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with no sparing hand, the finger of hatred and of scorn points them out to the execration of betrayed and suffering millions, while their names will go down to posterity, accompanied with reproaches, curses and infamy. If those be forgiven who have gone on in one consistent career of servitude and degradation; who have betrayed no cause of liberty-for they are by habit and by election slaves; who have sacrificed no manly principles-for manly principles they had none;-still no charity can wash away the stains of those traitors to

Nuestro suspirado monarca, el mas justo de los reyes."

Of himself: "Mi conducta me granjeó

el favor de todos los buenos de Galicia, que me mirában como una columna del partido servil. El consejo de Castilla me honró confiandome la censura de varios papeles qui califiqué de sediciosos, subersivos é injuriosos á la soberania de S. M. El primer nombrado por la Junta de Obispos por la censura de todos los escritos revolucionarios é impios fué el Padre Martinez nemine discrepante. El ayuntamiento de Santiago me comisionó que diere gracias á S. M. por el reestablecimiento de la Inquisicion pidiendo á S. M. por los P. P. Jesuitas. El Rey en atencion al distinguido merito y servicios del Padre Martinez' ne nombra su predicador supernumerario: y despues, 'S. M en consideracion á la solida literatura de V. S. y á los servicios hechos á su real persona, la religion y al estado,' le nombra Consevero de la Suprema de la Inquisicion!"

Of the above sermon: "Hable con la ligereza y superficialidad de un orador que habla de lo que no entiende. Era poco instruido en el derecho publico Español. Ilablé constitucional y por conseqüente disparatadamente. Sermon de adornos, flores, y exagerados hiperboles, sedicioso, subersivo é injurioso á la soberania de S. M."

Another disgraceful example may be quoted in that of Father Velez, the present Bishop of Ceuta, who has lately published a book, entitled Defensa del Altar y del Trono, so infamous, so full of outrages, insults, and shameless mendacity, that the very Inquisition refused to license its impression; and our mitred libeller delivered a copy to the king, whose taste it so admirably suited, that he issued an immediate mandate, signed by his royal hand, ordering its instant publication. I believe it is the only book which has been printed for years without the Inquisition's authority.

freedom, to humanity, to Spain, who so atrociously deserted the banners of their country's welfare, to range themselves around the standards of a profligate and unexampled tyranny.

The most notorious of those, bowever, who co-operated to establish that fatal and ferocious despotism which now degrades and oppresses Spain, have already become its victimis. In their sorrow and suffering aud exile, let the unshaken friends of constitutional liberty, who are scattered over Europe, console themselves with remembering that their personal fate is no more severe than that of the base tools of a wretched monarch, who have nothing to accompany their wanderings but sadness, shame and self-reproach, dark and barren prospects, and desolate remembrances; while those shall receive from all around them, the smiles and the praises of the wise and good. They may look back on the "bread" of virtue which they have "cast on the waters," and forward in the confident hope that they "shall find it again after many days:" but they who sacrificed their country to their coldhearted and selfish avarice, have wholly erred in their calculations. Their country is fallen indeed, but they, too, have been buried in its ruins. Ferdinand, who has just as much of gratitude as of any other virtue, has already trampled on the miserable tools of his early tyranny. It were well if those who "put their trust in princes," would study the many impressive lessons which the reign of the Spanish tyrant affords.

