WORKS BY MR. B. H. SMART. 8vo, cloth lettered, 10s. BEGINNINGS OF A NEW SCHOOL OF METAPHYSICS; Three Essays in one Volume: OUTLINE OF SEMATOLOGY, published in 1831; SEQUEL TO SEMATOLOGY, published in 1837; APPENDIX, 1839. 8vo, stitched, 1s. A LETTER TO Dr. WHATELY, THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN, On the effect which his work, "Elements of Logic," has had, in retarding the progress of English Metaphysical Philosophy, begun, but left imperfect, in Locke's Essay. 66 Post 8vo, cloth lettered, 6s. 6d. MEMOIR OF A METAPHYSICIAN: By FRANCIS DRAKE, Esq., edited by the Author of Beginnings of a New School of Metaphysics," &c. * * *The foregoing works are theoretical. With respect to the practical works on Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, hereunder advertised,* it may be premised that the Author has been widely known in private circles of the Metropolis for the last forty years as a teacher of elocution. Elocution implies the practice of grammar, logic, and rhetoric; but the author's pupils, in great proportion, present themselves already educated in all respects except the practical issue of their acquirements in a significant, unaffected, forceful delivery. In trying to secure this result, he has generally found his tuition obstructed by theoretical prepossessions quite at variance with the practice of language, such as it is when it forms itself spontaneously under the force only of good example. Hence he was led to question the common theories under which language is explained to be the expounder of thought-of course, not to question whether it is the expounder of thought-but the manner in which it fulfils this its acknowledged office. And the works advertised hereunder,* not hastily planned nor at once brought forth, are the completed result. *See at the end of the volume. To MICHAEL FARADAY, Esq. D.C.L. Oxon: F.R.S.: F.G.S.: M.R.I.: Fullerian Prof. of Chem.: Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit: Foreign Associate of the Acad. of Science in the Imperial Inst. of Paris: &c. &c. &c. THIS ESSAY, THOUGH IN A DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY DISTINCT FROM THAT IN WHICH HIS NAME STANDS ILLUSTRIOUS, YET BEING ATTEMPTED TO BE CARRIED OUT IN THE INDUCTIVE SPIRIT WHICH HIS EXAMPLE EMINENTLY RECOMMENDS, IS, WITH VIVID RECOLLECTIONS OF EARLY FRIENDSHIP AND CONTINUED KINDNESS, AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED. ATHENEUM, PALL-MALL, LONDON. September, 1855. |