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with the Father. Then, like Jesus, we can say, "The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself; but the Father that dwelleth in me." Never try to justify or defend or explain by much argument. Speak the truth to the best of your ability, then rest in the assurance that you have done your best and that time and events will justify you. This is the inner meaning of Keeping Silent or dwelling in the Eternal Silence.

4 St. John, XIV, 10.


A Symposium of The Order of the 15.a

"Behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy." For convenience in reference we will here gather together what we have said about the Order in our various other works.

"To all earnest seekers after the spiritual life whose sincere desire is to progress in spiritual growth and unfoldment, and who wish the opportunity of coming into closer personal touch with those Masters of Wisdom who, through all ages, have been the Teachers, Guides and Elder Brothers of humanity, there comes the following message:

"In accordance with the geometrical design of the universe, a point in evolution has now been reached when an advanced Order has been established upon the earth plane. This Order is not an organization in the general acceptance of the term, nor is it connected with either the outer or inner work of any other occult organization now in existence on the physical plane.

"The Order of Christian Mystics is but one name for a great Cosmic Order which has always existed and through which all Souls who have reached Mastery have passed on some plane, at a certain stage of their evolution. It has been represented upon the earth-plane at certain cyclic intervals in all ages, and has been known under various names. Its manifestation upon the earth-plane during the present cycle began on January 1st, 1908, its numerical name, The Order of the 15, being then used. But now that the Order is reaching that great class who are looked upon as orthodox Christians, yet who are eagerly seeking more definite instruction concerning the mysteries of the spiritual life, the name of the philosophy which the Order presents is used instead.

"The Order of Christian Mystics is a non-sectarian, unifying spiritual movement, inspired by an unselfish love for humanity

From the first circular sent out in 1908 to announce the Order.

and a desire to help mankind recognize the reality, and make practical use of, its spiritual guidance in the daily life.

"It is Christian in that it seeks the universal Cosmic Christ Principle, no matter by what name that Universal Principle is known in other lands; and in that it bases its teachings on the Christian rather than on Oriental scriptures. It is Mystic in that it teaches its pupils the mystery of how to come into personal and conscious touch with the Christ-consciousness within.

"It is not put forth to form a new sect or cult to further divide up and separate humanity, or to form another pigeonhole in which to isolate a few followers; nor does it seek to secure a following for any human leader or personality. It is a spiritual movement, without creed, dogma, rules or pledges. Instead of emphasizing the differences between its teachings and all others, it strives to establish a platform so universal that its pupils can find in it some one thing to which they can agree, even though that one thing be not the same for all. Thus will this Order become a link to join the best efforts of all into one great universal movement which shall spread Brotherhood upon the earth through spiritual understanding. True Brotherhood does not mean that all must think alike, but that each recognize Truth wherever found and demonstrate love and tolerance toward those who find a different aspect of Truth more helpful.

"This Order does not ask its pupils to leave any church, society or organization to which they feel attracted, unless they find in this Order their true spiritual home and desire to work exclusively with it. It but seeks to help all to understand the workings of the great fundamental Laws of Life, and thus enable them to do their own work the better, in their own way and place. It asks no one to subordinate his individuality or to follow any leader, but leaves all free to follow the Truth as revealed to them. It does not require that any of its teachings be accepted by its students because some authority says they are true, for unless a teaching appeals to

the heart and rings true to a Soul it is not true to the consciousness of that Soul. Hence, no authority is enforced, except the authority of that Voice within each heart which recognizes and witnesses to Truth wherever found.

"Understand this point clearly: It will be only through your own individual effort, your attitude of Soul and the character of your subsequent life that will enable you to place yourself in personal, conscious touch with the Masters of Wisdom. It depends upon no personality but your own.

"All organizations and movements which receive help from the spiritual-plane have their own particular work to do. Whether they have succeeded in the task set before them, or whether they have failed, is clearly shown by their results, and the same rule must be applied to the work of this Order. But many students have outgrown organizations, having found them too narrow and their necessary limitations too binding. Hence, in this Order an avenue of instruction and help has been put forth that is not an organization and which is not limited in its activities.

"This movement is not an organization, because it has no constitution or by-laws, no officers (only the Founders), requires no pledges and no dues, and does not restrict a student's activity in any society or organization. Therefore it is not antagonistic to, or a rival of, any existing organization that is helping humanity, but permits perfect freedom. It holds out the hand of Brotherhood to each and gives to all an opportunity to prove the ideals of Brotherhood and tolerance which they profess.

"We can but reiterate that while The Order of Christian Mystics stands alone, nevertheless it stands for Truth wherever found, its motto being, "By their fruits ye shall know them."

"Under no circumstances does it criticize any. If an organization, society or movement has helped one Soul to take one step upon the Path to Mastery, it has not wrought in vain.

"Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little

ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward! . . . Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

"The fact that a teaching attracts and helps you is evidence that it contains the lessons needed by you for the step you are taking. The fact that a movement no longer appeals to you, not matter how helpful it may be to others, is evidence either that your Soul has learned the lessons that movement had for you-even though not mastered intellectually-that it is not your true spiritual home or that the movement, no matter how beautifully conceived and launched, has become tainted with something that is not helpful, or is perhaps distinctly injurious to your physical, mental, moral or spiritual growth. Hence, to remain connected with an organization to which you no longer feel drawn or which you have outgrown, is as detrimental to your Soul-growth as it would be for a flower to remain in a pot which had become too small for it or whose soil had become exhausted.

"Each movement that aims to help humanity has its own place and its own work. Colored blocks are necessary in the kindergarten, primers for children, text-books for the training of the mind in school and college. But when the mind has been trained it must then put that training to use in a practical way; in business, under the head of the firm or manager; in art, under a great teacher; in spiritual things, under a Master of Wisdom. But remember that, because you are no longer interested in the colored blocks or primers you once thought so beautiful, you are not to despise the children who still cling to them, or find fault with the teachers of the a-b-c's. All have their place, and the children will grow away from the blocks when they have learned their lesson, just as you have grown. The proof that you have outgrown earthly organizations will be the love and tolerance with which you treat all your brothers and sisters who still feel the need of such methods. To rail at organizations, and those who work in them, especially

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