It is consolatory to turn from the profligacy and vice so often prominent amidst extraordinary political revolutions, to the spirit of truth and liberty which they always elicit; and Spain has had a most triumphant list of patriots. Their names must not be recorded: for, to receive the tribute of affection and gratitude from any hater of a tyrant, would be sufficient

Spanish despot's right par excellence. A The title of Ingrato is, in fact, the the spell which holds so many slaves is few more such examples would dissolve bondage, and lead them to doubt whether

"Such divinity as doth bedge a king," can really be of celestial origin.

to subject them to his merciless ferocity. How wretched that country where no meed of applause may follow the track of talent or of virtue -where knowledge and the love of freedom are pursued and persecuted as if they were curses and crimes! Otherwise, with what delight should I speak of some who, buried in the obscurity of the cloister, or retiring into solitude from the noisy crowd, sigh in secret and silence over the wretched fate of the land of their birth, their admirable powers of body and mind fettered and frozen by the hand of despotism! All around them is slavery and ignorance; to them remain alone the joy of holding converse with the wise and the good of departed time, and the ecstatic hope that their country will one day burst from its death-like slumbers, and spring forth" into liberty and life and light."

And let those illustrious exiles, the

martyrs of truth and freedom, who have been driven by an ungrateful and cruel tyrant from their homes and their country, and doomed "to wander through this miserable world," take heart; for a brighter and better day is about to dawn upon Spain. I have expressed a hope, it should rather be a conviction, that this period cannot linger long. If the extreme of evil brings with it its own remedy; if human endurance will only support a certain weight of despotism; if "there is a spirit in man;" if there is a strength in virtue or in liberty the intolerable fetters must be broken.

Que es esto, Autor eterno

Del triste mundo? tu sublime nombre Que en el se ultraja á moderar no alcauzas?

-¿á infelices venganzas

notorious text was omitted, and the reason assigned in a note affixed, as follows:

"Notum septimum versiculum Syrum Testamentum omittit, sicut etiam multi Græci codices: qui ita restitui posset, Nam tres sunt qui testificantur in cælo, Pater, et Sermo, et Spiritus Sanctus: et hi tres unum sunt. Sed quia non modo in impresso sed etiam in manuscripto codice Heidelbergensi omittebatur, nec in omnibus vetustis Græcis codicibus legebatur, textui inserere non sum ausus: be tamen versiculorum fieret perturbatio, utque eorum numeri responderent numeris versiculorum Græci textús, à sexto transilii ad octavum."

This affords an additional proof that the verse was not universally received, even at so late a period as the latter end of the sixteenth century. J. W. FAIRBRIDGE.


called by a little publication, entitled "The Authenticity, and, consequently, the Genuineness of the Baptismal Commission in its present Shape, questioned upon the Evidence of the Apostolic History and of the Apostolic Writings," to a subject which at different times of my life has much occupied it, and never without increased conviction in favour of the conclusion contended for by the writer, that baptism in the received form, was not the practice of the apostles. The author is evidently little skilled in the art of composition, aud, in my opinion, does not do justice to the subject of his inquiry: but he has said more than enough to invite others more competent to the investigation, to exercise their talents upon it, and particularly those of our fraternity.

Y attention has been lately re

Y sangre y muerte has destinado el That baptism" in the name of the


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Lord," must either mean the baptism
prescribed by our Saviour in the
questioned form, or in a form that at
once negatives the authenticity of the
only remaining text to which ortho-
doxy can at all plausibly appeal in
vindication of its unscriptural hypo-
thesis, appears to me scarcely a
problematical proposition.
Yet our
Essex-Street Liturgy seems to sup-

at the pleasure of the party: a suppo
sition surely quite indefensible. Can

it for a moment be believed that the apostles baptized in any other form than that eujoined by their Master? And if they baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," is their practice not absolutely imperative on the church? The only alternative seems to be the rejection of the text on the authority of the practice, or undeviating obse. quiousness to its precise dictate. But, to my mind, this only surviving pillar of pseudo-orthodoxy is as certainly baseless as that of the Three Witnesses, nor can I entertain a doubt that mature reflection on the admitted facts connected with the case, would propitiate many a man "of sound understanding and honest heart," not only to the adoption of the conclusion, but to the more unwelcome duty of bearing his public testimony to its truth. The exclusive reference to Christ, wherever mention is made of baptism; the absence, upon the same occasion, of every association suggested by the received baptismal form upon any interpretation of its import; the moral impossibility (surely I do not use too strong a term) of any apostle familiarized to such a form, invariably breaking off with the Son at the beginning of every epistle; the uniformity of the mention in an elliptical manner; the. . . . But I am forgetting my object, which was not to reason myself, but "to set others on thinking." I will therefore abruptly take my leave.


