work to a respectbility of circulation not exceeded by any literary proincial magazine of the day; and we are proud to refer o the productions of our correspondents, for proofs of mental industry and talent, highly creditable, not only o our pages, but to the town and neighbourhood. That the Kaleidoscope should become a permanent work was, twelve months ago, more than we could pronise our readers: we had laboured two years, during the THRO' SOME OF THE MOST ROMANTIC PARTS OF the imagination with the deep and vivid sense of

The Traveller.



7th Month, 1820.



profound solitude. This scene terminates a little below, with a group of tall, pyramidal rocks, and thence, though the mountains on either hand are equally high, they have a plainer appearance.

Publication of the Old Series, with little or no remuneraion, experiencing many difficulties in obtaining a cirulation in town and country for so cheap a work, suffiient to defray its own charges; but a rapid extension f sale towards the close of the year dissipated all our Incertainty; several of our numbers became out of Upon the whole, Dovedale is a place so full of rint, and we gave a substantial pledge for the continuromantic beauty, that happy should I be to see the tion of the series, by stating our determination to reSome of the cliffs under which you pass, their spot that surpasses it. If the man who enters it rint every number, if possible, rather than be under bases washed by the river, are of a most stupendous possess the least latent admiration of nature; if he he necessity of disposing of incomplete sets. We have height, and two of them again confine the end of have a soul capable of being moved, in any degree, ow reprinted, at a considerable expense, no fewer than this narrow defile, where you pass out. Looking by an assemblage of the most wild, awful, and subfteen numbers, and others are becoming scarce; and back through this romantic chasm, when the sun lime images, he will not see it without emotion. though, of course, we charge an extra price for those is shining down partially into it, and throwing over But to the warm heart, and the vivid imagination, umbers, it cannot remunerate us. We therefore re-its rocks and woods and mountains all the magic it is a world in itself. In this lonely and astonishing ommend, both for the purchasers' interest and our own, of light and shade, and when the wind is gently seclusion, you cannot divest yourself of the impresregular application for the work every week, so far as gularity is practicable; and to those who wish to have playing over the rich foliage of the Staffordshire sion, that it is all a dream, or a creation of magic; e entire volume, which is just completed, we would rocks, you behold a view of the most witching and and the awakened fancy speedily peoples it with a ggest the propriety of obtaining it immediately, as we unearthly beauty. Yet perhaps the next expansion swarm of ideal beings. I could almost fancy, as I ust advance the price in proportion to its scarcity. of the dale is the most glorious of all. On the Der-reclined on a rock, and looked down into the vale, There is one way, and that a conversational one, in byshire side, the cliffs take a considerably wider hich our present readers can very materially serve us, range, leaving at their feet a small flat, partly co› allude to their reminding such of their friends as vered with loose stones, partly green and shrubby. ve approved of the Kaleidoscope, and have expressed Where they again sweep round to the river, they wish to commence taking it at a particular epoch, that stand in a most singular manner, like so many vast first number of the new Volume will be published towering walls, running up the mountain in a cresTuesday next; and we urge this upon their kind- cent form, parallel to each other, with green slopes , assuring them, that our exertions and our expen-between them. It was up one of these slopes that or tenanting its caves?—or, in later and more lucid ure to improve and embellish the work, shall be com- the Dean of Cloger and Miss de la Roche were at-years, Congreve issuing forth from his wild dwelling nsurate with the public favour. tempting to ride, when the Dean was killed, and the at Irlam, just by? where a rocky chair is still shown lady severely hurt by the fall of the horses. Through as the place where he wrote his play of the Old one of these ranges of rock passes another magnifi- Bachelor, at the age of 19 (near the spot where the cent arch, about 40 feet high and 20 wide; and in river Hamps, after having disappeared for about the next parallel range up a steep stony ascent, is a three-quarters of a mile, rises from its subterraneous lofty cavern. From this cavern the view is most course ;)—or honest Izaak Walton, and his friend

