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twenty-six years. He received his early religious benefit under the ministry of the late Rev. Thomas Powell; and he believed to the saving of his soul. Hers

many, valued as a Christian friend, and loved by those who knew her; by many, as one who had ministered to their necessities and soothed their sorrows. was a faith that worked by love. She 'went about doing good,' constrained by the love of Christ, as the active follower of the King she served. She had received Him into her heart, and she sought to follow in His steps. She was not one who worshipped with us: but should it not cheer us, brethren, as we mourn over the divisions of Christ's church, to feel that others, who differ from us in some things, are united by a holier, closer bond than any other bond of communion? Ought we not to long for the glorious time when all the distinctions, now necessary from human weakness and imperfection, will be done away, and all the children of Zion be united for ever around the throne? May we not thank God for her, now departed this life in His faith and fear, who submitted with Christian patience to the stroke which stopped her in her active usefulness, and at last called her away from suffering to glory?—May God give us grace to love, and watch, and pray, and work, as she did! Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when He cometh shall find so doing.'

For some weeks she was quite a prisoner, in consequence of an attack of paralysis; but she still retained her peace and cheerful trust in God, calmly waiting His will, A second attack deprived her of speech. A few hours after, her happy spirit was released from its clay tenement, to be borne on angels' wings to the paradise of God.


AUGUST 2d, 1857.-At the house of her son-inlaw, Arundel-square, Islington, Mrs. Fox, of Cheltenham, aged sixty-four, and in the fortysixth year of her union with the Methodists. She was a meek follower of the Lord Jesus; showing the Christian character in sorrow and joy, health and sickness. At the Divine call, she felt it her duty to "come out from among " the ungodly, and to "be separate:" hence she put off the world's livery, and was thus protected from many an invitation to join in its amusements and pleasures. In the domestic sphere she was truly excellent, very frequently taking her youngest child with her to the throne of the heavenly grace. As a Class-Leader, she was for many years highly esteemed; being devoted, faithful, and intelligent. The night before her exit, she said she was "very happy." Faith in God her Saviour had often triumphed, and it triumphed at the last. F.

Oct. 1st.-At Bedford, Mr. W. Hill, aged fiftyfive years. He had been a Wesleyan Methodist

A diary, which he kept about twenty years, shows that he was eminently a prayerful, watchful, and spiritual Christian. His home was happy; his affairs, prosperous. He was "diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." Possessing the advantage of a good education, and extensive knowledge of Wesleyan matters, our friend was a sound and consistent Methodist. Most of the offices in our church were sooner or later filled by him, with credit to himself, and decided advantage to the cause. His last illness was short, and of such a nature as to deprive him of the power of speech; but to questions addressed to him he responded by most intelligible signs, that he enjoyed perfect peace. His departure is felt as a public loss.

W. S.

Nov. 11th.-At Preston, aged eighty-eight, Mr. John Banks, "an old disciple," much and deservedly esteemed during about fifty years' membership. He was of a meek and quiet spirit, manifesting through his entire Christian course much of the spirit of his blessed Lord." In age and feebleness extreme," he clung to Christ as much as ever, and Jesus was indeed precious to him. R. M.

Nov. 12th.-At Halifar, William Hatton, Esq., aged sixty-nine; having been forty-eight years a devoted member of the Wesleyan church. Favoured with a religious education, he was mercifully preserved from many vices, and " from a child" he knew the holy Scriptures, which are able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." His conversion was clear and decisive; and its fruits were manifest in a life of obedient and active faith. For forty years he was an efficient Class-Leader, and by his fidelity and affection won the regard and confidence of the members under his care. His religion was unwavering, glowing, and devout. He was warmly attached to the Wesleyan Missionary Society; gave it his hearty support, and rejoiced in its widely-extended operations and glorious triumphs. To this Society he rendered long, valued, and efficient services as Collector, Secretary, and District-Treasurer. His death was sudden, yet not unexpected. For some time it had been with him a frequent saying, "Going home, and going quickly." J. L.

Nov. 16th.-Mary Ann Bentley, of KnaresLorough, aged nineteen years. She gave herself to the Lord at an early period of life, saying, in the language of David, "Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory." This resolution, uniformly acted upon, sustained her spirit in the prospect of departing this life after a short but heavy affliction. Her end was eminently tranquil. M. S.

Nov. 27th.-Mr. William Keal, aged seventyone, of the Manchester Fifth Circuit. He was converted and "added unto the church" in early life. Preserved by grace, he maintained an unbroken fellowship and a stainless character for more than fifty years. He filled well, and long,


the offices of Leader, Local Preacher, and Stoward. The regularity of his attendance upon the means of grace, the marked reverence of his deportment in the house of God, and the manifest joy with which he fed upon the word, were exemplary. Evil speaking was his abhorrence, and in charity he abounded. While catholic in spirit, he was yet intensely and intelligently attached to Methodism. Through all the years of his membership his affection for it never wavered. No child of Israel ever thought more lovingly of Jerusalem, than he of the church of his choice. He passed through many severe trials, and suffered many painful bereavements, but always bore them with patient and cheerful submission to the will of God. He was remarkable for simplicity and quiet strength of character, for fixedness of purpose, and completeness and consistency of Christian life. His end was peace.

S. C.

Nov. 29th.-At Killicomaine, in the Portadown Circuit, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. Anthony Cowdy. Early converted to God, she became remarkably decided in the service of Christ, pressing "into the holiest of all, by the blood of Jesus." During a religious course of more than thirty years, she exhibited an unwavering attachment to Methodism and to its Ministers. Gifted with wisdom, patience in affliction, energy, and love in no ordinary degree, -the loss of one so exemplary in the various relations of life has deeply affected her family and friends; but they rejoice in the assured hope that she "sleeps in Jesus." R. M.

