| 1826 - 616 pages
...the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only; intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography, and designed as an Accompaniment. 4s. each, sewed ; or 7s. liil . together. OUTLINE MAPS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY; being a Selection, by... | |
| 1835 - 700 pages
...the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only, intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography, and designed as Accompaniments thereto. 4s. each, sewed ; or 7s. 6d. together. OUTLINE MAPS OP ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, being... | |
| 1831 - 652 pages
...marked. OUTLINE GEOGRAPHICAL COPYBOOKS, in llo. ; intended as practical Exercises on Dr. Butler's Allans. 4s. each, sewed ; or 7s. 6d. together. OUTLINE MAPS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, selected by Dr. Butler from D'Anville's Ancient Atlas. Folio, 1 Os. tia. A PRAXIS on the LATIN PRIIKKSITIONS... | |
| 1819 - 808 pages
...Constellations, for the use of schools and private families; by RT Linington, private teacher, 12mo. 4«. 6d. Outline Maps of Ancient Geography, being a selection, by Dr Butler, from D'Anviile's ancient Atlas, intended as practical exercises for the pupil to fill up, and designed as... | |
| John Bowring - Ballads, Spanish - 1824 - 374 pages
...the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only, intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography,...MAPS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, being a Selection, by Dr. Bntler, from D'Anvillc's Ancient Atlas, intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, on... | |
| Catherine Grace Garnett Godwin - English poetry - 1824 - 262 pages
...the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only; intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography,...as an Accompaniment. Price 4s, each, sewed ; or 7s. fid. together. OUTLINE MAPS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY; being a Selection, by Dr. Butler, from D'Anville's... | |
| François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon - Telemachus (Greek mythology) - 1825 - 458 pages
...the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only, intended as Practical Exercises fo'r the Pupil to fill up, from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography,...designed as an Accompaniment. Price 4s. each, sewed; or, Is, 6il. together. A SKETCH of MODERN and ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, for the use of Schools. In bvo. A New... | |
| Samuel Adams (servant.) - 1826 - 526 pages
...Lines ot Latitude and Longitude only, intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, frnm Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography, and designed as an Accompaniment. Price 4*. eaoh, sewed; or, Ts.6d. together. OUTLINE MAPS of ANCIENT GEOGttAPHY, being a Selection, by Dr.... | |
| John Ayrton Paris - Science - 1827 - 234 pages
...Lines of Lati. tude and Longitude only ; intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up. from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography, and designed as an Accompaniment. 4s. each, sewed ; or 7s. 6rf. together. Outline Maps of Ancient Geography, being a Selection, by Dr.... | |
| James Montgomery - English poetry - 1827 - 296 pages
...the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only ; intended as Practical Exercises for the Pupil to fill up, from Dr. Butler's Atlases of Ancient and Modern Geography, and designed as an Accompaniment. 4s. each, sewed ; or 7s. fid. together. OUTLINE MAPS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY; being aSelection.by Dr.... | |
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