The Index, which will be very copious and mite, will be published in the course of next week, ce 3d.; and we shall then proceed to bind up, a neat and uniform manner, all the Volumes which y be intrusted to our care. We have made especial

that I saw ages pass before me, with all their change of character. Do you not see the ancient Briton seeking here an asylum from the Roman, the Saxon from the Dane? Do you not see the knight and peasant of feudal times pass wandering through its then savage obscurity?—the anchorite, in his wretched weeds, erecting his hut in its gloomy glens,

Cotton, throwing, into many a clear deep, some cun-
ning bait for their favourite trout, as they sauntered
down, by the Dove bauks, from Berrisford Hall?*
-or the proud and melancholy Rousseau, from his
retreat at Watton, botanizing amongst its cliffs,
and indulging delectable remembrances of his native
mountains?—or some Edwin, of the south countrie?'
"Oh! seest thou not yon wayward wight?
He wanders forth at morning light,

And leaves the world of gladness,
To mark the calm of eventide,
To hear the waters peaceful glide,
When all is hushed and calm, beside
The gale's low sigh of sadness.
No living thing is wand'ring there;
Yet, in the still and moonlight air,

Are thousand voices stealing,
That o'er him pass like soothing balm,
Or music, with its dearest charm,
Softening the tumult into calm,

[ocr errors]

His wounded spirit healing.

Far o'er the mountains heathy scene,
Where woman's foot hath never been,

Is beauty gathering round him;
And fairer forms than shine by day,
Glide through his deep and lonely way,
And gentle bands of seraphs play,

In gladsome maze around him.

Thence, to some frowning caverned hold,
Of which are tales mysterious told,

He strays at midnight lonely;
And converse holds with spectred shade,
And sees the mystic gambols played,
Or marks the death-inflicting blade,
By bandit wielded only.

But when the gleesome morn is red,
And May-day's witching dame is led,
How many a spell has bound him!
Be it in wit, or merry lay,
Or jocund rite, and gambol gay,
He is the sun that shines that day,

And fairy mirth is round him.
But most he loves at solemn hour,
When o'er the haunted giant tower,

The thunder storm is raving,
To watch the arrowy lightning glare,
O'er mouldering stone and arches bare,
And rushing flood, and forest lair,
Even scarce its fury braving :

To hear the mountain echoes ring,
With cry of each alarmed thing,

And thunders hollow moaning;
To watch the blackening clouds that rest
On rifted rock, like sable crest,
And eagle cowering o'er her nest,

When night's pale queen is throning.
This is the wayward child of song,
And thus he wiles his life along,

Regardless of the morrow;

* Once the residence of Dr. Cotton, where Walton annually visited him for the enjoyment of friendship and fishing, and where the angling-house built by Cotton for their accommodation is still to be seen by the river's edge, in a romantic spot, ruinous and neglected indeed, but still bearing, as a memento of their friendship and favourite art, their initials curiously twined together, carved over the door, and the motto "Sacrum Piscatoribus.")

Nature's most wild enthusiast he,
In friendship warm, in spirit free,
More blest than mammon's sons can be,
Though oft the mate of sorrow.

wildest parts are assuming an air of peaceful beauty and plenty. In such a country, to be a partaker of its social, and literary, and religious advantages, and endued with some degree of capability of ap preciating its character, contemplating its designs, and sympathising in its troubles or its triumphs, is no trivial privilege. I ask no splendors of fortune, no exemptions from the common lot of humanity. Give me only a soul alive to the beauties of creation; a heart that loves its fellow-creatures, and a friend that partakes its views and its feelings, and I shal endeavour to swallow the bitter draughts of life with a steady countenance.

