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November 16, 1819. OBSERVE in your last Number, [p. 652,] that "A Subscriber to Dr. Thompson's Monument inquires what measures have been taken towards its erection?" In reply, I beg leave to state, through the medium of the Monthly Repository, the following particulars

A meeting of the Committee was held at Halifax, on the 18th of January, pursuant to a notice from the Chairman, when the following, amongst other Resolutions, were una nimously adopted : .

"That F. L. Chantrey, Esq. R. A., be requested to favour the Committee with a design for a Monument to the memory of the late Dr. Thompson; and, at the same time, be informed, that the Committee hope to have as much as £200 to expend upon the execution of the Monument.

"That the Inscription for the Tab let be in the English language.

"That the Chairman be requested to apply to such individuals as he thinks proper, to favour the Committee with suitable Inscriptions, to be addressed to the Chairman as early as convenient."

Mr. Chantrey was accordingly applied to for a suitable design; and several gentlemen were solicited to communicate Inscriptions for the Tablet, from which the Committee might select one that should appear to them the most eligible.

As Mr. Chantrey's engagements did not admit of his attending to the ap

plication before the end of May, no further proceedings were adopted till the 23rd of June, when a meeting of the Committee was held at Ettridge's Hotel, York, at which it was resolved, "That the design with which the Committee had been furnished by F. L. Chantrey, Esq., R. A., being unanimously approved of, he should be requested to proceed upon it with as little further delay as possible.

"That the Rev. J. G. Robberds, of Manchester, be requested to draw up a suitable English Inscription for the the Monument."

The approbation of the Committee, and their request, were immediately conmmunicated to Mr. Chantrey. I received a letter from Mr. Cunningham, (foreman to Mr. Chantrey,) dated August 23, in which he informed me, that the Monument was then in hand; that Mr. Chantrey had made the model, and had given directions for the work to be forwarded with all suitable diligence, during his absence on the continent; but that the finishing must await his return. He further stated, that it is a work calculated to attract notice, and that even in its rude state, at that time, it had admirers. Since that period, I have received no communications upon the subject, but have no doubt that every attention is paying to the wishes of the Committee.

It will, perhaps, afford satisfaction to notice the present state of the Subscription List. The total amount hitherto announced to the Treasurer is £215 6s. In addition to the £200 to be paid for the execution of the Monument, and the expenses already incurred, amounting to about £14, for printing, advertizing, postages, and carriage of circulars, there will remain the expenses of the carriage of the Monument, and fixing it up, to be defrayed out of the subscriptions. When the Monument is erected, it will probably be deemed expedient that the Additional List of Subscribers, together with other particulars, should be communicated to the public, through the medium of the Monthly Repository. In the mean time, I hope the above statement will be found satisfactory to the Querist.

RICHARD ASTLEY, Chairman to the Committee.


"Still pleased to praise, yet not afraid to blame."-POPE.

ART. I.-A new Version of some of meaning of this expression delivered

the Epistles of St. Paul, &c.
(Continued from p. 634.)

TM. i. I. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the appointment [KAT ETIτayny] of God:" in R. V., "by the commandment," &c.

"Of Jesus Christ the foundation of our hope:" in the R. V., "which is our hope." Worsley and Wakefield are more correct, "Jesus Christ, our hope." And so the Editors of the I. V., which properly omits the words," who is," supplied by Newcome. In Griesbach's text the clause stands thus, Χριςου Ιησου, της EXπidos μwy. Dr. Owen's conjecture, in Bowyer, is singularly unfortunate.

5. "The end of our instruction," &c. in R. V., "the end of the commandment" [TEλos TNS πapayyeMas]. We are of opinion that a reference is designed to ver. 3, [iva Tapayyaλgs.] and would therefore follow Worsley and Wakefield in translating the definite article and the substantive, "THAT (not, with Newcome this) charge."

9. "A law is not made in reference to a righteous person" [dikale vous ou KEITA]: (in R. V., "the law is not made for a righteous man"). In this somewhat paraphrastical translation Philalethes follows Doddridge. Worsley's rendering is, a law does not lie against a righteous person;" Castalio's, "justis non esse latam legem.” Examples of the phrase may be seen in Raphel. Annotat., in loc., and in Aristot. Rhetoric. (Oxon. 1809) pp. 3, 76.


18. "In accordance with," &c. [kata. K. T. λ.]: in the R. V., according to;" and this we cannot but prefer.

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"The divine admonitions formerly given thee,” [τας προαγουσας επι Tε TROTEINS]: (in R. V., "the prophecies which went before on thee.") Such is Schleusner's rendering, "secundum monita illa, quæ jam olim tibi dedi."

