| 1826 - 616 pages
...Percussion System; PRESERVATION of Game ; Getting Access to all Kinds of Birds ; Specific Directions, \vith new Apparatus for WILD Fowl. SHOOTING, both on the...present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of New GAME LAWS, with Observations and Advice to the Young Sportsman on other Subjects. By Lieut. Col. P. HAWKER.... | |
| 1827 - 698 pages
...Percussion System ; Preservation of (iume ; Getting access to all K'nds of Birds ; Specific Directictns, with new Apparatus for Wild Fowl Shooting, both on the Coast and in Fresh Water ; New D'rectioux for Trout Fishing; and Advice to the Young Sportsman on other Sulvjert,-. By Lieut.... | |
| William Wordsworth - Alps - 1823 - 184 pages
...between the Flint and Percussion System; PRESERVATION of Game; Getting Access to all Kinds of liirds ; Specific Directions, with new Apparatus for WILD FOWL...present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of New GAME LAWS, with Observations and Advice to the Young Sportsman on other Subjects. By Lieut. Co1. P. HAWKER.... | |
| 1825 - 588 pages
...Difference between the Flint and Percussion System ; Preservation of Game ; Getting access to all kinds of Birds : Specific Directions, with new Apparatus, for...present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of new Game Laws, interspersed with Observations and Advict to the Young Sportsman on other Subjects. BY LKBT.... | |
| Philomathic institution - 1825 - 504 pages
...Percussion System ; Preservation of Game ; Getting Access to all kinds of Bird* ; Specific Direction!, with new Apparatus for Wild Fowl Shooting, both on...present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of new Game Laws, interspersed with Observations and Advice to the Young Sportsman en other Subjects. By Lieut.... | |
| 1825 - 486 pages
...Percussion System ; Preservation of Game; Getting Access to all kinds of Birds . Specific Direction!, with new Apparatus for Wild Fowl Shooting, both on...Water : with which are introduced, New Directions lor Trout Fishing. An Epitome of the present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of new Game Laws, interspersed... | |
| James Montgomery - English poetry - 1827 - 296 pages
...Flint and Percussion System ; PRESERVATION of Game; Getting Access to all Kinds of Birds ; Kpecilic Directions, with new Apparatus for WILD FOwL SHOOTING,...present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of New GAME LAwS, with Observations and Advice to the Young Sportsman on other Subjects. By Lieut. Col. P. HAwKER.... | |
| Gardening - 1827 - 522 pages
...Difference between the Flint and Percussion System ; PRESERVATION of GAME i: Getting Access to all Kinds of Birds ; Specific Directions, with new Apparatus for...Water; with which are introduced, New Directions for THOUT FISHING. An Epitome of the present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of new, GAME LAWS, interspersed... | |
| John Miller (biographer.) - 1829 - 606 pages
...hrtween the Flint and Percuiilon System j PRESERVATION of Game ; Getting A cent to ill Kinds of Bird* ; Specific Directions, with new Apparatus for WILD FOWL...and In Fresh Water, with which are Introduced, New Direction' for TKOUT FISHING. An Epitome of the present, and a few Suggestions for a Code of New GAME... | |
| John Pinkerton - Literary historians - 1830 - 500 pages
...Flint and Percussion System; PRESERVATION of GAMK ; Getting Access to all Kinds of Birds ; Spt-ctfic Directions, with new Apparatus, for WILD FOWL SHOOTING, both on the Coast and in Fresh Water -, New Directions for TROUT FISHING ; and Advice to the Young Sportsman on other Subjects. By Lieut.... | |
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