Wilfreda Wender. There is nothing here to undeceive the sophisms of the fancy; there are no traces of art to check its excursion; all is wildness, loneliness and peace, except when some brilliant party breaks in upon your musing; for such, the justly increasing celebrity of the place brings almost every day, and frequently several in a day, in summer. We were sauntering along, imagining ourselves the only human beings in this sequestered place, except an old woman or The journey through life, I have already proved, two from Mill-dale gathering sticks, when suddenly is much like the ramble we have just made. It is we saw scarfs, parasols, and feathers, glancing comineuced with eager expectation, but it is per among the rocks, and a troop of elegant ladies formed with toil; its ascents are steep and rugged, climbing aloft over the cliffs. In one place in the but the points to which they lead afford extended valley, was a gay party, which Horace and Burns views, and scenes of ineffable beauty; its valleys would have liked to join, seated on the turf with are rude and thorny, but they are decorated with music and the bottle, in all that merriment and most delicious flowers, and rich exulting rivers, so good humour which such scenes and times inspire that I am persuaded we shall, in looking back, in another, agile young lasses in white, sylph like, think more of its pleasures than of its fatigues. Our running along by the river with their bonnets in accumulating treasures of memory, and powers el their hands, and glowing with exercise: in another, mind, will more than recompense corporeal exportly dames, of a more advanced age, walking se-haustion; and the feelings of a final review will be, dately along the smooth path at the bottom, won-like mine at the present moment, those of satisfacdering at the frolics of the young folks: in another, tion and gratitude.

a gentleman leading his lady up, who seemed to be in delicate health; and in another, genteel youths handing girls up the stony heights to the caves, their companions at a distance calling to them to take care:-and laughter, and shrieks of momentary terror, aud silver voices heard from different rocks, that at once converted this lately silent glen into a happy valley of some brighter world.

After leaving this sequestered region of romantic beauty, passing at its entrance by a lofty pyramidal bill (called Thorpe cloud from the little village of Thorpe near it) from whose top there is a beautiful prospect over the country, we struck a line with a pencil across the map of the country to H, and followed it, arriving at home in the evening, after a walk of nearly forty miles.



TO THE "BRIEF JOURNAL OF THE SIEGE OF LATHOM HOUSE," Which appeared in three Numbers of our gr Volume; see pages 145, 153, and 109. [Concluded from pages 341, 347,366, 375, 383, 407, and 415 of our present volume.]

Knighted and then advanced to a Baroneter (i) (20.) Col. Ralph Ashton of Middleton, afterwards M. P. for Clitheroe, also 1660, 1661, 1678.

In reviewing our journey, and the observations, thoughts, and feelings it has occasioned, I cannot belp feeling grateful to that kin. Providence who has cast my lot of earthly existence in the greatest and happiest country in the world, and in the brightest period of that country's history, in which knowledge has made it proudest progress, religion diffused its (21.) Col. John Moore, of an ancient family seated at Bank Hall, near the Mersey, below Liverpool, i deepest influence, and the consequent tone of so. which town they had great possessions. Moore wi ciety become more social, liberal, and benevolent, member for Liverpool, and very early in the wars than in any former time and place: at a period, cured both the Castle and the Tower. Prince Rupert when, notwithstanding much political error, and besieged these places, which, strange as it may pear, were then of considerable strength; and much consecutive distress, enlarged views and Moore bore reproaches, only inferior to those pred kindly feelings give birth to a multiplicity of insti- upon " condemned Nat. Fiennes" under similar cumstances, for surrendering his charge. In Sept. 1 tutions, whose philanthropic designs, and consonant Sir John Meldrum, and Sir William Brereton, rek natures, like so many rays converging to one bril- the town, (Whitelock,) and a thanksgiving was ordere bates.) Moore seems not to have served in the liant focus, afford a promise of the most blessed in London for so important a conquest. (Park. De consequences to future generations, while the warm County after the seige of Lathom; and the lucrative and extensive support they receive makes us appointments assigned to him on Lord Derbys proud of our own: in a country, which the per-quduty in Ireland. He was appointed one c questered estates, were held by deputy, he being the fection of the arts, and of that most important one, King's Judges, sate, and signed the death warra had the command of Cromwell's Guards, "ard: agriculture, has converted into a more glorious garsome time the benefit of passes out of Londen." den than Eden, because it furnishes sources of hap-his decease previous to the restoration, Moczt piness to millions of human beings, and whose saved from an ignominious death; and it does poi

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and bloody actions) with the patron and professor of
the fine arts. (Lord Oxford's Works, vol. 4. p. 63

and humble petition is given from the "Perfect Diurnal, 6th October to 13th.)

