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she should leave mortality behind her; that death would be swallowed up in victory; that she should not be held a moment under the dominion of it; and that the Sun of Righteousness would immediately rise upon her." In a letter to another lady, on the death of her son, he says, "We think doubtfully of some that are gone, and uncomfortably of others: but, of the good and virtuous, we can have only pleasing reflections. Faith, when lively and active, opens the regions of eternal bliss, and discovers those, who have been bright examples in this world, in so glorious a state there, as animates hope, abates regret for their absence, and invigorates our endeavours to follow them." Who can conceive the transports of joy that will attend such a meeting? and how insignificant will the former short separation appear! The variable and transitory state, in which we now live, will soon pass over; when we and our friends shall find ourselves together again, inseparable, and unalterably happy for evermore."*

* Wilmot's Life, &c. of Bishop Hough.

Most true it is, that every individual, who strongly engages our affection, has some endearing characteristic distinction, which gives it an appropriated place in the heart: and, whenever such individual is removed, the vacant recess remains unfilled, as if sacred to the memory of the departed guest. Thus is it wisely ordained that, while our present companions assist us to pursue our journey with cheerfulness and alacrity, the tender regret for those whom we have lost, extends our wishes and our hopes to the end of it; giving a delightful prospect and anticipation of our arrival at that universal home, where the imperfect system of human happiness will be rendered complete, by the re assembling of all those, who have shared our trials, and animated our virtues, through different stages of our mortal passage. Such a pleasing anticipation becomes more and more lively, as we approach nearer to that period, when we shall be purified from all mixture of human frailty, and exalted to our highest

perfection in His presence who is bound

less love.

This progressive advancement of the soul towards celestial blessedness, while enshrined in a mortal body, evinces the dissimilarity of its nature to the frail tabernacle of clay that is mouldering down. And in no other sense can we regard the beautiful assertion of Solomon, where, contemplating man as a pious pilgrim journeying from earth to heaven, he says, "the path of the just is as the shining. light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." That is, as the sun, which nothing can impede in its course, acquires, from its first rising, additional splendor, till it attain its meridian; so does the sublime hope of immortality, which animates the breast of a just person, glow with additional fervour in his progress towards eternity, till what was hope becomes enjoyment. Neither, in heaven, will this divine advancement cease; but, under the benignancy of that Being, whose happi

* See Correspondence of Mrs. Carter and Miss Talbot.

ness consists in dispensing happiness, it will go on from perfection to perfection; where kindred spirits, no doubt, will share the fulness of joy in His presence for ever


"I do think," says Archdeacon PALEY, "that it is agreeable to the dictates of reason to believe, that the same great God, who brings men to life again, will bring those together whom death has separated." And this learned man very properly annexes to this soothing persuasion the following instructive inference: "Do we seek, do we covet earnestly to be restored to the society of those, who were once near and dear to us, and who are gone before? Be assured, it is only by leading godly lives, that we can hope to have this wish accomplished. Do we prefer, to all delights, to all pleasures in the world, the satisfaction of meeting again, in happiness and peace, those whose presence, while they were amongst us, made up the comfort and enjoyment of our lives? It must be by relinquishing our sins, by parting with our criminal delights and guilty pur

suits, that we can ever expect to attain to this satisfaction. If we go on in our sins, we are not to expect a joyful meeting with our friends, and relatives, and dear connections. If we turn away from our sins, and take up religion in earnest, we may. Religion disarms even death: It disarms it of that which is its bitterness, and its sting, the power of dividing those who were dear to one another."

If with such persons, it was pleasant to "take sweet counsel" in virtuous, social intercourse upon earth, how transporting must it be, to have our conversation renewed with them in heaven! Perhaps we were the means, in God's hands, of guiding them on their way to glory; or, perhaps they taught us that knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, which led to immortal bliss: and, when their days of parental usefulness were passed, we, perhaps, supported their reverend heads in the season of age and sickness, and closed their eyes in peace. Our meeting each

other, therefore, in a state of blessedness, and our mutually reflecting on the means

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