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worship, which is a form complied with by thousands who never kept a Sabbath in their lives.

Consistence is necessary to give substance and solidity to the whole. To sanctify the day at church, and to trifle it away out of church, is profanation, and vitiates all. After all, I would ask my catechumen one short question-" Do you love the day, or do you not? If you love it, you will never inquire how far you may safely deprive yourself of the enjoyment of it. If you do not love it, and you find yourself obliged in conscience to acknowledge it, that is an alarming symptom, and ought to make you tremble. If you do not love it, then it is a weariness to you, and you wish it over. The ideas of labour and rest are not more opposite to each other than the idea of a Sabbath, and that dislike and disgust with which it fills the souls of thousands to be obliged to keep it. It is worse than bodily labour.”Cowper's Letter to the Rev. W. Unwin, dated March 28, 1780.



As round the hallow'd Font we stand
With yearning, trusting, trembling hearts,
What blessedness the kind command
To Faith's attentive ear imparts:

"Doubt not, but earnestly believe

That Christ, as heretofore, with grace
This present infant will receive,

And in his arms of love embrace."

Oh! take the word of mercy home,
By meditation made thine own,
A pledge of peace it shall become,
Whate'er befall thy cherished one.
Whether Death's hand of iron take

Thy nursling from thine arms away;
Whether-far bitterer-he forsake

The truth awhile, and seem to stray;

Whether in solitary care

Thou musest, doubtful of his fate;-
Close to thy heart the promise wear,
And thou shalt not be desolate.

Safe in the everlasting arms,
Thy little infant cradled lies,

Eternal power defends from harms,

Eternal love Hell's hate defies.

A. F.



EXTRACT from the Primary Charge of the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland, to the Clergy of Bermuda, at St. John's Church, Pembroke, on Wednesday, the 13th May, 1840:-

"And who that looks on the state of this portion of the diocese, and compares its present flourishing condition with the deficiencies and anomalies which it presented on my first visit to

these islands, but must admit that God has been exceeding gracious in its signal amelioration? Eighteen years ago, notwithstanding the then recent enactment of a law providing for the better maintenance of the incumbents of the several churches in Bermuda, there were but three clergymen officiating throughout the colony. Some

of the parish churches were dilapidated, and had been for years altogether closed; in others, the celebration of divine service occurred but once in a quarter; the naval yard, though in an insulated position, had no chaplain; the gaols had no appointed ministers; the hospitals were unvisited; and schools in connexion with the Established Church, and as forming an integral part of its machinery, were, with the exception of a Sunday school in this parish, almost unknown. The spiritual destitution of the coloured population was confessedly deplorable. Some of the slaves who were employed as domestics, or lived as children in the more religious households, were, it is true, benevolently instructed by their proprietors, but free schools they had none. Christian baptisms among them were infrequent; promiscuous concubinage was common; the bond of marriage was generally discouraged; and the admission of any of them to the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was scarcely contemplated.

"Such was the aspect of the church of Bermuda at the period of my first acquaintance with it in the year 1821; and there certainly is no true lover of his country, however in other respects laudator temporis acti, that does not rejoice in the alteration. I now leave the colony (not without a hope, God permitting me, of soon revisiting it) with nine parish churches enlarged and

SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING ON June 10th, a Special Meeting was held (the Abp. of Canterbury in the chair), when it was agreed to adopt the recommendation of the Standing Committee: "That the sum of 10,000l. be placed at the disposal of the Archbishops and Bishops of the English Church, towards the endowment of the proposed bishoprics in the colonies and dependencies of

embellished to a degree which would be highly creditable to a wealthier country; with five chapel schoolhouses licensed for the performance of divine service;-with adequate provision for the chaplaincies of the naval arsenal, of three prison ships, and of the gaols of Hamilton and St. George's; —with ten clergymen on the list of the establishment; with sixteen schools, in which, under the superintendence of the rectors and missionaries, more than eight hundred pupils are gratuitously instructed in the truths of the Gospel, and in the formularies of the Church of England; -with a Branch of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge rendered popular and efficient;-with lending libraries in almost every parish ;-with crowded congregations demanding yet more accommodation for increasing worshippers in their respective sanctuaries; and with nine hundred communicants, nearly one-third of whom is of the coloured class.