R. D.

August 11, 1819.

AFTER the example of Mr Drummond [Vol. VI. p. 75] and others, I send you as perfect a register as I can at present make out, of the succession of ministers to the Presbyterian congregation now as sembling at the Great Meeting, Smithford Street, Coventry, which you may, perhaps, insert in the Repository. I have been for some years collecting information respecting the formation of the society; the persecutions they suffered; the zeal and perseverance they manifested under the frown of the reigning powers; their success and prosperity under various ministers of eminence in the Christian world; their falling off in latter times, &c.,

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Presbyterian Congregation now assembling at the Great Meeting, Coventry.

Dr. Obadiah Grew and Dr. John Bryan, ejected from St. Michael and Trinity Churches, had a numerous congregation in some licensed place at Coventry, in the year 1672, and Dr. Grew continued to preach, though not without interruption, till the year 1682, when the liberty was recalled. From that period to the year 1687, Dr. Grew, when blind and compelled to leave the city by the Oxford Act, employed an amanuensis, and dictated a sermon to him every week, which being read afterwards to several short-hand writers, it was again transcribed and read at twenty different meetings of small numbers to avoid the penalties of the law. Upon King James's granting liberty of worship, in the year 1687, the Presbyterians at Coventry held their meetings in St. Nicholas' Hall, commonly called Leather Hall, where they made seats

spondence between the corporation of Which appears from a curious correCoventry, the Earl of Northampton, Privy Counsellor to his Majesty, (also Recorder of the city,) and the Earl of Arlington, principal Secretary of State to Charles II., on the subject, recorded in the Common Council-book of the city of Coventry, a copy of which I was favoured with from Mr. Sharp, of Coventry, the Antiquarian, a respectable member of the Established Church.

Nickson, of Coventry, a respectable mem+ From an old MS. in possession of Mr. ber of the society of Friends, well known among antiquarians as a curious collector of every thing connected with antiquity. The late minister of Coventry having purchased a house in 1818, near the meeting,

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Uttoxeter, Staffordshite, in

Duffield, Derbyshire,


1730 1761 Worcester



1756 1785

Thame, Oxfordshire 1763 1777



1777 1810


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Cardiganshire 1810

July 10, 1819. IVE me leave to ask if any of your readers, especially those who have visited Rome, can account for the following extraordinary nar

found by the title-deeds that it stands on the site of Leather Hall, where the congregation used to meet prior to the year 1700.

Ob. Musson appears also to be a Dissenting minister at Coventry at the same time, and probably to the same people; for I have seen a work by Dr. Bryan in verse, entitled "Harvest Home: being the Summe of certain Sermons upon Job v. 26, one whereof was preached at the Funeral of Mr. Ob. Musson, an aged Godly Minister of the Gospel, in the Royally Licensed Rooms in Coventry; the other since continued upon the subject, by J. B., D. D. late Pastor of the Holy Trinity in that ancient and honourable City. The first Part being a Preparation of the Corn for the Sickle. The latter will be the Reaping, Shocking and Inning of that Corn which is so Fitted. London: printed for the Author, 1674."

It will be seen by the dates that the congregation bad always two ministers to the period of Mr. Jackson's death, when Mr. Emons became sole pastor.

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ration. I find it quoted in Tomasini de Tesseris Hospitalitatis, Amst. 1670, (p. 218,) from a description of Jerusalem, (p. 173,) by Adricomius, who died in 1585, at Cologne, where, in 1648, was published his Theatrum Terra Sanctæ.

The passage, which is in Latin, I have thus literally translated. The author is speaking of the field purchased at Jerusalem with the reward of Judas's treachery.

