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the Turks Cruelty to him, and of his Escape. In which there are many Things never published by any Hiftorian before. By Jofeph Pitts of Exon. With a Map of Mecca, and a Cut of the Mahometan Poftures in Worship. Printed for 7. Osborne and T. Longman.


Prefent State





For September, 1731.


Fungar vice cotis, acutum

Reddere quæ ferrum valet, exfors ipfa fecandi.



Printed for WILLIAM INNY s, at the Weft

End of St. Paul's. MDCC XXXI.

Price One Shilling.

BOOKS printed for W. IN NY S.



HE Civil Hiftory of the Kingdom of Naples in The Covil of the


the Hiftory of that Kingdom (comprising alfo the general Affairs of Europe) under the Anjouvian, Aragonian, and Aufirian Kings, till the Year 1723. With the Hiftory of the Civil, Canon, and Feodal Laws; the Ecclefiaftical Polity, and the Succeffion of the Popes. Written in Italian by Pietro Giannone, Civilian and Advocate in Naples, and publish'd Anno 1723. Tranflated into English by Captain James Ogilvie.

II. Obfervations in Phyfick, both Rational and Practical; with a Treatife on the Small Pox. By Thomas Apperley, M. D. formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 8vo. Price bound 4s.

III. The Divine Inftitution of Government. A Sermon preached at the Affizes held at York, Aug. 1. 1731. before the Honourable Alexander Denton, Efq; one of the Juftices of his Majefty's Court of Common Pleas, and Sir Edmund Probyn, Knt. one of the Justices of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench. By Thomas Clark, A,M, Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, and Rector of Kirkeaton. Publish'd at the Requeft of the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury.

Lately imported,

A&ta Eruditorum Lipfia publicata ab Anno 1682, ufque ad Annuni 1731. Menf. Augufti. cum Supplement. & Indicibus, in 63 Vol. 4° vel feparatim.

Nova Plantarum Genera juxta Tournefortii Methodum Difpofita Quibus Plante MDCCCC recenfentur, scilicet fere мcccc nondum obfervatæ, reliquæ fuis fedibus reftitute; quarum vero figuram exhibere vifum fuit, eæ ad DL aneis Tabulis cv111. graphice expreffe funt; Adnotationibus, atque. Obfervationibus, præcipue Fungorum. Mucorum, affiniumque Plantarum fationem, ortum, & incrementum fpe&tantibus, interdum adjectis. Regie Celfitudini Johannis Gaftonis Magni Etruriæ Ducis. Au&tore Petro Antonio Michelio Flor. Ejufdem R. C. Botanico. Fol. Florent. 1729.


Art. XIV.



HE Sacred and Prophane Hiftory of the World, &c. by Sa

muel Shuckford, M. A. Rector of Shelton in the County of Norfolk. Vol. II. Firft Abftract.

P. 165

XV. Some Account of the Tranflation of the fame Author, mention'd in the foregoing Article.

P. 177.

XVI. Sermons on feveral Subjects, by Samuel Clarke, D. D. late Rector of St. James's Weftminfter, &c. VOL. IX, and X.

P. #86

XVII. ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝΟΥΣ ΛΟΓΟΙ ΕΚΛΕΚΤΟΙ : Ό, Select Orations of Demofthenes, &c. By Richard Mounteney.

p. 192

XVIII. Obfervations in Phyfick, both Rational and Practical, with a Treatife of the Small Pox. By Tho. Apperley, M. D. &c. p. 198

XIX. A Conference upon the Miracles of our Bleffed Saviour. By William Stevenson, M. A. Prebendary of Sarum, &c.

P. 218

XX. State

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Page 181. Note* Line 2. for feldom, read often. P,183. Line 1. after apodictically put a, and lin. 2. after Revelation dele the,


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