"These are benefits and improvements, my reverend brethren, for which much gratitude is due. It is due to you who have laboured diligently and judiciously in the work of instruction committed to your hands;

it is due to the pious and zealous catechists and schoolmasters who have acted under your directions;-it is due to the influential people of the colony, who have co-operated with you in the labours and gifts of charity;—it is due to the noble associations of the Societies for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and for the Propagation of the Gospel, by whose munificence we have been so largely helped;-and it is due, above all, to the blessed Disposer of events, who has made all things conspire and work together in the production of these happy results." CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE.

the British empire; and that so soon as a plan should be arranged to the satisfaction of his Grace the President, the Treasurer should be directed to pay the money."

It was also stated by the Bishop of London, that the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and the Church Missionary Society, had promised their support to this desirable object.


THE Annual Meeting was held in the Central School, on May 27, the Abp. of Canterbury in the chair, when the children were examined. From the Report it appears, that out of 204 successful applicants for government aid, 169 have declined it, from their repugnancy to state inspection. To 159 of these the National Society has advanced, by way of loan, 16,751.; 9,5591. have been expended in 125 grants for building schools, by which provision has been made for 21,989 children; and 2,8351. have been voted to complete 92 Schools.

In reference to the grand question of inspection, a letter has been addressed by the Marquis of Lansdowne, as President of the Council, to the Abp. of Canterbury, as Primate and Metropolitan. The proposal on the part of government is, that the two Archbishops, each in his own province, shall have a veto on the appointment of Inspectors. The meetings of the Committee during this month, have been attended by the Abp. of Canterbury, President; Abp. of York. The Bps. of London, Durham, Winchester, Bangor, Rochester, Chester,

Gloucester and Bristol, Chichester, Lichfield, Salisbury, Norwich, Ripon, Hereford; the Earls Shaftesbury and Brownlow; the Lords Kenyon, Ashley, and Sandon; Archdeacon Cambridge; the Dean of Chichester; Revs. H. H. Norris, T.T. Walmsley, H. H. Milman, J. Jennings, J. Sinclair; T. D. Acland, M.P. W. Cotton, W. Davies, A. Hammond, R. Twining, G. F. Mathison, S. F. Wood, and Joshua Watson, Esqrs.

Grants were made towards building various Schools; some improvements in the Society's accommodations were considered; several applications for the office of Inspector were received, and the following advertisement for a Principal agreed upon :

"The Committee of the National Society are about to select a Principal for their training Institution. The appointment will be given to a clergyman in Priest's Orders, A.M. of one of the English Universities. His emolument will be 500l. a year, with a house, and his duty that of superintending the education of young men, preparing to become National School



A MEETING of the Committee was held at St. Martin's Place, on Monday, June 15th.-Present, the Bp. of Winchester (in the chair); the Bps. of Bangor, Chester, Gloucester and Bristol, Ely, Lichfield, Ripon, Salisbury, Norwich, and Hereford; the Earl of Dartmouth, Lord Kenyon, the Dean of Chichester; the Revs. Dr. D'Oyly, Dr. Spry, Dr. Shepherd, C. Benson, J. Jennings, T. Bowdler, and B. Harrison; W. E. Gladstone, M.P., Joshua Watson, N. Connop, jun. and H. J. Barchard, Esqrs.

Among other business transacted, Grants were voted towards building a Church at Attleborough, Nuneaton, Warwickshire; at North Hill, Mathon, Worcestershire :-building a Chapel at Worthing, Sussex; at Newtown, Cambridge; at Collierley, Lanchester, Durham; at Hebden, Linton, Yorkshire; at Wharton, Polesworth, Warwickshire :-rebuilding the Church at Stretford, Manchester, Lancashire; at Countesthorpe, Leicestershire; at


Redbirth, Pembrokeshire:-rebuilding the Chapel at Yatton, Much Marcle, Herefordshire-enlarging the Church at Barkstone, Leicestershire; at Watton, Norfolk:-enlarging the Chapel at Chalford, Bisley, Gloucestershire :repewing the Church at Brick, Northamptonshire; St. Martin's, Colchester; Stotfold, Bedfordshire; Horsell, Surrey-building galleries in the Church at Carlton, Yorkshire.

The funds are now nearly exhausted; while the claims upon them are more numerous than ever. Within the last two months, fifty-three additional applications have been received; and the Committee, unwilling to refuse assistance, have resolved to continue their grants of money; in full confidence that, when the circumstances of the Society are more generally known, the donations and subscriptions from private liberality will enable them to fulfil their engagements, and continue their course of usefulness and beneficence.


Degrees Conferred, June 6.


Maurice, Rev. P. New College.


Drake, P. L. Magdalen Coll.
Howes, Rev. J. G. Oriel Coll.
Hussey, T. Brasennose Coll.
Irving, Rev. J. Queen's Coll.
Knollis, Rev. F. M. Magdalen Coll.
Nesbitt, J. C. Balliol Coll.

