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attended by crowds, as if nothing had passed in their generation to disturb their faith, or deprive them of its instruments! And whence is this difference? Why, simply herein, that their religion, while it exercises absolute controul over their judgments and belief, speaks to their senses, to their feelings, to their hearts. For that my Brethren, is a city long accustomed to rule, but to rule through the affections. Believing herself, and I confidently say it, justly believing herself, invested by God's promises, with authority to teach all nations, she hath used this authority to keep all in the unity of faith, giving the same creed, with the same gospel, to the American and the Chinese, as she had given to the African and the Briton. But while she swayed her sceptre with uncompromising equality, she feared not to adorn it with jewels. She knew that the gold and the silver, and the precious spices, were the Lord's, and by his hand had been given to his house; and she lavished them in his service, and she cherished all the arts of life, and she encompassed herself with every splendour, and clothed herself with all beauty; and she hath made herself beloved by the lowly, and respected by the great; and, secure upon the rock of an eternal promise, she fears not earthly changes, nor infernal violence; from the one secure by accomplishing, in her outward constitution, the typical forms of the older, less spiritual, dispensation, of hope: from the other, safe, as the symbol and image of the blessed kingdom of eternal love.

Errata in some copies of Lecture IV.


Page 85, (first of the Lecture) line 5, for union, read wonder.
100, line 6 from bottom, after may, read not;
114, line 6 from bottom, for said, read sad.

may not depart."



MARK, xvi. 15.

"Go ye unto the whole world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” THIS, my brethren, was the important commission delivered by our Saviour to the apostles. It stands in close connexion with that other command, on which, on a former occasion, I expatiated at great length; wherein he ordered his apostles to teach all nations, teaching them to observe all things whatever he had commanded them, and promised to be with them all days, even unto the end of the world. On that occasion, I endeavoured to show you, by the construction of the very text, that there was annexed a promise of success to the commission given so, that, what was therein enjoined to the apostles and their successors, in the Church of Christ, he himself would for ever enable them to put in execution. Now, therefore, it must be an important criterion of the true religion of Christ, or, in other words, of that foundation whereon he intended his faith to be built, to see where that blessing, that promise of success from his assistance, hath rested, and where, by its actually taking effect, it can be shown to have been perpetuated, according to the words of our blessed Redeemer.

For we cannot doubt that the apostles, in virtue of that promise, went forth and not only preached to nations, but actually converted them. It was in virtue of this same promise, that their successors in the Church continued to discharge the same duty of announcing Christ, and him crucified, to nations who had never heard his name; and there can be no doubt, that their success was due to their having been in possession


of the promise there given; and, consequently, to their having built the Gospel on that foundation to which the promise was annexed. In other words, it must be a very important criterion of the true rule of faith, declared by our blessed Redeemer to his Church, to see whether the preaching according to any given rule has been attended with that blessing which was promised, and which secures the enjoyment of his support; or, whether, its total failure proves it not to have satisfied the conditions he required.

Such, my brethren, is in some respects the subject on which I am going to enter. I wish to lay before you, in this and my next discourse, a view of the success which has attended the preaching of the gospel of Christ, according to the two different rules of faith which I have endeavoured to explain; and I will begin, in the first place, and it will occupy me this evening, with examining the history of the different institutions formed in this and other Protestant countries for the purpose of diffusing the light of the gospel among the nations, who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. For this purpose, it is my intention to make use, as much as possible, of authorities which no one will impugn,-I intend, perhaps with one or two exceptions, not to quote a single Catholic authority; indeed I will endeavour, as much as I can, to confine myself to the testimony of such as are actually engaged on these missions, or to the reports of the societies which direct and support their efforts.

The progress of conversion had gone forward from age to age, ever since the time of the apostles; and not a century, particularly among those commonly designated as dark and superstitious times, not a half century had passed in which some nation or other was not converted to the faith of Christ. By conversion I do not simply mean their being kept in the missionary state under the direction and tutelage of persons sent from another country, but so established, in the course of a very few years, as to be able to exist independently. They of course always remained in connexion and

communion with the Mother Church, whence their faith originally came; yet so as to have their own native hierarchy, governing many congregations and churches regularly organized, and of such a character, as that, wherever the doctrines of Christ had once been preached, error was completely rooted out, and never again appeared; and the whole population, in the course of a very short time, became members of the Church of Christ. This is naturally the most simple and obvious idea that can be formed of conversion; and during these ages, this was the way that all the missions were conducted, and these were the results which they uniformly gave. And so far was this spirit of conversion from failing in later times, that, on the contrary, just at the moment of the Reformation, it is remarkable how a new field opened, and was cultivated with success, among the natives of America, and in the peninsula of India.

When, therefore, the new religion took possession of this and some continental countries, it very soon struck those who were the founders of the new Churches, that it was an important duty incumbent on them to show themselves inheritors of the promise made by Jesus Christ; and, not content with supposing themselves to have received a new light, they determined to diffuse its rays among those nations who had not enjoyed the same happiness. Hence it was, that so early as the year 1536, the Church of Geneva instituted a mission for the conversion of heathens, who had not received Christianity in any form. Of the history of the mission I can say nothing: but it is acknowledged, on all hands, that it proved abortive, and was very soon discontinued, in consequence of its ill-success. I may, therefore, date the missionary labours of Protestantism from the beginning of the last century. In the year 1706, Frederic IV. king of Denmark, established a mission, which still enjoys considerable celebrity, and of which I shall later give you some details. It flourished chiefly after the middle of the last century, under the direction of

Ziezenbelg, Schultze, and Schwartz: and this seems to have been the first mission attended with any appearance of success.

In this country, in the year 1701, the first Missionary Society was formed, and incorporated by Royal Charter,— that is, the " Society for the Diffusion of Christian Knowledge;" and, about the same period, the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," was also completely organized, and in activity. From that time, until towards the end of the last century, nothing particulary striking was done in this department. It was in 1792, that the Baptist Missionary Society, since become so celebrated by its many versions of the Scripture into the eastern languages, made at its head quarters at Serampore, was first instituted and consolidated; and in 1795, the "London Missionary Society," which belongs to the Independent Congregation, was also formed; followed in the next year by the "Scotch Missionary Society." In 1800, the "Church Missionary Society" came into activity. Since that time, a great number of secondary associations have sprung up; and many have also been formed by members of different religions in this country, as the Wesleyans, and others, whom it is not necessary to enumerate. Besides these societies in our own country, there are also similar ones in America, some in Germany, and some in France, which have all directed their labours to the same important purpose. In other words, I may say, that the most wealthy and most enlightened nations of the earth, according to the flesh, have devoted themselves, with extraordinary zeal and diligence, to compass this important end, of bringing heathens to a knowledge of Christianity.

Next we may enquire, what are the means which they have in their hands? They are such as never, from the time of the Apostles, have been brought to bear, I will not say upon the work of conversion, but on the attainment of any great moral object. I have not always had the convenience of consulting documents down to the very latest period; and I have therefore been obliged to content myself with such as have come

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