392 Reflections on the Day of CHRIST's coming to Judgment. Sect. 162. self, tho' so much fuperior to them, but my Fa- [but my Father only.] ther alone, or the indwelling Godhead, from [MAT. XXIV. 36.] 32. Mark XIII. whom nothing can be concealed: And as he does not think fit to disclose it, let it be your Care to improve this Uncertainty, as an Engagement to the most diligent and conftant Preparation for its Coming. L IMPROVEMENT. ET us now raise our Comtemplations to that awful Day, when all that was figuratively spoken of the Destruction of Jerufalem, thall be literally accomplished; and let us confider our own intimate Concern in it. Where will our Hope and Comfort, our Light, and our Safety be, Mat. xxiv. when the Sun shall be darkened, and the Moon shall not give her Light, when the Stars shall fall from Heaven, and the Powers of the Heavens Shall be shaken? Where indeed, unless the Almighty GOD, the Everlafting Jehovah, by whose Voice they were created, and by whose Hand they shall be dashed in Pieces again, shall condescend to be our Light, and our Salvation? (Pfal. xxvii. 1.) And if He indeed be so, then we 29. Lukexxi.28. may lift up our Heads with Joy; as knowing, that our compleat Redemption draweth nigh, even that long-expected Day, which, with all its folemn Horrors, has still been the brightest Object of our Faith and our Hopes. Mat. xxiv. 30, 31. 32. Then shall the Son of Man indeed come in the Clouds of Heaven, with Power and great Glory, and send his Angels to summon his Elect, and to assemble them from one End of Heaven to the other: For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a Shout, with the Voice of the Archangel, and with the Trump of GOD. (1 Theff. iv. 16.) May we hear the Summons with Joy, and stand in our Lot among his Chosen Mat. xiii. Ones! What tho' the Day and Seafon be unknown? It is enough for us that we know, that all these interpofing Days and Years, be they ever so numerous, will at length be past; for the Promise of the great Redeemer is our Security, and he will haften it in its Time. (Ifa. lx. 22.) Ver. 31. These visible Heavens shall be rolled together as a Scroll, and the Earth fhall be removed out of its Place; but the fure Word of his Promise shall never pass away; even that Promise, which is engaged for the Salvation of his People. Let us often review it; let us firmly realize it to our Souls; and feeing we look for fuch Things, let us seriously confider what manner of Persons we ought to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness, (2 Pet. iii. 11, 14.) SECT. The Coming of the Son of Man shall be as the Days of Noah. SECT. CLXIII. Our Lord urges the Suddenness of his Appearance, as an МАТ. XXIV. 37. 393 UR Lord having told them in the preced- Sect. 163. ing Words, that tho' the Time of his Appearance to the general Judgment was uncertain, Mat. XXIV. yet the Destruction of Jerufalem should happen 37. before that Generation of Men was passed away, went on with his Discourse, and added, But this I will in general inform you, that as sudden and unthought-of as the Deluge was, which came upon the World in the Days of Noah, so unexpected and furprizing also shall the Coming of the Son of Man, to execute his Vengeance, be. For as in 38 the Days which were before the univerfal Deluge, they were so inconfiderate and fecure, that they went on with all their usual Business, and spent their Time in Entertainments, eating and drinking, marrying Wives, and giving their Daughters in Marriage, thinking of nothing but present Indulgence and future Settlements in the World (a); and went on thus, in Contempt of every serious Admonition, even until the very Day that Noah entered into the Ark; And knew not, nor fuf39 pected, that any Evil was approaching, till the Deluge came with an irresistible Violence, and bore them all away with a Torrent of Destruction: So alfo shall the Coming of the Son of Man be, and tho' (a) They were eating and drinking, &c.] Dr. Woodward (in his Theory of the Earth, pag. 98.) thinks, these were modest Expressions, to fignify their giving themselves up to all the Extravagancies of Riot and Luft; and Wolfius (in loc.) has most learnedly proved, that γαμειθαι is often used in a very criminal Senfe. But how great Reason foever there may be to believe, that the Antediluvian Sinners did fo, these Words may be intended to express no more, than the Security and Gaiety, with which they pursued the usual Employments and Amusements of Life, when they were on the very Brink of utter Destruction. VOD. II. Ddd (b) Tw 394 We should take heed, he do not come upon us unawares : Sect. 163. tho' Men have been so frequently and plainly warned of it, yet Multitudes shall be surprized Mat. XXIV. in an unprepared State. (Compare Luke xvii. 39. 40 26, 27. pag, 189.) 