Dec. 7th.-At Ashford, Kent, the Rev. William Binning, in his sixty-seventh year; who departed this life in the true faith of the Gospel which he had so long, earnestly, and successfully preached. Forty-one years he devoted to the work of the ministry; the first nine of which were spent in the West Indies. While there, fevers and fatigue brought on weaknesses which affected him the remainder of his life. His last affliction was painful in the extreme; yet, while he sighed, he murmured not. He longed to live, "if his Lord and Master would permit," to preach Christ a few years longer. When the medical attendant intimated that a few more days would close that suffering scene, Mr. Binning was asked if he felt saved of Christ; when he replied, "I have no joy; but I have confidence,....and I have peace." His heart was in the work to the last: he never thought he had done enough for his Saviour. His labours were prosecuted with untiring assiduity, till within two months of his peaceful death.

D. J. W.

Dec. 13th.-At Ripon, Mr. John Handley, aged forty-six. He had just concluded the devotional exercises of the Sunday-school in the afternoon of the day above-mentioned, when he was suddenly seized with alarming illness. Medical aid was obtained; but he expired in the course of a few minutes. He was a good man, and a

faithful labourer in the cause of Sunday-school instruction. J. P. F.

Richmond-Hill chapel,

Dec. 15th.-Near Leeds, Samuel Perkius, in the eightieth year of his age. He had been a remarkably consistent Methodist upwards of fifty-five years. He diligently employed his talent in the several spheres of usefulness that were open to him, till the close of his life. For many years he had the care of a class; and was very useful as a Prayer-Leader, a Visiter of the sick, and that in most perilous cases of cholera. He was a man of good understanding; a careful reader of his Bible, and of the Methodist publications that came in his way. This aided him in forming a correct and decided judgment of that section of the church universal by which he was brought to the enjoyment of the salvation of God. He was a wakeful participant in all the successes and trials through which Methodism in Leeds has passed for the last halfcentury. The effect, visible in him, was a growth in stability, and attachment to the cause he had espoused. He took a lively part in the prayermeeting held every morning at six o'clock, till nearly the last day of his life. His death was sudden; but he was waiting for the call.

G. T.

Dec. 19th.-At Lytham, the Rev. John Walsh, in the sixty-fourth year of his age, and the fortyfourth of his ministry. For nine years he laboured as a Missionary in Newfoundland, and was made a great blessing. After his return to England, he was much esteemed in his various Circuits as an eminently Christian man, and a devoted and laborious Minister of the Lord Jesus. In 1851, compelled by indisposition to become a Supernumerary, he took up his abode at Birmingham, whence, subsequently, he removed to Lytham. In his retirement, he met a class, preached, and visited from house to house, as much as his declining strength would allow. He bore a long and painful affliction with exemplary patience, and often spoke of Christ as "very precious" to him. He was favoured with much Divine consolation, and had a bright hope of a glorious immortality. When unable to speak, he waved his hand; and, when his dear wife said, "Victory," he nodded assent, and soon after fell asleep in Jesus. R. M.

Jan. 3d, 1858.-Aged sixty-nine, Mr. James Fildes, of Cheetham-Hill, Manchester. He was converted to God when eleven years old, and soon afterwards became a member of the Wesleyan-Methodist Society. For forty years he was a useful Class-Leader, and during the same period filled other important offices in the church with fidelity and zeal. He was chastened by long and painful affliction, through which he maintained a calm and unshaken faith in Christ; and he finished his course of devotion on earth with earnest intercession on behalf of his family and friends. His loss is deeply felt by many who knew the value of his faithful and judicious counsels. S. W. C.


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MARCH, 1858.


BY THEIR SON, THE REV. WILLIAM J. SHREWSBURY. DEAL, in Kent, was the birth-place of each of these venerable Christians, who have latterly departed to the kingdom of God. Shrewsbury was born November 1st, 1770; and Mary Hayward, whom he married, February 25th, 1773. His ancestors came from Dover, and hers from Canterbury; places of no inconsiderable note in English history. In process of time the families of the Shrewsburys and the Haywards became numerous, and nearly seventy of their descendants were living in Deal; but years have wrought such changes, that now scarcely six individuals of both branches together can be found in the place, or in its vicinity. Mrs. Shrewsbury survived all her brothers and sisters, so that when she died the generation to which she belonged became extinct of her husband's immediate relatives, one brother only is living: and of their own large family of ten children, their first-born, the writer of this brief memoir, alone remains to this present. "For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Of their earlier years little is known, save only the mournful fact that they were all vanity. Both individuals were sober, industrious, and outwardly moral; but worldly, foolish, and inclined to gaiety, levity, and mirth. Not long after marriage they began to attend the ministry of the Independents, and not in vain; for that was the first step which issued in their conversion and final salvation. The congregation was occasionally supplied by Dissenting students from Hoxton, among whom was one latterly well known as Dr. Leifchild, then a young man,-whose discourses, full of unction, were not lost upon the writer, who with his parents was hearkening attentively to the word spoken by that servant of the Lord. About that time the husband and wife began to feel the solemn truths of the Gospel, and to inquire the way to the kingdom. Gracious feelings increased in the mind of the latter, till she became thoroughly awakened: the former was desirous of mercy, but not so tremblingly alive to a sense of his need of it. Mrs. Shrewsbury attended the prayer-meetings with great diligence, and always took her eldest son with her. The church was flourishing; many of its members adorned their profession by holy living; and under the pastoral care of the Rev. John Vincent, a most godly man, they had the joy of seeing not a few

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