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CADEMY, female, account of

ACADE America, 400.

Addington's Affinity beween Painting
and Writing (in MSS.) extracts
from, 251.

Africa, its present internal appearance
defcribed, 272.

Allies, total lofs of, during the cam-
paigns of 1799, 387-389.
American juftice, fpecimen of, 398.
Anderson, Dr. and Gen. Washington,
ftrictures on, 337-350.
Andrewes, Rev. Mr. his pathetic fer-
mon in behalf of the,Endeavour So-
ciety, noticed, 86, 87.
Anglo-Saxons, account of their firft
irruption into Britain, 3, 4.
Anticipation epitaphs, 462.
Archduke Charles, contrafed as a ge-
neral, with Buonaparte, 241.
Architecture, Egyptian and Grecian,
judicious obfervations on, 274, 275.
Arthur, remarks on the wars of, 5-8.
Affociations in Africa, account of two
curious, 268.

Author, cafe of a disappointed, invef-
tigated, and advice offered, 415.
Authorship, neceflity of a ftandard for
the age of 416.


Badon-Mount, battle of, cbfervations
on, 6.

Baptifm, a new mode of performing.
See Godwin.

Bankers, female, description of, 140.
Battle, defcription of one in Mexico,

of Morgarten, animated de-
fcription of, 380-382.
Baudelocque, a vicious recommenda-
tion of, cenfured, 52.

Beatfon's View of the War in India,
119-inconteftible proof of the
treacherous conduct of Tippoo, 120.
-trifling lofs of the unarmed inha-
bitants in Seringapatam, afcribed to
the high difcipline of the British
troops, 123-lofs of the English
army, ib.-number of the troops in
garrifon immediately before the

fiege, 123, 124-reftoration of the
Myfore family, 125-importance of
our late acquifitions in India, 127.
Bell's Memorial on the present State of
Military and Naval Surgery, 293¬~
his opinion of the army and navy
furgeons, ib-his propofition for
removing the evils, 294-296-fin-
cerity and fenfibility of the author,
296-298-remarks on his projects,


Bellows-blower, unacquainted with the
alphabet, demands a license, to act
as a qualified preacher! 168.
Benfon's Vindication of the Methodifts,
a compotition of virulence and in-
ve&ive, 166-matter of thankfulness
to the author, 167-an anecdote of
fome journeymen methodists quoted,
167, 168-increase in the number
of preachers in the metropolis during
the last three years, 168-evil con-
fequences thereof, 169.

Berne, treasure found at, how difpofed
of by the French Republic, 464.
Bevan's Refutation of Modern Mifre-
presentations, 34-various points
confidered and refuted, 34, 39-fa-
cility of the author at Quaker
making, 37-obfervations on the
i Life of James Nayler, 158-his real
life and character quoted from re-
fpectable authorities, 159-a curi
ous anecdote, 160-blafphemous
and idolatrous paffages of Fox, Tom-
linfon, and others quoted, 161-
proof of Nayler's courage,162-anec-
dotes of his blafphemous conduct
andthat of other Quakers, 163.
Bible, admonitions refpecting the, 23.
Bilious Fever and Cholera Morbus,

contraft between, 438.

Bishop of Lincoln, his excellent Charge
to his Clergy, 128-his remarks on
the prefent general infidelity, 129—
fuggefts the necellity of a particu
lar attention to Sunday schools,

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his plan of the campaign of
1797, conclufions drawn from,

artifices of, in his propofals
to open a negociation for peace, ex-
pofed, 259-his reafons for prevent-
ing a general peace, 260.
Books, bad effects of their fupera-
bundance at the prefent day, 91.
Bourbon, House of, proofs of the obli-
gation on Great Britain to restore it,


Bread, probable caufes of its present

high price, 319-its confumption
at prefent greater than when the
loaf cost nine pence; and the causes
which produce this confumption,


Burglary and robbery in England, the
frequency of, accounted for, 139.
Burke's Thoughts on Scarcity, 280-

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his opinion refpecting the act for re-
pealing the Statutes against fore-
ftallers, diffented from, 281-argu-
ments of the author, Dr. A. Smith
and others controverted, 282-the
new company for fupplying the me-
tropolis with flour, &c. defended
by the Reviewer, ib.-difference be-
tween two friends respecting the ne-
ceffity of an advance in wages, 283.
-obfervations on the prefent ftate of
labour, ib.-the author's remarks on
the impolicy of legiflative interfer-
ence, to regulate the price of provi-
fions, on farmers, on middle men
&c. &c. refuted, 283-285.