20." Whom I have delivered over to Satan ;" which translation scarcely differs from the R. V. "The

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over to Satan, cannot now (says Phi lalethes) be certainly determined, Some commentators consider that the

infliction of corporal punishment is intended, arguing especially from the literal sense of the passage, 1 Cor. v. 5, where the same phrase is used: but the opinion of others, that the apostle refers to excommunication or expulsion from the society of Christians, seems to be the most probable and best supported." As such we also regard it: on the other side of the question our readers should consult Benson on the Epistles, &c. Vol. I. p. 572.

i Tim. ii. 2. "A peaceful and quiet life, in the complete exercise of our religion, and in the practice of whatever is worthy of respect:" in R. V., "a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty" [ev Taon EvoεČeig Kai σEμYOTηT]. The French Genevan Version, like Philalethes, gives a kind of paraphrase, “en pratiquant tous les devoirs de la piété et de l'honnêteté."

4, 5, 6. "The knowledge of the truth, namely, that there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who in proof of the doctrine gave himself in due time," &c.: in R. V., "the knowledge," &c. For [Eis yap, K. T. λ.] there is one God, &c. who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. [Ὁ δους ἑαυτον αντίλυτρον ύπερ παντων, το μαρτύριον καιροίς ιδίοις.] We cannot approve of either of these translations: the last clause should be rendered more literally and faithfully; and we are therefore pleased with Diodati and with Wakefield, "secondo la testimonianza riservata a' propi tempi,"-" that testimony reserved to its proper time."

"I enjoin the woman not to teach, nor to usurp authority," &c.: in R. V., "I suffer not a woman to, &c., or to usurp," &c. With more correctness Newcome translates the clause, "I suffer not the woman to teach or to usurp authority." See Symonds' Observ. &c. in loc.

13. "Adam was formed the

first in order" in R. V., "was first formed” [πρωτος επλάσθη]. It is for the expositor, not for the translator, to say, whether first in time, or first in dignity?

1 Tim iii. 1. "It is a truth, that whoever aspireth to the pastoral office setteth his mind upon an honourable employment:" in R. V., "this is a true saying. (isos & λoyos,] if a man desire the office of a bishop, [εI TIS επισκοπής ορέγεται,] he desireth a guod work" [καλου εργου επιθυμεί]. On the clause 505 Aayog Griesbach remarks, "ad antecedentia referunt Chrys. Oec. Theoph." Wakefield does the same: but we doubt whether such a position be in Paul's manner.

3. Philalethes rightly omits the words un axpokepon, which bear the appearance of having been inserted here from Titus i. 7.

6. "Not a new convert, lest he should be lifted up with pride, and incur the censure of our advèrsary: in R. V, « not a novice, [YeoOUTOV,] lest, being lifted up with pride, [Tupa,] he fall into the condemnation [eueon] of the devil [TOU diaboλov]." According to Newcome's Marginal Version," the accuser:' Luther translates the word, " dem lasterer;" in the French Genevan Vers. it is, calomniateur.


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13. "Acquire to themselves an honourable rank:" in R. V., chase to themselves a good degree" [βαθμον ἑαυτοῖς καλόν περιποιούνται]. Here Philalethes' translation is also that of Newcome.

15. "Which is the pillar and support of the truth :” in R. V., « which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” [ήτις εςιν εκκλησία Θεου ζωντος sudos. K. T. λ.]. By Wakefield and Newcome the clause uλos kai Edparaμa της αλήθειας is referred to Timothy.

16. "And great, unquestion ably, is the mystery of our religion. He who was manifested in the flesh, was confirmed in his character and authority by the Spirit, was seen familiarly by his messengers, proclaimed among the Heathen, believed on in the world, received up into glory." The public translation is the following," and without controversy [ὁμολογομένως] great is the mystery of godliness [TS EVσebeias]: God was manifest [avepan] in the flesh, jus

tified in the spirit, [edikaiwby & tiepari,] seen of angels, [apon ayyik,] preached unto the Gentiles," &c. It will be perceived that Philalethes has adopted Griesbach's text, which we find also in Newcome's margin, whose note, illustrating the construction, is well entitled to our regard.

1 Tim. iv. 1. "Giving heed to deceivers and to diabolical doctrines:" in R. V., "to seducing spirits [μασι πλάνοις] and doctrines of devik" [διδασκαλιαις δαιμονιων]. With neither of these translations are we satisfied. Diodati indeed has it, dottrine diaboliche: yet Joseph Mede has, in our judgment, clearly shewn (Works, p. 626) the proper rendering to be, "doctrines concerning dæmons ;" and this we meet with, accordingly, in Benson and in Newcome.