Sawbridge, Rev. E. H. Balliol Coll.
Sladen, Rev. E. H. M. Balliol Coll.
Smith, Rev. H. J. Wadham Coll.
Stanley, Rev. A. P. University Coll.
Symonds, Rev. A. R. Wadham Coll.
Whitelegg, Rev. W. Queen's Coll.



A dams, H. C. Magdalen Coll.
Addison, W. F. Wadham Coll.
Arden, G. Wadham Coll.
Arnold, C. T. Magdalen Hall.
Campbell, W. A. Christ Church.
Chichester, R. H. Exeter Coll.
Cholmeley, R. C. Corpus Christi Coll.
Coke, E. F. Brasennose Coll.
Coote, A. Brasennose Coll.
Dasent, G. W. Magdalen Hall.
Dean, C. K. Queen's Coll.

Ellerton, G. M. K. Brasennose Coll.
Fletcher, R. Brasennose Coll.
Forbes, C. Exeter Coll.
Fox, T. Wadham Coll.

Garnett, W. G. Brasennose Coll.
Gee, R. Wadham Coll.

Gerrard, T. St. John's Coll.
Hole, W. B. Exeter Coll.

Howard, N. A. Exeter Coll.

Isaacson, J. New Inn Hall.
Jones, J. B. G. Jesus Coll.
Jones, T. Jesus Coll.

Landon, J. T. B. Worcester Coll.
Milton, W. Worcester Coll.
Mitchell T. Oriel Coll.
Paterson, G. Wadham Coll.
Peter, L. E. Exeter Coll.
Pretyman, G. New Inn Hall.
Renaud, W. Exeter Coll.

St. John, H. T. University Coll.
Sale, C. J. Lincoln Coll.
Salmon, T. D. Exeter Coll.
Scholfield, H. D. Brasennose Coll.
Stewart, D. Exeter Coll.
Tate, F. University Coll.
Taylor, J. O. Brasennose Coll.
Venn, E. S. Wadham Coll.
Walker, R. O. St. John's Coll.
Walter, J. Exeter Coll.
Wood, G. Oriel Coll.


June 10.


Emlyn, Viscount, Christ Church.
Baxter, Rev. R. H. Brasennose Coll.
Bevir, E. J. Pembroke Coll.

Borrer, C. H. Oriel Coll.

Bubb, H. Pembroke Coll.

Capes, Rev. J. M. Balliol Coll. (g. c.)
Cox, Rev. J. E. All Souls.

Dixon, Rev. J. D. Brasennose Coll.
Estcourt, E. E. Exeter Coll.
Furneaux, W. D. Exeter Coll.
Graves, Rev. J. Exeter Coll.

Gray, Rev. H. F. Corpus Christi Coll.
Haddan, A. W. Scholar of Trinity Coll.
Hensley, E.J. Fell. of Corpus Christi Coll.
Lewis, Rev. D. Fellow of Jesus Coll.
Milne, Rev. H. Brasennose Coll.
Monsell, C. H. Worcester Coll. (g. c.)
Moor, J. H. Demy of Magdalen Coll.
Mudge, Z. Oriel Coll.

Newton, C. T. Student of Christ Church, Nicholl, Rev. I. Exeter Coll.

Paige, J. B. Exeter Coll.

Poynder, F. Wadham Coll.
Prescott, Rev. I. P. Oriel Coll.
Richards, Rev. G. All Souls.

Rudd, Rev. L. H. Schol. of Pemb. Coll.
Wardale, W.R.Schol. of Corp.Christi Coll.


Kildare, Marquis of, Christ Church.
Baker, A. Wadham Coll.

Bennett, H. Scholar of Worcester Coll.
Blaydes, F. H. M. Stud. of Christ Church.
Buckland, J. R. Stud. of Christ Church.
Burrow, E. B. Pembroke Coll.
Bushnell, W. University Coll.
Fawcett, R. T. University Coll.

Forster, C. Worcester Coll.

Greaves, R. W. St. Edmund Hall.

Grueber, C. S. Magdalen Hall.

Hext, G. Scholar of Corpus Christi Coll.

Holmes, P. Magdalen Hall.

Humfrey, J. Trinity Coll.

Marshall, H. J. Corpus Christi Coll.

Nevile, H. Trinity Coll.

Orme, W. H. St. John's Coll.

Partridge, W. Christ Church.

Rendall, H. Scholar of Trinity Coll.
Royce, D. Christ Church.