ear any proceedings were instituted against his heirs. (22.) Alexander Broome, Steward to the Earl of Derby, who by his fidelity, and courage, obtained the With these documents Lord Strange, who had long erilous, but honourable distinction, of a command in (31.) Robert Dukinfield, the representative of an been prisoner at Chester, and Brideoake (afterwards athom House, when its Lord and family retired to ancient and wealthy family, resident at the village of Bishop of Chichester) hastened to London. The he Isle of Man, and when on Marston Moor the Dukinfield, situated upon the rising ground on the journals of the House mention a letter to the Speaker, opes of the Loyalists had been fatally blasted. The Cheshire side of the River Tame, opposite Ashton-enclosing the humble petition of James, Earl of Derby, ege recommenced 2d July, 1645; and after a most under-Lyme, was born according to Ormerod, A. D. and on the question being put "that the same be read," obstinate resistance, the house was, with difficulty, 1619, and by a MS. authority in my possession, A. D. it was carried in the affirmative by 22 to 16, but nowrested from Colonel Rawsthorne, and his chivalrous 1616. Of his early life we have no particulars. At the thing further occurs on the journals upon the subject. aociates, on the 3d Dec. 1645. (Seacombe p. 97. et seq.) commencement of the troubles he espoused the Pres- Whitelock says they granted the Earl no relief; and The articles given in the Browsholme papers, and byterian side; and by marrying the daughter of Sir yet, in the Marple Papers, Thomas Elcocke swears that afterwards by Gregson, are those on which the garri- Miles Fleetwood, of Heskin, in Lancashire (the sister a pardon arrived in time to save, but was kept back by son capitulated. Conditions more favourable had to the General of that name) Dukinfield became Dukinfield. This same man, however, declared that the been proposed, but the negotiation broke off, owing firmly attached to the Cromwell faction. He is fre- Earl offered to turn spy, and get information for Cromto the obstinacy of a cavalier; the enemy in the mean quently mentioned in the histories of the period in well of the exiles in France, on condition his life might time being apprized, by an Irish deserter, of the des- which he lived, and always as a resolute and active be spared. Well may the testimony of this worthy perate situation of the King's party, compelled them officer. Of the battle at Stockport, alluded to in the hireling of the Bradshaws he doubted. Such a creato accept what they were pleased to offer. The fol- text, Mr. Ormerod speaks slightingly. Col. Dukin-ture is unable to dupe the world, for, never having had lowing extract of a letter from Brereton, then be- field with a few soldiers, joined the County Militia, a glimpse of the high and generous impulses by which sieging Chester, to Lord Byron, the Governor, shows and offered a feeble opposition to Prince Rupert, then exalted natures are moved, he tricks out the being he how faithfully they performed a treaty of their own advancing on the Poynton side of the town. The would vilify in his own sordid and selfish motives. dictating. “I shall therefore offer to your consider-parish books give the names of two only as perishing That Lord Derby fondly desired life, those who have "ation the example of Liverpool, Basing, and Latham, upon this occasion. Without yielding implicitly to known the dear ties which bound him to earth will "who by their refusal of honourable terms, when this whimsical authority, which, it may be supposed, readily believe; but that he, whose soul had been "they were propounded, were not long after, sub-is not the precise species of record a soldier has reason devoted to honour, whose courage was approved in "jected to captivity, and the sword." (see Gray's to expect when he dies in battle, there is abundant countless battles, whose days were passed in incessant Notes to Hudibras, part 1, canto 2, v. 1045, 1046.) reason to doubt, whether this conflict was of the im- attempts to emulate the most glorious parts of the lives "Dec. 9, 1645, order for the ministers about London, portance to which some authors have magnified it. of his ancestors; that he, in one moment, by an inconto give thanks the next Lord's day, for the surrender Clarendon is silent on the subject; Salmonet (p. 164) sistent and damning piece of treachery, should seek to of Lathom House, and a collection for the poor of and Echard (p. 596) briefly mention that Prince Ru- drag out a few years of an existence he must have Manchester." (Whitelock.) (The plague was then pert obtained possession of Stockport. Heath (p. 58) loathed, requires the baseness of an Elcocke to believe raging in Manchester.) It is probable those brave speaks of a battle there; but Sanderson (p. 704) (if as well as to invent.+ yeomen, who had twice defended Lathom House, his authority be of any value) asserts, "3000 horse and either perished in abject poverty, or dragged out a foot were engaged on the Parliament side;" whilst the hated existence beneath the lash of a Virginian slave- Mercurius Rusticus says, 800 prisoners were taken. Angier, however, who lived at Denton, in the immediate vicinity of Stockport, A. D. 1644, and fled from his house at the approach of the Royalists, is silent as to any engagement, though he complains of the manner in which the Prince's followers plundered the country. (Epistle Dedicatory to Argiers, "Help to Better Hearts, for Better Times.") Dukinfield was no


