Recommendation of this Work by Bp. HORNE. This little Book contains a concise, pleasing, and just account, of the manners, customs, laws, polity, and religion of the Israelites. It is an excellent introduction to the reading of the Old Testament, and should be put into the hands of every young person. An elegant English version of it by Mr. FARNEWORTH was first printed in 1756. Vide his Discourses, vol. i A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES; With an Account of their MANNERS, CUSTOMS, LAWS, POLITY, RELIGION, DIVISION of TIME, WARS, CAPTIVITIES, &c. TO ALL THOSE WHO READ THE BIBLE, and desire fully to understand THE VARIOUS CUSTOMS, MANNERS, &c. Referred to in that sacred Book. Written originally in French by the Abbé FLEURY, APPARATUS BIBLICUS of Père LAMY, AND CORRECTED AND IMPROVED THROUGHOUT BY A. CLARKE. LIVERPOOL, PRINTED BY J. NUTTAČÍ, for W. BAYNES, No. 54, PATER NOSTER ROW, LONDON. 1802. 101. f. be |