Taxidermy; or, The art of collecting, preparing and mounting objects of natural history [by S. Lee].

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Page 2 - Mrs. Marcet's Conversations on Chemistry, in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained and illustrated by Experiments.
Page 2 - ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY ; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained, and adapted to the comprehension of Young Persons.
Page 2 - SHAKSPEARE, BY BOWDLER. THE FAMILY SHAKSPEARE ; in which nothing is added to the Original Text ; but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be readaloud.
Page 1 - Longitude only, intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography, and designed as an Accompaniment.
Page 1 - INSTRUCTIONS to YOUNG SPORTSMEN in all that relates to Guns and Shooting; Difference between the Flint and Percussion System; PRESERVATION of Game; Getting Access to all Kinds of...

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