(23.) "Bradshaw;"-James Bradshaw was born at Darcy Lever. He had two brothers, who, with himself, were brought up at Oxford, the one to the profession of Law, the other to that of Physic, whilst the Church was the object of his own studies. He does not appear to have taken any degree, but obtaining minated one of the King's Judges but never sate. The in Praise God Barebones Parliament. The deposition the living of Wigan, resided there until invited to Macclesfield. Bradshaw was one of the ejected date of his commission as Governor of Chester is 1649. ministers, and died at Darcy Lever 1683, aged 73.Iwo years afterwards he was called to assist in the (Calamy vol. 1, p. 357.) trial of James Stanley, Earl of Derby. In the begin(24.) The passage referred to, by Halsall is the fol-ing of October, 1651, this nobleman was brought belowing "Nullus cunctationi locus est in eo consilio, fore a court-martial, charged, as may easily be conquod non potest laudari nisi peractum." Tacit. Hist.ceived, with a thousand crimes, against the existing

lib. 1, c. 38.

The second allusion is of so vague a nature, and contains a sentiment so common in Tacitus, that I In the 3d book of the Annals, where the evil effects of leave the reader to discover the paragraph intended. Tiberius's government are set forth, the idea occurs more expressed in lib. 1, cap. 2, of the history. The reader than once, and it is also most forcibly and eloquently will observe, in Halsall's narrative," skirmishes" substituted for "velitations." As I find this last word/ Whitchurch, on the Downs, near which the following his property to his son, and submitting himself to the

given in Todd's Johnson's Dictionary, on the autho

rity of Burton in his "Anatomy of Melancholy," I beg

to withdraw the correction.

(25) Rigby, besides the great object a besieger must ever have in view, had probably other, and peculiar,

