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Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1840, by

in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.





To Mr. C. S. MORRIS,

Gentlemen: In former days, it has been my pleasing task to preach the doctrine of universal grace and salvation in the States of Virginia and North Carolina, and particularly in your several sections, where it was never before proclaimed. I have enjoyed the pleasing satisfaction of responding with these feeble organs to the tidings of angels, "Peace on earth, good will toward men." These tidings, echoed by the lips of Murray and Ballou, have broken the midnight darkness of the doctrine of endless vengeance and woe, and dispersed the threatening clouds and tempests which had too long obscured the light shining from heaven, and tens of thousands are now basking and rejoicing in its healing beams. "The day is broke, which never more shall close." In your sections, too, the light and glory of the Lord shines on the bright sky of mind,

and many can say with transporting rapture, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men"!

To you, gentlemen, I am peculiarly indebted for your kindness in sustaining me, in the midst of opposition and trial, and for that courtesy, hospitality, and fraternal regard, which have been so warmly and generously tendered to me by yourselves and your amiable families. In return for all these things, accept my grateful thanks. The history of your kindness I have often rehearsed to my children, and the remembrance of it shall go down with them to their graves. And believe me, that the whole will be held in grateful recollection by this heart till it shall cease to throb.

For all your favors to me, and for all that you have done for our cause, I can only render this tribute of sincere and grateful recognition, and dedicate this humble VOLUME to you, fervently praying that it may do good in the world.

Fraternally yours forever,


JUNE 1st, 1840.


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EIGHT years ago was published, at the "Trumpet" office, a small volume, entitled Twenty-four Short Sermons, on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation." I wrote them originally for the "Trumpet," and, being much straitened for the want of sufficient time to bestow upon them, there are evident marks of carelessness in several instances, both in expression and arrangement. Twenty of those sermons I have embodied in this volume with little or no alteration, except a few typographical errors. The work was urgently called for by my friends, and I had no time to rewrite it.

I am aware, that my views upon the New Birth differ from those of others, and, in one instance, have been publicly attacked. But, after prayerful reflection upon the

subject, and a careful examination of the expositions of others, I must still remain satisfied of the correctness of my views, until new light shall be shed upon this subject. I fully believe with my brethren, so far as they go, in their explanations of the New Birth. I agree with them in the present change, which takes place through faith; and agree with them, that this faith introduces the believer into the present enjoyment of the kingdom of heaven here on earth. Notwithstanding this, yet I am unable to see how a man can be born again, in this sense, without faith in the resurrection of the dead. If it be admitted, that he cannot, then certainly all the new birth he can experience in this mortal life, is only in faith in anticipation, and not in reality. In the same sense he now passes from death unto life through faith, and through faith he now enjoys eternal life.

I have thought proper to dedicate this humble work to Mr. Christopher S. Morris, Dr. Marchant, Dr. Griffin, Robert Anderson, Esq., and Mr. George L. Lumsden. It is a duty of respect I owe them for former

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