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With long and ghostly shanks — forms which once seen Could never be forgotten!

In his heart,

Where Fear sate thus, a cherish'd visitant,
Was wanting yet the pure delight of love
By sound diffused, or by the breathing air,
Or by the silent looks of happy things,
Or flowing from the universal face

Of earth and sky. But he had felt the power
Of Nature, and already was prepared,
By his intense conceptions, to receive
Deeply the lesson deep of love which he,
Whom Nature, by whatever means, has taught
To feel intensely, cannot but receive.

Such was the Boy - but for the growing Youth
What soul was his, when, from the naked top
Of some bold headland, he beheld the sun
Rise up, and bathe the world in light!
Ocean and earth, the solid frame of earth

He look'd

And ocean's liquid mass, beneath him lay
In gladness and deep joy. The clouds were touch'd,
And in their silent faces did he read

Unutterable love. Sound needed none,

Nor any voice of joy; his spirit drank

The spectacle: sensation, soul, and form
All melted into him; they swallow'd up
His animal being; in them did he live,
And by them did he live; they were his life.
In such access of mind, in such high hour
Of visitation from the living God,

Thought was not; in enjoyment it expired.
No thanks he breathed, he proffered no request;
Rapt into still communion that transcends
The imperfect offices of prayer and praise,
His mind was a thanksgiving to the power
That made him; it was blessedness and love!

A Herdsman on the lonely mountain tops,
Such intercourse was his, and in this sort
Was his existence oftentimes possess'd.
O then how beautiful, how bright appear'd
The written Promise! Early had he learn'd
To reverence the Volume that displays
The mystery, the life which cannot die;
But in the mountains did he feel his faith.
Responsive to the writing, all things there
Breathed immortality, revolving life,
And greatness still revolving; infinite;
There littleness was not; the least of things

Seem'd infinite; and there his spirit shaped

Her prospects, nor did he believe,

he saw.

What wonder if his being thus became

Sublime and comprehensive! Low desires,
Low thoughts had there no place; yet was his heart
Lowly; for he was meek in gratitude,

Oft as he call'd those ecstacies to mind,

And whence they flow'd; and from them he acquired
Wisdom, which works thro' patience; thence he learn'd
In oft-recurring hours of sober thought
To look on Nature with a humble heart,
Self-question'd where it did not understand,
And with a superstitious eye of love.

So pass'd the time; yet to the nearest town
He duly went with what small overplus
His earnings might supply, and brought away
The Book that most had tempted his desires
While at the Stall he read. Among the hills
He gazed upon that mighty Orb of Song
The divine Milton. Lore of different kind,
The annual savings of a toilsome life,

His School-master supplied; books that explain
purer elements of truth involved


In lines and numbers, and, by charm severe,
(Especially perceived where Nature droops
And feeling is suppress'd) preserve the mind
Busy in solitude and poverty.

These occupations oftentimes deceived

The listless hours, while in the hollow vale,
Hollow and green, he lay on the green turf
In pensive idleness. What could he do,
Thus daily thirsting, in that lonesome life,
With blind endeavours? Yet, still uppermost,
Nature was at his heart as if he felt,

Though yet he knew not how, a wasting power
In all things that from her sweet influence
Might tend to wean him. Therefore with her hues,
Her forms, and with the spirit of her forms,
He clothed the nakedness of austere truth.
While yet he linger'd in the rudiments

Of science, and among her simplest laws,

His triangles they were the stars of heaven,

The silent stars! Oft did he take delight

To measure th' altitude of some tall crag
That is the eagle's birth-place, or some peak
Familiar with forgotten years, that shows
Inscribed, as with the silence of the thought,

Upon its bleak and visionary sides,
The history of many a winter storm,

Or obscure records of the path of fire.

And thus, before his eighteenth year was told, Accumulated feelings press'd his heart

With still increasing weight; he was o'erpower'd
By Nature, by the turbulence subdued

Of his own mind; by mystery and hope,
And the first virgin passion of a soul
Communing with the glorious Universe.

Full often wish'd he that the winds might rage
When they were silent; far more fondly now
Than in his earlier season did he love

Tempestuous nights - the conflict and the sounds
That live in darkness: from his intellect

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And from the stillness of abstracted thought
He ask'd repose; and, failing oft to win

The peace required, he scann'd the laws of light
Amid the roar of torrents, where they send
From hollow clefts up to the clearer air
A cloud of mist, that smitten by the sun
Varies its rainbow hues. But vainly thus,
And vainly by all other means, he strove
To mitigate the fever of his heart.

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