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Prophecy came, the Completion of it af- SERM, terwards proceeded. I add,

3dly, That the Advantage, peculiar in this respect to Christianity, doth from hence also appear; in that the wondrous Success of the Gospel confirms the Truth of thofe Miracles, by which it is faid to have been planted, and frees the Account of them from all poffible Sufpicion of Miftake, or Impofture.

The only way that Infidelity hath left, to escape the Force of the Argument drawn from Miracles, is, by denying the Truth of the Facts. How unreasonable and abfurd a Plea this is, may be fhewn many ways, particularly from hence: That they, who deny the Credibility of the Gofpel-Miracles, must allow fomewhat else, altogether as incredible; to wit, that the Gospel was propagated into all the Regions, and fubdu'd all the Religions of the World, without Miracles which, confidering the Meeknefs and Incompetency of the Inftruments, that


SERM wrought this Effect, is itself a Miracle, IV. and the greatest of Miracles *.

In vain, therefore, do fome Men reject the Account of the Miracles done by the Apostles, if they admit (and they cannot but admit) the Account of the extensive and swift Propagation of the Gospel by the Apostles means; for the one of these Accounts evidently confirms and establishes the other. The very Exiftence of the World is a Proof, that it was at firft miraculously created; and fo, even the Existence of the Chriftian Religion (as at prefent fpread and profefs'd in the World) is a Proof, that it was at firft miraculously planted. For the second Creation by Chrift Jefus, can no more be accounted for by Natural Causes, than the firft; and carries in it


* Πῶς, εἰ μὴ σημεῖα ἐποίον, ἔπειθον, εἰ μ' ἐποίον θεῖ διαμις ἦν: ε ἢ μὴ ἐποίων, κὶ ἐκράτον, Javμaso TEE IV Tò quáv Chryf. in 1 Cor. cap. 1. Οταν λέγωσι μὴ γενέθς σημεία, μειζόνως ἑαυτὸς δει πείρεσι· τότο γδ μέγιςον σημείον, το, χωρὶς σημείων, τ οικομύην προσδραμεν ἅπασιν, ὑπό δώδεκα πλωτών καὶ αγραμμάτων ἀνθρώπων αλισθεισαν. Id. in Α. cap. I.


as evident Marks and Impreffions of an SER M. Omnipotent Power.

Now this is fuch a Proof of the Reality of the Apostles Miracles, as is wanting to those wrought for the Establishment of the Law of Mofes; the Authority of which stands folely on the Authority of External Testimony, and the Traditional Belief of the Jewish Nation: but we have no Internal Evidence of their Truth from the Nature and Reason of the Event. This way of Proof is particular to the Gofpel-Miracles; the Account of which comes to us, not merely as Matter of Hiftorical Truth, but as in itself demonftratively certain; because Miracles were neceffary towards diffufing the Gospel in that speedy and effectual Manner, wherein it is confefs'd to have been propagated. And, where an End cannot be obtain'd, without particular Means, the visible Accomplishment of the End is a fure Proof that those Means must have been employ'd, which were neceffary towards attaining it. The Jewish Worship might poffibly have been erected by Mo




SERM. fes in Canaan, though he had wrought no one Miracle to confirm it. The Chriftian Faith could not poffibly have taken place in all the World, unless Miracles had made way for it: And the Truth, therefore, of the Gofpel-Miracles, is doubly certain to us, both from the Authority of Testimony, and from the Reason of the Thing; which gives a mighty Advantage to them over thofe of Mofes, and cuts off all poffible Occafions and Pretences of Distrust from the Infidel, and the Gainfayer.

Thus much to fhew, "How great "and how distinguishing an Advantage "it is to the Christian Inftitution, to "have been propagated after fo fwift "and unaccountble a manner, as we "find it was." It remains, that I should fhew likewise,

«To what useful Ends and Purposes "this Confideration may be apply'd.


Three things there are, which we may plainly learn from it. For it enables us to give a clear Account.

1. Why the Destruction of Jerufalem, and the utter Extermination of the Jews was delay'd till 40 Years after the Death of our Saviour.

2. Why Miracles ceas'd fo foon in the Chriftian Church, when they were continu'd fo long in that of the Jews; even as long at least as their firft Temple lafted.

3. Why God did not fuffer Human Learning, or the Civil Power to come in to the Support of Christianity; the one, till above a 100; the other, till 300 Years after our Saviour. And,

1. We may fatisfy our felves, Why the Destruction of Jerufalem, and the utter Extermination of the Jewish State, was delay'd till 40 Years after the Death of Chrift.

One would think, that the Jews had compleatly fill'd up the Measure of their Iniquities



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