Sconce, R. K. Brasennose Coll
Scott, M. D. University Coll.
Shank, J. Christ Church.
Shepherd, E. Exeter Coll.
Skrine, H. Wadham Coll.
Southcombe, J. H. All Souls Coll.
Spring, G. T. St. Edmund Hall.
Thompson, H. Magdalen Hall.
3 к

Ward, G. A. W. Student of Christ Church.
Weidemann, C. F. S. Christ Church.
Welby, J. E. Demy of Magdalen Coll.
Wetherall, A. W. Trinity Coll.
White, W. Christ Church.

June 18.


Curties, Rev. T. C. St. John's Coll. Dunlap, Rev. A. P. St. John's Coll. Stansbury, Rev. J. F. Magdalen Hall.


Howard, Hon. R. E, All Souls'.


Clarke, Rev. T. A. Lincoln Coll.
Cornish, Rev. A. A. Exeter Coll.
Eland, Rev. G. H. Magdalen Hall.
Elton, Rev. W. F. Worcester Coll.
France, Rev. F. Exeter Coll.
Hill, J. New College.
Manby, J. R. G. Brasennose Coll.
May, Rev. E. Merton Coll.
Ryder, T. D. Oriel Coll.

Shute, Rev. H. Pembroke Coll.
Sweet, G. St. Mary Hall.
Whately, Rev. C. St. Mary Hall.


Attwood, E. W. Jesus Coll.
Burstall, S. University Coll.

Duncombe, P. D. P. Christ Church.
Goff, J. Oriel Coll.
James, M. W. Oriel Coll.
Joyce, W. H. University Coll. '
Maberley, S. E. Christ Church.
Rawnsley, R. D. B. Magdalen Coll.
Richards, H. M. Christ Church.
Rolfe, C. F. N. Magdalen Hall.

A Fellowship in Magdalen College, open to all graduates who are natives of Lincolnshire, will be filled up on St. James's Day. Candidates are to call on the President, on or before July 21, with a certificate of baptism and a written recommendation from their College.

R. Phillimore, E. V. Richards, W. Clayton, and F. Glynn, have been elected Students of Christ Church, from Winchester.

June 6.

The following is the list of those who obtained University honours :

(In Literis Humanioribus.)


Arnold, C. T. Magdalen Hall.
Bather, E. Merton Coll.
Hext, G. Corpus Christi Coll.
Landon, J. T. B. Worcester Coll.
Tate, F. University Coll.


Adams, H. C. Magdalen Coll.
Blaydes, F. H. M. Christ Church.
Coote, A. Brasennose Coll.
Dasent, G. W. Magdalen Hall.
Farrer, O. W. Balliol Coll.
Farrer, T. H. Balliol Coll.
Froude, A. Oriel Coll.
Rendall, H. Trinity Coll.
Taylor, J. O. Brasennose Coll.
Venn, E. S. Wadham Coll.
Walter, J. Exeter Coll.


Arden, G. Wadham Coll.
Baxter, A. G. Worcester Coll.
Bennett, H. Worcester Coll.
Buckland, J. R. Christ Church.
Burstall, S. University Coll.
Chichester, R. H. Exeter Coll.
Fawcett, R. T. University Coll.
Fidler, Rev. I. New Inn Hall.
Gee, R. Wadham Coll. ·
Howard, N. H. Exeter Coll.
Rawnsley, R. D. B. Magdalen Coll.
Renaud, W. Exeter Coll.
Royce, D. Christ Church.
Sale, C. J. Lincoln Coll.
Spring, G. T. St. Edmund Hall.
Stewart, D. D. Exeter Coll.
St. John, H. T. University Coll,
Thompson, W. Queen's Coll.
Walker, R. O. St. John's Coll.


Clarke, C. J. L. New College.
Coke, E. F. Brasennose Coll.
Dean, C. K. Queen's Coll.
Ellerton, G. M. K. Brasennose Coll.
Gabriel, J. B. St. Edmund Hall,
Garrard, T. St. John's Coll.
Jackson, T. Brasennose Coll.
Manson, A. T. G. Magdalen Coll.
Richards, H. M. Christ Church.
Robertson, F. W. Brasennose Coll.
Rowden, G. C. New College.
Sconce, R. K. Brasennose Coll.
Trollope, J. J. Pembroke Coll.
Vaux, W. S. W. Balliol Coll.
R. Greswell,

R. Mitchell, Public Examiners.
W. E. Jelf,

H. Wall,

(In Disciplinis Mathematicis.)


Compton, J. Merton Coll.


Fawcett, R. T. University Coll.


Browne, C. H. Worcester Coll. Lefroy, H. M. Exeter Coll.

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