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Having arranged in their respective periods, agreeably to the natural divisions found in them, the various prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and Saint John, so as to form a combined view of those prophecies which we shall hereafter consider separately, and more at length, we now proceed, preparatory to this examination, to fulfil the requirements of our Second Rule ; which enjoins the formation of a Symbolical Dictionary; in order that we may ensure the giving to each symbol, whenever it occurs, a similar and consistent interpretation.

And here it is to be observed, that the advantage of the symbolical language of Scripture is this: that while it throws an apparent veil over the things of which it treats, it becomes, when understood, remarkably clear, beautiful, and descriptive; for the symbols are not arbitrarily chosen to represent things as words do in common language, but are in themselves descriptive, and in themselves contain the character of the object they represent; and this beauty in the symbolical language, as well as the connexion between one symbol and another, will, I hope,

be perceptible in examining the following explanations; though its accuracy and precision will more clearly appear, when I shall refer to this Symbolical Dictionary in giving an interpretation of the Revelation of Saint John.

The EARTH-The territories which were the seats of the four great empires: here the emblem is nearly the same as its object, for the whole natural earth is made to represent that important portion of it, which alone is the subject of prophecy*.

The THIRD PART of the EARTH-The Eastern Roman Empire, of which Constantinople was the capital, being that portion which fell to Constantine, on the division of the Empire by Constantine the Great amongst his three sonst.

The FOURTH PART of the EARTH-Italy, together with the Roman province of Africa, being one of the four Præfectures into which the Roman Empire was divided by Constantine the Great‡.

An EARTHQUAKE-A violent popular Commotion or Insurrection, threatening the dissolution of a kingdom or empire§.

Connected with the emblem of the Earth, are the emblems of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Sea, the Great River Euphrates, &c.

* Rev. vii. 1, 3. viii. 5. xi. 6. xii. 12, 13, 16. xiii. 12. xvi. 1, 2. † Rev. viii. 7-12. ix. 15, 18. xii. 4. ‡ Rev. vi. 8. § Rev. vi. 12. viii. 5. xi. 13, 19. xvi. 18.

The SUN-"The Lord of day,” the Ruling Power of the whole prophetic earth, and the principal object of attention in the political heavens: or the Roman Emperor, while the empire was in its nndivided state; and, after that, the King of the principal kingdom of the divided empire*.


The MOON" The Queen of heaven (which is considered as the consort of the Sun)-The Empress or Queen†::

The STARS-The Princes and Nobles of a kingdom.

The HEAVENS-The Political System in which all these appear§.

The emblems which relate to the heavens are also used sometimes to represent spiritual objects, and then they signify as follows, viz.:

The SUN-Our Saviour the sun of righteousness. The MOON-His chaste and faithful Consort, the Church -The STARS-The Apostles, Bishops, or Ministers, of his Church**.

The Heavens, when spoken of spiritually, must be understood in their literal sense, as being the actual seats of blisstt.

GREAT WATERS-Multitudes of people. The

* Rev. vi. 12. viii. 12. xvi. 8. xix. 17. † Rev. vi. 12. viii. 12. Rev. vi. 13. viii. 12. Rev. vi. 14. Rev. ix. ¶ Rev. xii. 1. **Rev. i. 16, 20. ii. 1. iii. 1. aii. 1, 4. tt Rev. xii. 5, 7, 8, 10, 12. xiv. 17. xv. 5.

2. xii. 1.

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noise of many waters is as the noise of a multitude of people*.

The SEA, or "the untillable and barren deep," -Multitudes in a barren and unfruitful state towards God; which are subject, also, to be agitated by storms like the troubled deep, that cannot rest, but whose waters cast up mire and dirt. If it is the Great Sea, it may represent the Gentiles, or the nations of the world at large, professing paganism. If an Inland Sea, it may represent the population of some principal kingdom, in an unfruitful state, professing infidelity, or a corrupt religion†.

A SEA OF GLASS (understood in a temporal sense)-A Population in a tranquil state; not liable to be agitated by storms, or the spirit of violence and discord :-Applied to spiritual things, it may be supposed to have a similar meaning‡.

The FOUR WINDS (understood in a temporal sense)-The Spirit of Violence and Discord; which acting upon the population, impel them against one another in different directions, and excite universal tumult and disorder: here, the object being invisible, the emblem is also invi

Psal. lxv. 7. Isai. xvii. 12. † Rev. xiii.
Isai. lvii. 20. Ezek. xlvii. 8.
Rev. vii. 1.

* Rev. xvii. 15. 1. xvii. 15. xxi. 1. 2, 3. II. Esd. xi, 1. iv. 6. xv. 2.

Dan, vii.

viii. 8. xvi. 3.

+ Rev.

sible*.-A Whirlwind, or violent wind, applied to spiritual things, appears, in some parts of Scripture, to be used as an emblem of the Wrath of God †.

The GREAT RIVER EUPHRATES-The Turkish Empire, which first arose in the neighbourhood of that river‡.

The AIR-The meaning of this symbol, I conceive to be derived from its property of being every where present; and that it is used to express Universality; in this case, a judgment or Vial of Wrath, being poured out into the air, would imply that it was one of universal extent and influence§.

WILD BEASTS, savage and ferocious in their nature, persecutors of the meek and helpless, and cruel devourers of each other-One or other of the Four ruling Kingdoms of the world; the seats of the four great empires, which were cruel persecutors of the Church, were always engaged in warfare, and have successively destroyed each other. These symbols are each strictly confined to certain territories, so as not to interfere with one another; but form together a complete division of the prophetic Earth into four parts.

*Rev. vii. 1. Dan. vii. 2. † Rev. vi. 13. Rev. ix. 14. xvi. 12. § Rev. ix. 2. xvi. 17. Rev. xiii. 1, 12. Dan. vii. 3.

Dan. ii. 35.

Eph. ii. 2.

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