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Symle súth oththe north
Sumne gemetath

Gydda gleáwne,
Geofum unhneáwne,

Se-the fore duguthe wile

280 Dóm araeran,

Eorlscipe aefnan,

Oth-thaet eali sceaceth,
Leoht and líf sámod.
Lóf se gewyrceth,

Hafath under heofonum
Heáhfaestne dóm."


"Oft him ánhaga

Are gebideth,

Metudes mildse;

Theáh-the he mód-ceárig,

Geond lagu-láde,

Lange sceolde

Hráeran mid handum

Hrím-calde sae,

Wádan wraec-lástas ;

10 Wyrd bith full-araed."

Swá cwaeth eard-stapa,
Earfotha gemyndig,
Wrathra wael-sleáhta,
Wine-maega hryre.

"Oft ic sceolde ána,

Uhtna gehwylce,

Mine ceáre cwithan;

Nis nú cwicra nán,

The ic him mód-sefan

20 Minne durre

Sweotule asecgan.

Ic tó sóthe wát,

Thaet bíth in eorle

Indrihten theaw,

Thaet he his ferhth-locan

Faeste binde,

Healdne his hord-cófan.

Hycge swá he wille,

Ne maeg wérig-mód 30 Wyrde withstandan, Ne se hreó-hyge

Helpe gefremman;
Furthon dóm-georne
Dreórigne oft

In hyra breost-cófan

Bindath faeste.

Swá ic mód-sefan

Minne sceolde,

Oft earm-ceárig, 40 Ethle bedaeled,

Freó-maegum feor,
Feterum saelan,
Siththan geára-iú

Gold-wine mínne

Hrusan heolstor bewráh,

And ic hean thónan

Wód, winter-ceárig,
Ofer wathema-gebind;
Sóhte séle dreórig
50 Sinces brýttan,

Hwaer ic feor oththe neáh
Findan meahte

Thone-the in meódu-healle

Mine weán wisse,

Oththe mec freóndleásne

Fréfran wolde,

Weman mid wynnum.

Wát se the cunnath,
Hú slithen bíth

60 Sorh tó geferan

Thám the him lyt hafath

Leófra geholdna;

Warath hine wraec-lást,
Nalles wunden gold;
Ferhth-loca freórig,
Nalles foldan blaed.
Geman he séle-secgas,
And sinc-thege;
Hú hine on geoguthe

70 His gold-wine

Wénede tó wiste.
Wyn eall gedreás!
Forthón wát se the sceal,
His wine-dryhtnes,

Leófes lár-cwidum

Lange for-thólian,

Thónne sorh and slaep

Sámod aetgaedre

Earmne án-hogan

80 Oft gebindath,

Thinceth him on móde,
Thaet he his man-dryhten
Clyppe and cysse,
And on cneó lecge
Handa and heáfod,

Swá he hwílum aer,

In geár-dagum,
Gyf-stóles breac ;

Thónne onwaecneth eft

90 Wineleás guma,

Gesihth him beforan

Fealwe wégas,

Bathian brim-fuglas,

Braedan fethra,

Hreósan hrím, and snáw

Hagle gemenged.

Thónne beoth thý hefigran

Heortan benna,

Sáre aefter swaefne;
100 Sorh bith geniwad,
Thónne maega gemynd
Mód geond-hweorfeth,
Gréteth gliw-stafum,
Georne geond-sceawath
Secga geseldan,
Swimth eft on-wég.

Fleótendra ferhth
Nó thaer fela bringeth
Cuthra cwide-gydda;

110 Ceáro bíth geniwad

Thám the sendan sceal

Swithe geneáhhe

Ofer wathema-gebind

Wérigne sefan.

Forthón ic gethencan ne maeg,

Geond thás world,

For-hwán mód-sefan

Mínne gesweorce,
Thónne ic eorla líf

120 Eall geond-thence;


Hú hí faerlice

Flet of-geáfon,

Módge maegu-thegnas.
Swá thes middan-geard
Ealra dogra gehwám
Dreóseth and fealleth;

Forthón ne maeg weorthan wis
Wer, der he áge

Wintra dael in world-ríce.

Wita sceal gethyldig,

Ne sceal nó tó hat-heort,

Ne tó hraed worde,

Ne tó wác wiga,

Ne tó wan-hydig,

Ne tó forht, ne tó faegen,

Ne tó feóh-gifre,

Ne naefre gylpes tó georn,

Aer he geare cunne.

Beorn sceal gebídan,

140 Thónne he beót spriceth,
Oth-thaet, collen-ferhth,
Hwider hrethres gehygd
Cunne geáre

Hweorfan wille.

Ongytan sceal gleáw haele,

Hú gaestlic bíth,

Thónne eall thisse worulde wéla

Wéste standeth.

Swá nú missenlice,

150 Geond thisne middan-geard,

Winde bewegne,

Weallas standath

Hríme behrorene;

Hrythge thá éderas,

Woriath thá wyn-sálo,

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