Reflections on the Duties of a Married, and a Single Life. 229 Let those who are married, considering the indissoluble Bond by which Sect. 135. GOD bas joined them together, make it their constant Care, to promote or the Comfort and Happiness of each other: And let them most cautiously guard against every Degree of Contention, or even of Distaste, which might at length occasion an Alienation in their Affections, and render so close a Bond proportionably grievous. Let none rashly run into these important Engagements, nor determine Ver. 11, 12. their Choice by light Confiderations, of a low and transitory Nature. And if any, on the whole, prefer the Freedom of a fingle Life, to a State, which, with its peculiar Comforts, muft neceffarily have its peculiar Cares and Trials too, let them diligently improve that Disengagement, as an Obligation to feek the Kingdom of GOD with greater Ardor, and, to pursue its Interests with more active Zeal and Application. : To conclude; since it appears in this Respect, as well as in some others, Mark x. 11, that the Gospel revokes fome Indulgences which the Law of Mofes gave, 12. let us endeavour to form our Hearts by Divine Grace to a Wisdom, Seriousness, and Spirituality, which may suit this nobler Dispensation; and while we are reading the Precept of the Jewish Legislator, let us remember we have a sublimer Master, and are to do, and forbear, more than others. (Mat. v. 47.) : SECT. CXXXVI. CHRIST blesses the little Children, that were brought to bim, and rebukes his Difciples who would have forbid them. Mat. XIX. 13,---15. Mark X. 13,---16. Luke XVIII. 15,---17. MARK X. 13. Mark X. 13. AND while Jesus continued here, as the In-Sect. 136. and 230 Children are brought to CHRIST, and bis Disciples oppose it. Sect. 136, and pray for them (a); not doubting, but Prayers and [Luk. when] bis Difso acceptable to GOD as his, would prevail, both ciples [LUK, faw it, they] Mark X. 13. for their present, and future Happiness. And when his Disciples, and particularly the Apostles, rebuked those that brought them. [MAT. XIX. 13. LUKE XVIII. 15.] ! ) : ; 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was much difpleafed, the little Children to come and faid unto them, Suffer unto me, and forbid them 14 But Jesus feeing it, was greatly displeased, and not: for of fuch is the Kingdom of GOD. [МАТ. 14. LUKE XVIII.-16.] near me; for of fuch is the Kingdom of GOD: orde Persons of such a Character are the true Subjects of my Kingdom, and Heirs of eternal Glory, to... And 2 (a) Lay his Hands upon them, and pray.] This was a Rite, that was very early used, particularly by those who stood in any superior Relation, when they were praying for a Bleffing on young Persons. See Gen. xlvii. 14,20.I fee no Reason to fay with Elfner, that they were brought to Christ for the Cure of some Malady, for in that Cafe, it is not to be imagined, that the Disciples would have been so inhumane as to prohibit them. (b) Knew, that a proper Notice of these &c.] Christ's shewing his Regard in such a Manner to them, not only must have been exceedingly pleasing to the Parents; but the Memory of this Condescension might make tender and lasting Impressions on the Children themselves; and the Sight must be very edifying and encouraging to other young Perfons, who might happen to be present: Not to fay, how instructive this Gentleness to Children may be to Ministers, and how much their Ufefulness may, or might have been, promoted by a due Regard to it. Nicephorus tells us, that the celebrated Ignatius, afterwards Bishop of Antioch, was one of these Infants. Our Lordimight reasonably be the more displeased with his Difciples, for endeavouring to prevent their being brought, as he had fo lately fet a Child among them, and infi d on the Neceffity of their being made conformable to it. Mat. xviii. 2, 3. Selt. 93. pag. 19. I am obliged to Dr. Scott's late Version, which, according to the Manner of the learned and ingenious Author, is exact to a Wonder, for the Alteration I have made here, and for fome other Changes, which I take this Opportunity of acknowledging with due Gratitude. A (c) For of fuch is the Kingdom of GOD: &c.] I acknowledge, these Words will not of themselves prove Infant Baptism to be an Institution of Christ; but if that appears from other. Scriptures to be the Cafe, (which I think most probable,) there will be pro. portionable Hedeclares, that of fuch is the Kingdom of GOD, and blessfes'em. L 231 Mark X. 15. And verily I say unto you, as I have formerly Sect. 136. And having faid this, he would no longer be 16. presently relate. 1 ; IMPROVEMENT. : 1 הי : ET us make a Paufe here, that we may more attentively review Mark x. 16. this delightful and instructive Sight; that we may fee, this compassionate Shepherd of Ifrael, thus gathering the Lambs in bis Arms, and carrying them in his Bosom with all the Tokens of tender Regard; (Ifa. xl. 11.) rebuking bis Disciples who forbad their coming, and laying his Ver. 14. gracious 1 portionable Reason to believe, that our Lord might here intend some Reference to it; and I cannot approve of rendering ταων, such as resemble these. It is the Part of a faithful Translator, not to limit the Senfe of the Original, nor to fix what it leaves ambiguous. 