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Religion fhould thrive and flourish; SER M. when, inftead of bitter Perfecutions it met with all manner of Encouragements. For a Century after Conftantine, and upwards, the Number of Chriftians multiplied exceedingly in all the Parts of the World in which it had already been planted, and to which the Empire of the Romans, or their Influence, did extend. For above a Century after that, Christianity seems to have been at a ftand; neither gaining much Ground, nor lofing much, unless only in the Lives of its lukewarm Profeffors. But then it declin'd apace every day; Diffentions among Chriftians grew hot, and their Zeal for Religion waxed cold. The great Honours and Endowments, which Religious Princes had bestow'd on the Church, did too often occafion Ambition and Luxury in those who contended for them, or poffefs'd them. In a Word, all the Vices of Profperity abounded, together with the Advantages of it: So that the Name of Christianity was no longer Venerable in the Eyes of Men; and its holy Doctrine




SERM. not producing an answerable Sanctity of Life, made no farther Impreffions upon them. This unhappy Opportunity Mahomet laid hold of, to fet up his Religion; which being (as I have faid) fuited to the Voluptuous Manners of the Eaft, and feconded by the Power of the Sword, made large Inroads into Chriftendom, and tore away entire Provinces at once from the Profeffion of the Gofpel. Since that time, Chriftianity feems to have been almoft in a continual Decay: The Hedges of this Vineyard of God being broken down, all they that went by plucked off her Grapes; the Wild-Boar of the Wood did root it up, and the wild Beaft out of the Field did devour it ;* till a Discovery of fome unknown Parts of the World, open'd a new Way for enlarging the Bounds of Chrift's Kingdom. The Zeal of fome Devout Men, (tho' mix'd often with Private Interefts and Designs) ftirr❜d them up to make use of this Advantage, and to Publish the Gospel of Christ in the remotest Corners of the Eaft, whither, it is probable, none of the Apostles

*Pf. lxxx.

12, 13.

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ever came. There alfo Chriftianity (a SERM. corrupt and fuperftitious Chriftianity) hath gotten footing. How long it may continue, and how far it may advance, is known to Him alone, who hath determin'd the Times before appointed, (to Reli gions as well as Nations) and the Bounds of their Habitation. † I fhall not pre-taxvii. fume to enquire into it; but fhall raise an Useful Reflection or two from what hath been obferv'd on this Head, and with a fhort Application of it to our Selves, fhall conclude this Difcourse.

The Imperfect Propagation of the Gofpel, and the Prevalence of Mahometifm over it, are some of the darkest Secrets of

Nulli unquam genti tam latè regnatum fuit, neque fam brevi temporis fpatio unquam tot regiones, tot regna fub jugum miffa. Incredibile dictu, veriffimum tamen eft, 80, aut non multo plurium annorum fpatio, fubjugarunt illi & Diabolico Muhammedis Imperio acquifiverunt Palæftinam, Syriam, Armeniam utramque, totam fermè Afiam minorem, Perfiam, Indiam, Ægyptum, Numidiam, Barbariam totam ad Nigrum ufque fluvium, Lufitaniam, Hifpaniam. Neque hic ftetit illorum fortuna aut ambitio, donec & Itafiæ magnam quoque partem adjecerint, ad portas ufque urbis Rome; quinetiam Siciliam, Candiam, Cyprum, & reliquas maris Mediterranei infulas. Mede Comm. Apoc. Lib. 3. Tuba 5. p. 468. M





SREM. Divine Providence, But the Causes that IV. contributed to produce this great Revolution, are manifeft: they were plainly the Vices and Difcords of the Chriftians, of thofe Times, that gave the Enemies of our Faith Courage to attack it, put Wea pons into their Hands, and furnished them with all manner of Advantages against it. Chrift came into the World on purpose to fubdue the Power, and destroy the Kingdom of Satan. He display'd the Banner of his Crofs, and fummon'd all Nations to repair to it; who accordingly obey'd the Signal. But while the Extremeft Parts of the Earth were meditating a Submiffion, while his greatest Enemies were haftening to put their Necks under his Feet, a stop was put to their Intentions, and his Triumphs, by the Mutinies and Defertions of his own Soldiers. Who can fufficiently deplore the Guilt, and deteft the Ill Influence of thofe Vices which cut off fo many Kingdoms at once from the Empire of Chrift? not only arrested his Doctrine in its full Courfe, and faid to


it, Hitherto shalt thou come,and no further; SERM. but made the Sun of Righteousness go backward, as it were, ten Degrees, and leave many Countries under gross Darknefs, which had once been enlighten'd with the faving Truths of the Gofpel? Certainly, Spiritual Faction and Pride, and Uncharitable Breaches of Chriftian Unity and Peace, are not fuch flight Offences as fome Men are willing to think them; fince it was owing in great measure to Thefe, that the Universal Reign of Christ upon Earth was then hinder'd, and the Accomplishment of the Prophecies in that respect deferr'd to dif tant Ages.

Many Princes fince, indifcreetly Pious, have made Attempts to regain the Ground, Christianity loft, by the Force of their Arms, and to plant the Faith anew in thofe Places, where it once had Poffeffion, by the Points of their Swords. But (alas!) that great Work is to be accomplished, not by fuch Holy Wars as thefe; but by Conflicts of another kind, which we muft maintain with our own Corrupt Habits,

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