From this field the Empress Helena procured as much earth as several ships could contain, to be conveyed to Rome. This earth was deposited near the Vatican Hill, on a spot now called, by the natives, Campo Santo. Though in a different climate, its peculiar properties remain, as is shewn by daily experience: for, to the exclusion of Romans, it is devoted solely to the burial of strangers; whose flesh is, in twenty-four hours, entirely consumed, nothing remaining but their bones.

Tomusini was an Italian, who died in 1670, Bishop of Citta Nova. He says, indeed, of Andricomius, aud the authors whom he followed, mirum est quod de hoc agro scribunt, (it is

extraordinary what they write of this field). Yet had there not been some tradition respecting this achievement of the Empress Helena, or some peculiar property in the earth of the Campo Santo, this scholar would scarcely have ventured to introduce the passage in his very curious and learned work. I cannot refrain from adding his compliment to our country (p. 225):

"Britannos hospitibus vocat floratius. (Carm. L. iii. O. iv.) At nihil hodie ista gente amabilius. Tanta culturæ vis est, qua literæ animos cetero quin feros emolliunt." (Horace describes the Britons as ferocious to strangers. Yet, at this day no people are more courteous. Such is the powerful effect of cultivation, by which literature polishes the rudest dispositions.)

You have, I think, in some early Volume an account of the Empress Helena's transportation of the true Cross.


The Nonconformist.

No. XIV.

An Essay on the Life and Character of Hugh Peters, Chaplain to Oliver Cromwell and the Parliament.

(Concluded from p. 532.)

UGH PETERS was so great

When Archbishop Laud was prosecuted, Peters interested himself much in his behalf; and it was at his espe cial recommendation that a motion was made in the Bouse of Commons to spare his life, and transport him to New England. When Lord George Goring, Earl of Norwich, was in danger of losing his life, Peters himself petitioned the Parliament, and obtained bis pardon. For this service the Earl made him a present of a valuable seal; and this he produced on his trial, saying that he should keep it for his sake as long as he lived. On the 9th March, 1648, James, Marquis of Hamilton, was beheaded for marching an army against the Parliament; but as Peters had presented a petition from Hamilton to the Speaker, it was imagined he would have been pardoned. See a Letter addressed to Secretary Nicholas, and preserved in Ormond's papers, published by Carte, which shews the opinion the public had of his interest with the House. A few months before this, viz. in December 1647, Henry Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, died at the age of 84 in the custody of the Parliament's Black Rod, and it appears that Peters interested himself in his behalf also; and so grateful was the Marchioness for this service, that when Peters was going to his trial, with her own hand, beginning thus: she gave him a certificate, written

Ha favourite with the Parliament, "I do hereby testify, that in all the

that they made an order for £100 a-year for himself and his heirs; at another time they voted him an additional £200 a-year. After this they gave him an estate, which had been a part of Lord Craven's, and the whole of Archbishop Laud's private library, valued at £140, besides continuing to him his annual stipend as a preacher. These were handsome rewards in those days; yet he says, "I lived in debt, because what I had, others shared in. +

This benevolent man saw how he was valued by the Parliament, and therefore embraced every opportunity of improving his interest with them in behalf of the unfortunate.

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sufferings of my husband, Mr. Peters the Marquis of Hamilton, and the was my great friend." Lord Goring, Marquis of Worcester, were all of the opposite party to that which Peters had so warmly espoused; but to be unfortunate, seems to have been sufficient to entitle any man to his good offices.

enemy to kingly authority, I have no Although Hugh Peters was an doubt but he felt towards the king as would have rendered him any service a Christian ought to have done, and in his power; for in his letter to his daughter he says, "I had access

Biog. Dict. IX. 248.

+ See Trials of the Regicides, p. 173.

It has been said that Hugh Peters was the means of preserving the Royal Library at St. James's entire, Mon. Repos. II. 520, in a note.

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