232 Reflections on the kind Regard of CHRIST to Children. Sect. 136. gracious Hands upon them to bless them. How condescending and engaging a Behaviour! and how encouraging and amiable an Image! Ver. 13. Ver. 14. Ibid. Ver. 15. Let his Ministers view it, to teach them a becoming Regard to the Lambs of their Flock; who should early be taken Notice of, and instructed; and for, and with whom, they should frequently pray; remembering how often Divine Grace takes Possession of the Heart in the Years of Infancy, and fanctifies the Children of God almost from the Womb. Let every first Impression made upon their tender Minds be cherished; and let not those whom Christ himself is ready to receive, be disregarded by bis Servants, who should be gentle unto all, and apt to teach. (2 Tim. ii. 24.) Let Parents view this Sight with Pleasure and Thankfulness: Let it encourage them to bring their Children to Chrift by Faith, and to commit them to him in Baptism, and by Prayer. And if He, who has the Keys of Death and the unseen World, (Rev. i. 18.) see fit to remove those dear Creatures from us in their early Days, let the Remembrance of this Story comfort us; and teach us to hope, that He, who so graciously received these Children, has not forgotten ours; but that they are sweetly fallen asleep in him, and will be the everlasting Objects of his Care and Love; for of fuch is the Kingdom of GOD. Let Children especially observe this. The great and glorious Redeemer did not defpise these Little ones; nay, he was much displeased with those, who would have prevented their being brought to him. As kindly would he, no doubt, have received you, ye dear Children who read or hear this; as kindly will he still receive you, if you go to him in the Sincerity of your Hearts, and ask his Blessing in humble and earnest Prayer. Tho' you fee not Christ, he sees and hears you; he is now present with you, to receive you, to bless you, and to save you. Happy the weakest of you, when lodged in the Arms of Christ! nothing can pluck you from thence, or ever hurt you there. In a Word, let us all commit ourselves to him; and let us be difposed to become as little Children, if we defire to enter into his Kingdom. Let us not govern ourselves by the vain Maxims of a corrupt and degenerate Age. Let not Pride, Ambition, Luft, or Avarice possess, torment, and inflave our Minds; but with the amiable Simplicity of Children, let us put ourselves into the wise and kind Hands of Jefus, as our Guardian, and refer ourselves to his Pastoral and Parental Care, to be clothed and fed, to be guided and disposed of, as he shall see fit. For this Purpose, Oh God, may we be born again by thy Spirit, and formed anew by thy Grace! fince by this Method alone we can be made meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light, (Col. i. 12.) and be so the Children of GOD, as to be at length the Children of the Refurrection. SECT. A Rich Young Man enquires the Way to Eternal Life. 233 A Rich Young Man applying himself to CHRIST for Direction in the Way to Eternal Life, and afterwards parting with with him him out out of of Regard Regard to to his Possessions, gives our LORD an Occafion of cautioning his Disciples concerning the Danger of Riches. Mat. XIX. 16, to the End. Mark X. 17,---31. Luke XVIII. 18,---30. MARK X. 17. AND when he was gone forth into the Way, [behold,) there came one [Lux. a certain Ruler,] running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, [Luk. faying,] Good Mafter, what [good Thing) shall I do, that I may inherit eternal Life? [MAT. XIX. 16. LUKE XVIII. 18.] 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me MARK X. 17. AND as he went out from thence (a), into the Sect. 137. to vifit, behold, pened; for there came one, even a certain Magistrate And Jesus upon this faid to him, Why dost thou 18 call me Good (c), whom thou regardest only as a good? there is none good Prophet sent from God, and dost not look upon to be any more than a mere Man? Thou shouldst remember (a) As he went out from thence.] Both Matthew aud Luke relate this Story of the Young Ruler, immediately after that in the preceding Section; but Mark is more determinate than either of them in the Connection, and more circumstantial in the Narration. (b) Good Master.] Wolfius observes, that this was a Title, which the Jewish Rabbi's affected; which, if it were indeed so, might be an additional Reason for our Lord's Remark upon it. (c) Why doft thou call me Good?] It is certain, that some very ancient Manuscripts read this Clause, Τι με ερωτας περι το αγαθε; Why dost thou ask me, what good Thing is to be done ? But neither the Number of Copies, nor the Turn of our Lord's Answer will by any means admit of fuch a Reading. VOL. II. Gg (d) Thou 17. |