Campaign of 1799-caufes which pro-

ducod the misfortunes of the allies
on Sept. 25 and 26, 383-385.
Carrington, Lord, ftrictures on his late
conduct refpecting the fubject of
tithes, 334.

Century, reflections on the end of a,


Chafteller, Marquis de, biographical
anecdotes of, 389, 390.
Cholera Morbus defcribed, 48.
Chriftening, ludicrous account of one,
at fea, 180.

Christian preacher, the duty of one
explained, 129.

Chriftianity, account of its establish-

ment in the kingdom of Northum-
bria, 8, 9.

Coals, plan for reducing the price of,
at Edinburgh, 423.
Colquhoun's Treatife on the Police of
the Metropolis, 137-his definition

of Police objected to and improved,
138 his chapters on punishments,
and female Proftitution objectiona
ble, ib.-remarks on the frequency
of robberies, 139-profits of the fe-
male banking fyftem, 140-mea-
fures of the author for fuppreffing
proftitution cenfured, 143-fallacy
of his calculations, 145-general
obfervations on the work, 147.

on the Commerce and Po-
lice of the River Thames, obferva-
tions on, 276-principal contents of
the work ftated, 277.

on the commercial aggran-
dizement of this country, 278-re-
marks on the fallacy of the author's
calculations, &c. 280.

Commanders of the Auftrian and
French armies, their portraits con-
trafted, 241.

Cooper's Letters on the Irish Nation,

173 gives a decided preference to
the Irish, over the English, orators,
174-his diftinction between the
origin of government and the origin
of political fociety unintelligible, 175
-grofs errors of the author pointed
out, 176.

Corn, common-place obfervation that
its dearness is to be attributed to the
war examined and refuted, 220-
amazing amount of the importation,
of, from Sept. 1799 to Sept. 1800.
Correfpondents anfwered, 238, 358.
Cortes, Hernando, his attempts at the
@onqueft of Mexico, defcribed, 360
effects a landing near Tobafco, and
defeats an army of 12,000 Indians;
his entering into Mexico, on an ac-
count of that capital, 363-his cru-
elty an hypocrify, 365.
Cottages, new and curious plan for
the erection of, 412.

Cow-pox, obfervations on the, 53.
Critical and Monthly Reviews, ftric,
tures on the, 429-437.


David the Painter, anecdote of, 213.
Daubeney, Mr. attacked by a young
ftudent, and defended by the re-
viewer, 305-309.

Dead, curious cuftom of interrogating
the, in Africa, 270.

Democratic governments, the una-
voidable defects of, accounted for,


Defpotifm, proofs of its influence upon
the human mind, 276.

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Face painting, anecdote of, 73.
Fafters, anecdotes of fome extraordi-
nary, 36.

Female education, a private preferable
to a public, 135.

preaching, cautions againft,
on fcriptural authority, 256, 257.
Fever, the Bilious defcribed, 48, 49.
Field-preaching defended, 66.
Fox, Mr. his political conduct respect-
ing the laft treaty with France, ex-
pofed, 265.

(the Quaker) anecdote of, 37.
France, its excellent regulations re-
fpecting provifions, under the anci-
ent government, 284.
Frederic II of Pruffia, his character
by a late French writer, 475.
French language, reflections on the
modern attempts to improve it, 211.

Republic, total amount of its
revenue in Sept. 1797, 463-account
of fome fingular new taxes impofed
for its fervice in 1798, ib.-enor-
mous arrears of, in 1798, and the
new taxes levied, 464-miferable
fhifts of its financiers, 465.

ftrictures, on fome leading cha-
racters in Atheism, on their conduct
towards their clergy, &c. by the
Bishop of Rochester, 287.

troops, number of, in Serin-
gapatam, at the time of the fiege,



Gaming, reflections on that vice, 141.
George I. anecdote of, 73.
GOD. See the DEVIL!!!
Godwin, the philofopher, account of,
the Baptifmal ceremony performed
on him by a foi-difant Bishop!

Government, remarks on different
forms of, ancient and modern, 91.
its vital principle defined, 92.
Governments, the firft, probability of
their having been patriarchal, 94.
Gout, prefervative and curative means
for, 301.

Grandee, an ancient British, his speech
on the introduction of the Chriftian
religion into this kingdom, 10, 11.
Guild, Dr. anecdotes of, 15, 16.