40 Then shall Two be in taken, and the other left: I formerly told you with relation to the Temporal Desolation of your Country, and I the Field, the one shall be now repeat it; that of Two Men who shall then be at work together in the Field, the one shall be 41 feized, and the other dismissed (b): Luke XXI. 34. And that of Two Women who shall be grinding Corn at the And therefore, that no Calamities of Life, 41 Two Women shall be grinding at the Mill, the one shall be taken, and the other left. (b) Two shall then be in the Field, &c.] Tho' in the Paraphrafe, for its better Connection, I have introduced these Words incidentally, and hinted how they may allusively be accommodated to the Day of Judgment; yet I doubt not, they originally refer to the Destruction of Jerufalem, to which alone they are properly applicable. After this Paragraph, there is not a Word peculiar to that; but many Circumstances are introduced, which refer to the Day of Judgment, (and of Death, as tranfmitting to it,) and which can only be thus understood. I therefore humbly conceive, that the grand Transition, about which Commentators are so much divided, and fo generally mistaken, is made precisely after these Two Verses. Our Lord in the following Verses of Matthew and Mark, directs their Thoughts to that final Solemnity, in which they are fo highly concerned, by repeating, almost in the fame Words, the Cautions and Advices he had formerly given Luke xii. 35, & feq. Sett 114. in which whole Context (as I there observed, Note (f), pag. 121.) there is no Reference to those Temporal Calamities that were coming on the Jews, which have been here the Subject of almost the whole preceding Difcourse. And the Remembrance of what had paffed on the former Occafion, might more easily lead them into the distinct understanding of what was now added. Tho' it may not be improper to recollect, that the fame pious Care in their Temper and Conduct, which would be a Preparative against National Judgments, and entitle them to the special Protection of Providence in them, would also secure them from any unwelcome Surprize by a Call to the Tribunal of God. (c) Your Hearts be overloaded.] The Word βαρυνθωσιν properly fignifies burthened, or preffed down; and so, very elegantly and strongly exprefles the hateful Consequences of Intemperance, and the Load which it brings on those Rational Faculties, which are the Glory of For we know and Drunkenness, and Cares of this Life, and fo that Day come upon you unawares. 35 For as a Snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the Face of the whole Earth. 36 Watch ye therefore, [MAR. take ye heed,] and pray always; that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these Things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son M Man [for ye know not [MAR. when the Time is,] or what Hour your Lord doth come.] [MAT. XXIV. 42. MARK XIII. 33.] not the Hour when our Lord comes. 395 Powers depressed and stupefied, by Gluttony andSect. 163. But of the Human Nature. - The Reader will observe, that Luke's Account of this Discourse is very short, in comparison with that of Matthew and Mark, for this obvious Reason; that he had given us the chief Heads of it before, partly in a Difcourse of our Lord's last Coming, which was delivered to a very numerous Assembly in Galilee, (Luke xii. 35,-48. Sect. 114.) and partly in another Discourse, relating only to the Destruction of ferufalem, which was delivered in his Journey thither at the Feast of Dedication: (Luke xvii. 20,-37. Sett. 128.) Here therefore he chuses to omit what had been inferted on either of those Occafions; as John, who probably wrote after the Accomplishment of this Prophecy, entirely omits it, as already so largely recorded by the former Three; from whom, considering the Circumftance of Time, it came with infinitely better Grace, than it could afterwards have done from him. (d) It shall come on all them that dwell &c.] The Exhortations that are connected with this Clause limit the Extent of the Word [all] to a confiderable Number; for were it to be taken otherwise, there could have been no Room to offer them. (e) To stand before the Son of Man.] I do not apprehend, that this is merely the Counterpart of escaping the Things spoken of before. There were Thousands of the Jews, that by one Providence or another escaped Temporal Destruction, who could with no Propriety be faid to stand before the Son of Man at his Coming. I have therefore paraphrafed this latter Claufe as an Advance upon the former, which gives this Context a greater Connection, and juster Distinction, than the Order in which most Harmonies place these Verses. Ddd 2 (f) Happy 396 Sect. 163. Mat.XXIV. 43. The faithful Servant shall be greatly rewarded : But this you know, and would do well to con- 44 And therefore as it is of so much greater Confe- Mark XIII. 34. Mat.XXIV. 45. [For the Son of Man is] in this Respect as a Man travelling to a distant Country, who, as he was leaving his House, gave Authority to his Head-Servants to direct and oversee the rest in their Bufiness, and affigned to every Man in the Family his proper Work, and particularly commanded the Porter to watch, and to fee to it that the Doors were properly secured, and ready to be opened to him at his Return. And who now, do you my Apostles suppose, 46 Integrity and Wisdom. And to excite you to ner. MAT. XXIV. 43. But know this, that if the GoodMan of the House had known. in what Watch the Thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have ken up. fuffered his House to be bro 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in fuch an Hour as you think not, the Son of Man cometh. |