THE Eclectic Review, MDCCCXVIII. JULY_DECEMBER. NEW SERIES. VOL. X. Φιλοσοφίαν δε ου την Στωικην λεγω, ουδε την Πλατωνικην, η την Επικουρειον τε CLEM. ALEX. Strom. Lib. 1. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY JOSIAH CONDER, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1818. CONTENTS. Altham and his Wife, a Tale 389 Barton's Observations on the Circumstances which Influence the Conditions of the Labouring Classes of Society 201 - 201 Bill (as amended by the Committee) for the Establishment of Parochial Bene- fit Societies 420 Borrows's Reformation from Popery: Two Sermons Booth's Lexicon of the Prim tive Words of the Greek Language 482 Brougham's Letter to Sir Samuel Romilly, upon the Abuse of Charities: 584 Buxton's Appendix to the First Edition of an Inquiry whether Crime and Misery are produced, or prevented, by our Present System of Prison Hawksley's Protestant Reformation commemorated: a Sermon Hints on a Plan for the Permanent Support of the Scilly Islanders Henderson's Iceland; or the Journal of a Residence in that Island |