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Pupil, scholar, one under the care of a teacher

Quake, to shake with cold, or fear

Quarry, a place in the earth where people dig stones

Quit, to leave

Rabble, a crowd or collection of low people

Range, to rove wherever they please

Rebel, to disobey and rise against a ruler

Reject, to throw aside as useless

Render, to pay back, to return
Replete, completely filled

Repose, sleep, rest

Restore, to give back what has been taken away

Retain, to keep, and not lose

Reverse, turn upside down

Reward, pay received for good done

Ripple, little curling waves

Raft, a float of timber

Rejoice, to be glad

Relate, to tell a thing

Repent, to be sorry for sin

Repine, to fret

Retire, to go away from others

Rock, a very large stone

Romp, a rude girl

Shop, a place where things are made or sold

Silk, the thread of a silkworm

Slothful, slow and idle

Scribe, a writer

Slough, deep mud

Savior, one who saves

Sluggard, an idle, sleepy fellow

Stranger, a person we do not know

Surface, the outside

Silent, not speaking

Slop-shop, where ready made clothes are sold

Scold, to talk loudly in anger
Smile, a look of pleasure
Stamp, to step heavy

Serenade, music in the night
Sound, a noise

Slander, a false story about a person
Seek, to look for

Shun, to keep away from a thing
Scald, burn with hot liquor
Smite, to strike

Saliva, the fluid of the mouth

Secret, something hidden
Scanty, poor, not enough

Sylvan, a place of woods.

Sin, disobedience to God


Solar, something belonging to the sun

Solid, not hollow, not fluid

Solitary, one who lives alone

Soothe, to flatter, to please

Stage, the distance one travels before he stops

Summit, the top, or utmost height

Superb, grand, lofty

Suppress, to conceal, to crush

Supreme, highest, most excellent

Sweet, pleasing to the senses, luscious to the taste, fragrant to the smell, melodious to the ear, beautiful to the sight

Theft, the crime of stealing

Thief, one who steals

Tallow, the fat of an ox or sheep, also procured from


Tempest, a violent wind

Terror, great fear

Timber, wood for building

Toilet, a dressing table

Torrent, water which runs swiftly

Tyrant, a cruel ruler

Tingle, a sharp quick pain

Totter, to shake as if ready to fall

Trample, to tread upon

Terrify, to shock with fear
Torrid, very hot

Tutor, one who teaches
Tower, a very high building

Treasure, goods laid up

Theatre, a play house

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Tawny, yellow, like tanned leather

Tempt, to lead to evil, by the promise of some pleasure Tinsel, that which shines, but is of little worth

Tomb, a house in the ground for the dead

Twilight, between sunset and dark

Unit, one, the least number

Unity, love, agreement

Unpolite, ill behaved, not civil

Untold, that which is not numbered

Urbane, pleasing and well behaved

Voice, sound from the mouth

Vigil, watching and praying through the night

Viper, a poisonous serpent

Vacant, empty, not busy

Vagabond, one who wanders about without

Vale, a wide open ground between two hills

Vary, to change

Vase, a vessel for show

Vast, very great



Verdure, green color

Venom, poison

Vermin, any hurtful animal

Vernal, belonging to the spring season

Vigilant, watchful, attentive

Vocal, relating to the voice

Volatile, passing through the air

Volcano, a burning mountain

Whimper, to cry low

Weather, state of the air
Winter, the cold season
Warm, heated but little
Waft, to float, to sail

Welcome, received with gladness

Yam, a root that is useful for food

Zenith, the point in the sky over our heads
Zephyr, a soft wind

Zigzag, turning this way and that way


In this exercise one word is given out by the teacher, and the contrast supplied by the children. This process tends to strengthen the power of recollection, and it is also a very amusing method of teaching definitions.

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