Happiness, its nature inveftigated, 92.
Haygarth's explosion of Perkins's
Tractors, 30-32-their effects prov
ed to proceed from the power of the
imagination, ib.

Hill's (Rev. Rowland) Second Tour
through the Highlands, 310-his
treatment at Kendal, ib.-cenfures
the General Affembly of Scotland,
310, 311-Bishop of Rochester's
fentiments on Methodifm quoted,


Honour, worldly, reflections on, 397.
Hottentots, account of their marriages,



Imagination, remarks on the influence
of, on the animal fyftem, 30.
Income Tax British, and French War
Tax, comparifon between, 468.
Infpiration, obfervations on, 258.
Internal feeling, reflections on, 101.-
its origin, ib.

Johnfon Dr. quotation from, addreffed
to Peter Pindar, 100

Jones, (late Mr.) his Letter to the
British Critics, 79-his animadver-
fions on Dr. Priestley, 80.
Jones (the late Mr.) his Letter on the
death of his wife, 105, 100 felect
biographical account of, 439-458.

Lift of his works already
published, 458, 459.

his beautiful Latin Poetry,
and anfwer to, 459-461.
Ireland, people of, the majority proved
to be in favour of the Union, 177.
Judges, the English, their rank, for-
tune, and exalted station, fufficient
fecurity for their integrity, 93.

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Labour, and wages, obfervations on the
prefent ftate of, 283.
Lavoifier, his artful conduct towards
Dr. Black, 186.

Lecturer of St. George's, his oppo-
fition to the views of the Endeavour
Society, 86,-his virulent Sermon
reported, 87, 88,-his attack on the
regular clergy, 89.

Letters, modern philofophical, on Love,

and other fubjects, 369 371–374.
Licenfes, evil of granting them to igno-
rant preachers, 169.

Light, experiments on, as fpontane-
oufly emitted from various bodies,
197, 198.

Lotus, method of preparing food from
its berries, in Africa, 270, 271.
Lowth's elegant effay on Architecture,
extract from, 252.
Lucifer, the father of Philofophy! 24.
Luxury, the fatal effects of, 134.


Macdonald, Gen: biography of, 390
Marine Police Office, remarks on, and
the extenfive power of its Magif-
trates, 280.
Medical Publications, their principal
merit confifts in a correct nofological
defcription, 46.
Memoirs of Modern Philofophers, ac-
count of, 39-the principal charac-
ters in that admirable novel delineated,

Method ft Preachers, rewards received,

by fome, for their fervices, 167—
one in particular, recommended to
notice, 167, 168-names and ref-
pectable profeffions of fome lately li-
cealed, 468.

Methodists, ftrictures on their conduct,

Mexico, account of the capture of that
city by the Spaniards in 152, 365,
Monarchy, a limited, preferable to all
other forms of government, 93.

, an abfolute, its partial in-
fluence, a matter of neceflity, 93.
the Pruffian, account of
the fift eftablishment of, 475.
Monarchs, curious manner of depofing
in Africa, 271.

Monopolizers and Foreftallers; proof
of their existence in the time of So-
lomon, 324.

Monthly Review; its account of the
Correspondence between Anderfon
and Washington, examined, and
animadverted on, 340-350.
Montezuma, King of Mexico, his im-
menfe power, and his capital de-
fcribed, 361.

Moonlight of a Summer Evening, po-
etical defeription of, by Polwhele,
contrafted with that by Hurdis, 247.
Myfore,family, motives for their restor
ation in India, by the British Go-
vernment, 125.

Names, falfe, on the adoption of, te
introduce false ideas, 25.

National Debt, a propofal for the
fpeedy liquidation of, 412.

Novel writing, specimen of, 202.


Oufe, the poetical defcriptions of that
river, by Cowper and Hurdis, con-
trafted, 246, 247.

Ovens, parish, the establishment of,
recommended, 328.


Paris, wretched ftate of, after the
ufurpation of Bonaparte, 470.
Parish Prieft, tranquil end of a, describ-
ed, 60.

Pearfon's Obfervations on the Bilious

Fever, ftrictures on, 46, 47-the
fymptoms of that disease described,
48, 49.

Chemical Nomenclature, ob-
fervations on the, 185-progreffive
improvements in the fcience of che-
miftry, 185, 188- objections to
various terms, &c. 190, 193-re-
marks on the Doctor's Table of Affi-
nities, 193, 195.

