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Thaer mín freónd sitteth
Under stán-hlíthe,

Storme behrímed;

Wine wérig-mód,
Waetre beflówen;

On dreór-séle.

Dreogeth se mín wine

100 Micle mód-ceáre.

He geman tó oft

Wynlicran wic.

Wá bíth thám the sceal,

Of langothe,

Leófes abídan!


Weland him bé wyrman

Wraece cunnade,

An-hydig eorl,

Earfotha dreag,

Haefde him to gesithe

Sorge and langoth,

Winter-cealde wraece,

Weán oft on-fand,

Siththan hine Níthhád on

10 Nýde legde,

Swancre seono-bende,

Onsellan mann.

Thaes ofer-eóde,

Thisses swá maeg.


Ne waes hyre bróthra death
On sefan swá sár
Swá hyre-sylfre thing,
Thá heó geárolice
20 Ongyten haefde

Thaet heó eácen waes;
Aefre ne meahte
Thriste gethencan

Hú ymb thaet sceolde.
Thaes ofer-eóde,

Thisses swá maeg.

We thaet Maethhilde

Mange gefrugnon;

Wurdon grundleáse

30 Geátes fríga,


Thaet him seó sorh-lufu

Slaep ealne benam.

Thaes ofer-eóde,

Thisses swá maeg.

Theódric áhte,

Thritig wintra,


Thaet waes manigum cuth.

Thaes ofer-eóde,

Thisses swá maeg.

We ge-ascodon


Wylfenne gethóht;

Ahte wide folc

Gotena ríces;

Thaet waes grim cyning!

Saet secg manig

Sorgum gebunden,

Weán on wénan;

50 Wyscte geneáhhe, Thaet thaes cyne-ríces Ofercumen waere.

Thaes ofer-eóde,

Thisses swá maeg.

Sitteth sorh-ceárig,

Salum bedaeled,

On sefan sweorceth,
Sylfum thinceth

Thaet sý endeleás 60 Earfotha dael.

Maeg thónne getḥencan,
Thaet geond thás worulde

Witig Dryhten

Wendeth geneáhhe;
Eorle manigum

Are gesceawath,
Wíslicne blaed;

Sumum weána dael.

Thaet ic be me-sylfum

70 Secgan wille,

Thaet ic hwile waes
Heó-Deninga scóp,
Dryhtne dýre;

Me waes Deór nama.

Ahte ic fela wintra

Folgath tilne,

Holdne hláford,

Oth-thaet Heorrenda nú,

Leóth-craeftig mann,

80 Land-riht getḥáh, Thaet me eorla hleó

Aer gesealde.

Thaes ofer-eóde,
Thisses swá maeg.



Wraetlic is thes weall-stán,

Wyrda gebraecon,

Burh-stéde burston.

Brosnath enta geweorc,

Hrófas sind gehrorene,

Hreórge torras,

Hrímge torras berófene,
Hrím on líme,

Sceárde scúr-beorgas,
10 Scorene, gedrorene;
Aeldo under Eótone
Eorth-graef hafath;
Forweorone, geleorene;
Heard-gripe hruson;
Oth hund cnea
Wer-theóda gewiton.
Oft thaes wag gebád
Raeghár and Reádfáh,
20 Ríce aefter othrum,

Ofstanden under stormum.
Steáp geáp gedreás ;-

[blocks in formation]

Hyge-róf geband
Weall-walan wírum,
Wundrum tógaedre.

Beorht waes burh-raeced,

Beorn-séla manige,

30 Heáh horn-gestreón,

Here-sweg micel,
Meódo-heall manig,
Man- dreáma full,
Oth-thaet thaet onwende

Wyrd seó swithe;

Crungon waele wide.

Cómon wol-dagas;

Swylt eall fornam

40 Wurdon hyra wig-stealas

Brosnade burh-steal;

Bétende crungon

Hergas tó hrusan.

Forthón thás hofu dreórgiath,

And thaes teáfor-geápu
Tigelum sceádeth

Hróst, beáges róf.

Hryre wang gecrang,
50 Gebrocen tó beorgum..
Thaer iú beorn manig
Glaed-mód and gold-beorht,
Wlanc and win-gál,
Wig-hyrstum scán;

Seáh on sync, on sylfor,

On searo-gimmas,

On eád, on aehte,

On eorcan-stán,

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