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Of heath-plant, under and above him strewn,
To baffle, as he might, the watery storm:
And there we found him breathing peaceably,
Snug as a child that hides itself in sport
'Mid a green hay-cock in a sunny field.

We spake he made reply, but would not stir

At our entreaty; less from want of power
Than apprehension and bewildering thoughts.
So was he lifted gently from the ground,

And with their freight the Shepherds homeward moved Through the dull mist, I following when a step,

A single step, that freed me from the skirts

Of the blind vapour, open'd to my view
Glory beyond all glory ever seen

By waking sense or by the dreaming soul!
The Appearance, instantaneously disclosed,
Was of a mighty City-boldly say
A wilderness of building, sinking far
And self-withdrawn into a wond'rous depth,
Far sinking into splendour without end!
Fabric it seemed of diamond and of gold,
With alabaster domes, and silver spires,
And blazing terrace upon terrace, high
Uplifted; here, serene pavilions bright,
In avenues disposed; there towers begirt

With battlements that on their restless fronts
Bore stars-illumination of all gems!

By earthly nature had the effect been wrought
Upon the dark materials of the storm

Now pacified; on them, and on the coves

And mountain-steeps and summits, whereunto
The vapours had receded, taking there

Their station under a cerulean sky.

O, 'twas an unimaginable sight!

Clouds, mists, streams, watery rocks and emerald turf,

Clouds of all tincture, rocks and sapphire sky,
Confused, commingled, mutually inflamed,
Molten together, and composing thus,
Each lost in each, that marvellous array
Of temple, palace, citadel, and huge
Fantastic pomp of structure without name,
In fleecy folds voluminous, enwrapp'd.
Right in the midst, where interspace appear'd
Of open court, an object like a throne

Beneath a shining canopy of state

Stood fix'd; and fix'd resemblances were seen

To implements of ordinary use,

But vast in size, in substance glorified;

Such as by Hebrew Prophets were beheld
In vision


- forms uncouth of mightiest power,

For admiration and mysterious awe.
Below me was the earth; this little Vale
Lay low beneath my feet; 'twas visible
I saw not, but I felt that it was there.

That which I saw was the reveal'd abode
Of spirits in beatitude: my heart

Swell'd in my breast. -"I have been dead," I cried,

"And now I live! Oh! wherefore do I live?"

And with that pang I pray'd to be no more!
-But I forget our Charge, as utterly

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there I stood and gazed;

The apparition faded not away,

And I descended. Having reach'd the House,

I found its rescued Inmate safely lodged,

And in serene possession of himself,
Beside a genial fire; that seem'd to spread
A gleam of comfort o'er his pallid face.
Great show of joy the Housewife made, and truly
Was glad to find her conscience set at ease;
And not less glad, for sake of her good name,
That the poor Sufferer had escaped with life.
But, though he seem'd at first to have received
No harm, and uncomplaining as before

Went through his usual tasks, a silent change

Soon show'd itself; he linger'd three short weeks;
And from the Cottage hath been borne to-day.

"So ends my dolorous Tale, and glad I am That it is ended." At these words he turn'd— And, with blithe air of open fellowship,

Brought from the Cupboard wine and stouter cheer, Like one who would be merry. Seeing this,

My grey-hair'd Friend said courteously—“Nay, nay, You have regaled us as a Hermit ought;

Now let us forth into the sun!"- Our Host

Rose, though reluctantly, and forth we went.

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