Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this Prophecy, and keep those things EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY OLIVER & BOYD, AND SOLD BY WM. OLIPHANT, AND BROWN & WARDLAW, EDINBURGH; 1826. 100. v. 109. LECTURES ON THE REVELATION. LECTURE XXXIII. INTRODUCTORY. Rev. iv. 1. After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven. JOHN was commanded to write the things which he had seen, those which then were, and such as should be hereafter, chap. i. 19. The first and second of these divisions were formerly considered. It is now proposed to direct your attention to the numerous and interesting subjects comprehended under the third. These last are strictly prophetical; and as they are wrapt up in the highest style of figure and allegory, and as a very considerable portion of them remains to be accomplished, they are confessedly the most difficult parts of the Revelation, either to understand or explain. To assist our future inquiries, it will be necessary to offer the following introductory remarks. 1st, This part of the Sacred Scripture is presented in the form of a detailed account of facts, of which the prophet himself was an eye or ear witness. But as they were only the signs VOL. II. A |