Whatever of principle characterized the early conduct of Dukinfield, we must, from this period, regard him only as the unshrinking partizan of Fleetwood. He had long detached himself from the Presbyterians (those true lovers of God, and assertors of their country's rights) by approving the execrable murder of King Charles, by opposing his son, in 1651; and to complete his degradation, and to make himself a hissing and a reproach to that station to which he was born, Dukinfield was the only Cheshire-man who sate (1653) of Richard Cromwell, the forcible exclusion of the House of Commons, and the setting up of the Rump, were all acts in which the Colonel was deeply impli cated. The history of Fleetwood's despondency, who, raised by Lambert, suddenly lost all confidence in himself and his followers; and who, in the detestable government. The Earl affected not to deny their accucant of the times, declared "that God had spit in his sations, but pleaded that he had surrendered himself face, and would not hear his prayers;" and the subupon condition of quarter. In his speech before the sequent dissolution of the party, and restoration of address made on the scaffold at Bolton, he insists upon bers of the Chester tribunal; and a Committee of Court and afterwards in the beautiful and affecting Charles, are events well known. Lady Derby lost no time in petitioning the Peers for justice on the memthe validity of this plea. Fortunately, the circumby Captain John Hodgson, who immediately subse- of the intended confinement to which he was to be stances of his capture are given with great minuteness Privileges being formed, Dukinfield and others were ordered into custody. The unfortunate Colonel heard quent to the battle of Worcester, was stationed at subjected, and immediately transferred the whole of scene took place." But the most remarkable thing Peers, found unexpected mercy, and after a short immind to see what became of the forlorn, hearing such prisonment returned to Cheshire. The son, however, was, one Ouver Edge, one of our Captains, had a a great firing; and viewing them very busy, he spies lite, and refusing to restore the estates, allotted to him had not been an unprofitable spectator of the father's party of horse behind him in the fields, and having a small cottage and coal mine (to this day bearing bis but they called upon him, and asked if he was an life of activity, may be supposed to attend on disapofficer, and drawing towards them, about eighteen or twenty horsemen alighted, and told him they would wife had long been dead) married his own housekeeper, pointed ambition. Here Dukinfield (whose former surrender themselves prisoners: there was the Earl and died (not, as Mr. Ormerod supposes, from the of Derby, the Earl of Lauderdale, Sinclair, and a son's obtaining the baronetcy, 1665, prior to that period, fourth. These became prisoners to one single Cap, but) in the year 1689, aged 74. tain; but the soldiers fell in with him immediately." (Hodgson's Memoirs, p. 155.) Quarter given under such circumstances, and by a subaltern, could only refer to immediate personal safety. In Mrs. Anne Wyndham's Boscobel, the perilous situation of Lord Derby, at the time of his surrender, is even more forcibly expressed. No sooner had the Court condemned menced their endeavours to save his life. It was resolved to petition parliament; and for this purpose, the good offices of Col. Henry Bradshaw, a member of the court martial, and elder brother of the infamous President, were solicited. These (according to the Marple papers published by Mr. Ormerod) were readily granted, and a letter written to that monster, into whose hands a capricious fortune now resigned the life of the Earl. A petition, evidently dictated by the unfortunate Nobleman's friends, was drawn up (see "Cromwelliana," 1651, in which this very singular


reasons in often cannonading Lathom House. On the no order to be there, he retreats towards the regiment; name) and left him to those thoughts which, after a

one hand, his camp was crowded by an unwilling rabble, serving in the capacities of Pioneers, Scavengers, Miners, &c.; and these doubtless worked with double alacrity when duly apprized how the enemies "to the King, Parliament, and Kingdom," were dealt with. On the other, he was constantly assailed by the fanatics, who rushing from the unintelligible rhapsodies of gifted pikemen, and singularly-graced dragoniers, deemed every moment lost, wherein some building was not shaken down upon the heads of the undismayed Cavaliers, or some bullet launched to receive that commission, which, in the blasphemy of their hearts, they believed Providence would assign to it.

(32.) Prince Rupert behaved with extreme cruelty was irritated by the besieged hanging one of his Capon this occasion. The Mercurius Rusticus says he tains; "Whereupon the Prince stormed the town, and in the second assault took it; wherein were killed at least 800 rebels, and 600 prisoners taken, with all their colours, ordnance, arms and ammunition. The justice this time, had noted it in his almanack thus: 'Authores dissentionum, et sanguinis profusionum, absque dubio mercede sua muletabuntur,"

(26.) This interesting scene is the subject of a paint- its illustrious victim, than those about the Earl com- of this act was foreseen by Master Booker, who, about

ing still preserved at Knowsley.

(27.) (See note 36.)

(28.) (Is omitted in the text.) (29.) This sally is mentioned with great praise in Lloyd's Worthies, the Mercurius Rusticus, and other 'cotemporary publications.

(30.) Prince Rupert.-How little can we imagine the impetuous, and hardy soldier, converted into the willing slave of a laughing Courtezan! and still less, associate the idea of Prince Robber (as the Puritans styled him, and with great justice, from his lawless

Whitelock mentions the

• This contemptible member of a venerable profession became Chaplain to Lenthall; and turning Presbyterian preached and prayed with all the antics of the worst followers of that faith, By dint of bribing King Charles the Second's mistresses, he berespect. (See Wood, Walker, Carlile's Grammar Schools, article, came Bishop. Evelyn, in his Diary, speaks of him with little "Manchester'.") He was at Lathom during the siege. + Lord Derby escaped from the Castle, but was taken again on the Roo Dee.-(Whitelock.)

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