People, the origin of power-this opi-
nion contefted, 94.

Penny-pieces, ftatement of the number
caft, by Mr. Boulton, and the share
of, to each individual, if equally di-
vided, 141.

Peter Pindar, curious anecdotes of, 55.
Phillips's Theatrum Poetarum Angli.

canorum, new edition of, by an
anonimous compiler, 148-contains
the lives of 160 more poets than the
work of Dr. Johnfon, 149-speci
mens of Queen Elizabeth's Poetry,


Philofopher and Peasant, dialogue be
tween, 43.

Philofophers, the ancient, remarks on,


Philofophifts, reflections on the ancient
Grecian and modern British, 133.
Philofophy (Mr.) birth and education
of, 23.

Pleasures of a Winter Scene, by Pol-
whele, contrafted with the fame, by
Hurdis, 249.

Police, the accurate meaning of that
word, 279.

hints for the improvement of,
by a Central Board, without any ad-
dition to the number of magiftrates,

of Paris, expence of maintaining
it more than ten times the amount
of that of London, 147.

Folwhele's Hiftory of Devonshire, 75-
Critical Reviewers opinion of the
work quoted, ib.-contrafted with
the impartial account of it in the
Monthly Review, 76-ditto of the
British Critic and European Ma-
gazine, 77.

Prayer, a new, for Monday evenings,
304, 305.

Prophecy, the pillar of, defcribed, 26.
Prostitutes, reflections on their indecent
and outrageous conduct, 144.
Providence, neceffity of implicit ac-
quiefcence in the difpenfations of,
enforced, 425.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Radcliffe's (Mrs.) Italian, account of,
27-her delineation of guilt com-
mended, 28-defective in her por-
traits of virtue, ib.

Rank and Titles, the Reformers' rea-

fons for the abolition of, 96.
Reflections, Moral and Political, 90, 91
-reasons why well-difpofed people
become difcontented, 91-nature of
human happiness defined, 92-ob-
fervations on monarchical and demo-
cratic governments, 93-a limited
monarchy preferable to all other
forms, 94-the origin of power in
the people controverted, ib.- re-
marks on the valuable works of Sir
John Fortefcue, 98.

Reflections on a ftormy night, by Cow-
per, contrafted with the fame, by
Hurdis, 248.

Refolutions of Common Sense, for pre-

venting popular delufion from pok-
tical orators, 231, 232.
Retirement, the happiness of, defcrip-
ed, 60.

Revealed religion, the tower of, do-
scribed, 26.

Revenue, annual increase of to the
Company by their late acquifitions in
India, 127, 128.

Review, defcription of a, 58.
Rheumatism,beft remedy for, in young
and old perfons, 301.

Robifon's Proofs of a Confpiracy, high
literary character of the author, 107
-means taken by the Illuminati to
fupprefs a tranflation of the above
work, in Germany, ib-approbe-
tion beftowed on it, by the King of
Pruffia, 109.
Robespierre and Buonaparte, anecdote
of, 212, 213.


Satire, comparative effects of, general
and particular, 202.

Saxon Parliament, behaviour of fome

of its members, on the abolition of
Heathenifm 12, 18.

Scherer's Introduction to the Know-
ledge of Gafeous Bodies, 181-oh-
fervations and ftrictures on the au-
thor's arrangement, 182-fome gres
errors detected, 183, 184.
Schilm, the fin of, explained, 255.
Schifmatics, caution to, 257.
Scott's Differtation on the Progrefs of
the Fine Arts contrafted with the
elegant effays of Addington and
Lowth, 251, 253.

Seduction, remarks on the trivial
punishment for, 406.

Serrurier, Gen biographical account
of, 389.

Shirrefs's Life of Dr. Guild, 15-fome

account of the Doctor, ib:
Sibbit's Differtation on Luxury, a
moral, religious, and elegant compo
fition, 132, 133.-his appropriate
reflections on the fophifts of ancient
Greece, 133-prefers a private edu-
cation for females, 135-forcible ap-
peal in favour of Chriftianity, 135,

Sieyes, Abbe, anecdote of, 210.
Silk Brokers, anecdote of two patriotic,


Sketch of a well known poetical cha-
racter, 424.

Smith, Dr. Adam, ftrange affections
of, in private company quoted, 420.
Sonnini's Travels in Egypt, 17-fuperi
ority of the translation, published by


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