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Waldende licgath

Dreáme bedrorene,

Duguth eall gecrang,

Wlanc, bé wealle.

160 Sume wig fornam,
Ferede in forth-wége;
Sumne fugel oth-baer
Ofer heáhne holm;
Sumne se hára wulf
Deathe gedaelde;

Sumne dreórig-hleórne

In eorth-scraefe

Eorl gehydde.

Ythde swá thisne eard-geard

170 Aelda Scyppend,

Oth-thaet burh-wara,

Breahtma laeste,

Eald-enta geweorc

Idlu stódon.

Se thónne thisne weall-steal

Wise gethóhte,

And this deorce líf

Deópe geond-thenceth,

Fród in ferhthe,

180 Feor oft geman

Wael-sleáhta worn,

And thás word acwyth:

“Hwaer cwóm meárh? hwaer cwóm mágo?

Hwaer cwóm máthm-gyfa?

Hwaer cwóm symbla gesetu?

Hwaer syndon séle-dreámas?

Eálá beorht búne!

Eálá byrn-wíga!

Eálá theódnes thrym! 190 Hú seó thrah gewát,

Genap under niht-helm,

Swá heó nó waere?

Standeth nú on láste

Leófre duguthe

Weall wundrum heáh,
Wyrm-lícum fáh.

Eorlas fornamon
Asca thrýth,

Waepen wael-gifre,

200 Wyrd seó máere;
And thás stán-hleóthu
Stormas cnyssath,

Hrusan bindeth

Wintres wóma;
Thónne won cymeth,
Nipeth, niht-scuá,
Northan onsendeth
Hreó haegl-fare,

210 Haelethum on andan.

Eall is earfothlic

Eorthan rice,

Onwendeth Wyrda gesceaft
Worulde under heofonum:
Hér bíth feóh laene,
Hér bith freónd laene,

Hér bíth mann laene,

Hér bith maeg laene;

Eall this eorthan gesteal

220 Idel weortheth."

Swá cwaeth snottor on móde,

Gesaet him sundor aet rúne.

Til bíth se-the his treówe gehealdeth.
Ne sceal naefre his torn tó recene
Beorn of his breostum a-cythan,

Nymthe he aer thá bóte cunne,
Eorl mid elne, gefremman.

Wel bith thám the him áre seceth,
Frófre, tó Faeder on heofonum,
230 Thaer us eall seó faestnung standeth!


Ic this gyd wrece
Be me, ful-geomorne;
Mín-sylfes sith!

Ic thaet secgan maeg,
Hwaet ic yrmtha gebád,
Siththan ic up-aweox,
Niwes oththe ealdes;

Ne má thonne nú.

A ic wite wonn,

10 Mínra wraec-sitha aerest.


Mín hláford gewát
Heónan of leódum,

Ofer ytha gelác.

Haefde ic uht-ceáre,

Hwaer mín leód-fruma

Landes waere.

Thá ic me feran gewát

Folgath secan

Wineleás, wrecca faer!

Mine weá-thearfa ongunnon,

Thaet thaes mannes

Maegas hycgdon

Thurh dyrnne gethóht,
Thaet hý to-daeldon unc;
Thaet wit, gewídoste

In world-rice,

Lifdon láthlicoste ;
And mec langade.

Heht mec hláford mín,

30 Hér heorde niman.

Ahte ic leófra lyt

On thissum land-stéde,
Holdra freónda;

Furthon is mín hogu geomor,
Thá ic me ful-gemaecne
Mannan funde,




40 Morthor-hycgendne.

Blithe gebaero,

Ful-oft wit beótedon,
Thaet unc ne gedaelde,
Nemne death ána,
A wiht elles.

Eft is thaet onhworfen !

Is nú swá hit ne waere
Freóndscipe uncer.

Sceal ic feor genóh 50 Mines fela leófan

Faehtha dreogan.

Heht mec man wunian

On wudu-bearwe,
Under ác-treowe,
In thám eorth-scraefe.
Cald is thes eorth-séle,
Eall ic eom of-langad ;

Syndon dena dimme,
Dúna up-heá,

60 Bitre burh-tánas,
Braerum beweaxne,

Wic wynna leás!

Ful-oft mec hér wrathe
Begeat fram-sith freán.
Frýnd synd on eorthan;
Leófe lifgende

Leger weardiath.

Thónne ic on uhtan,

Ana gange

70 Under ác-treowe,

Geond thás eorth-scrafu,

Thaer ic sittan mót
Sumor-langne daeg;

Thaer ic wépan maeg
Mine wraec-sithas,

Earfotha fela.

Furthon ic aefre ne maeg

Thaere mód-ceáre

Mínre gerestan,

80 Ne ealles thaes langothes

The mec on thissum life begeat!
A scyle geong mann wesan

Heard heortan-gethóht!

Swylc habban sceal

Blithe gebaero,

Eác thónne breost-ceáre,
Sin-sorga gedreag?

Sý aet him-sylfum gelang

90 Eall his woruld-wyn,

Sý ful-wide fáh

Feorres folces landes.

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