3. "Who shall require abstinence from marriage, and from food," &c.: in R. V., “forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain," &c. [κωλυοντων γαμειν, απέχεσθαι βρωμάτων]. Here Philalethes has translated with felicity a difficult clause: for his success he seems to have been indebted, in part, to Doddridge. In Wakefield we read, "giving commands about abstinence from marriage and from meats:" see, too, Sect. xxiv. of his Silva Critica, P. i.

-3, 4. "Partaken of with thanksgiving by believers, who should be sensible of this truth, that every thing,” &c. in R. V., "received with thanksgiving of them who believe and know the truth. For every creature," &c. [eis μetaλyfiv μeta 85χαρισίας τοις πίςοις και επεγνωκόσι την αλέθειαν. Ότι παν κτισμα, κ.τ.λ.]. The turn which Philalethes has given to this passage, is sanctioned by Castalio, Rosenmüller and Wakefield: and the last-mentioned author is very happy in his translation of a part of it, "them who believe and are convinced of this truth," &c.

8. "Certain exercises of the body are profitable in a small degree:" in R. V., " bodily exercise profiteth little.” [Η γαρ σωματική γυμνασία προς oxyo y aperipos.] The translators and commentators are divided in respect of the import of the words po oλyov: Pagninus renders them, "ad modicum;" but Rosenmüller makes a reference to James iv. 14, and adds, "intellige xpovov."

1 Tim. v. 1. Rebuke not an aged man severely:" in R. V., “ rebuke not an elder" [pεobuteрw μn eximλnks]; which leaves it doubtful whether Paul speaks here of an ecclesiastical officer or of any man advanced in years. Philalethes is correct. So Worsley, "a senior;" and so the F. G. Vers., "celui qui est avancé en age." But Newcome and the l. V. adopt the common rendering.

4. "A suitable return to their parents and progenitors" [auabas amodidoval Tais apoyovos]: in R. V., "to requite their parents." Newcome has, "to requite their progenitors:" Schleusner restricts Toiç poyovac to fathers and mothers: of the rendering given by Philalethes, we must com plain that it is circuitous and paraphrastical.

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5. "She who is truly a widow, and left alone, should trust in God," &c. in R. V.," she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth [K] in God:" We prefer the rendering in the P. T." Præteritum," says Rosenmüller, " pro præsenti."

6. "She who abandoneth herself to pleasure:" this is much better than the R. V.," she that liveth in pleasure" [ή δε σπαταλώσα].


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11. "When they grow weary of Christian restraints" (in the margin grow wanton against Christ," and so, in substance, the R. V., wanton, &c."); the original is, oray γαρ κατατρηνιασωσι του Χριστου, " postquam lascieverunt contra Christum." Schleusner. We do not now undertake an interpretation of the phrase. Dr. Symonds, after having quoted the P. T., exclaims, "What an extraordinary phrase is this!" Mr. Wakefield's rendering is admirable: for, when they grow weary of the restraints of Christ, they wish to marry.' Much, nevertheless, as we respect the memory of Symonds and of Wakefield, we cannot join in this encomium. We give the preference to Newcome's rendering, which retains the spirit of the original, and carmot offend the most delicate modern ear, "when they become juordinate against Christ."

12. " Exposing themselves to condemnation by not being faithful to their first engagement:" in R. V., " having damnation because they have

cast off their first faith" [exovσal xpspa ότι την πρώτην πισιν ηθετησαν]. Philalethes seems to have apprehended the apostle's meaning: so the F. G. Vers., puisqu'elles ont violé leur premier engagement."

17. "Let the elders who act well as superintendants, be considered worthy of a liberal recompence" [。i καλῶς προεςῶτες πρεσβύτεροι διπλης τιμής αξιέσθωσαν]. In R. V., "Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honour." Here Philalethes follows, and with reason, most of the preceding translators and interpreters: thus Castalio, gemino præmio," and Newcome, "double reward," which strikes us as the best rendering. For this sense of the word Tiμn see Acts xxviii. 10. On the ad. jective dim, Rosenmüller, a most valuable expositor, remarks, "sumitur indeterminatè.”

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22. Put thy hands hastily on no man" [XEIPAS TAXEWS μndevi IT0]. The R. V. is ambiguous, "lay hands," &c. Symonds' Observ. &c., in loc.

23. Use a little wine, on account of tiry stomach, and the weak state, frequently, of thy health" [r πυκνάς σου ασθενειας]. In R. V., "thine often infirmities." Better, as in Worsley and Newcome, "thy frequent infirmities" [disorders].

——vi. 1, 2. “Let as many as are under the yoke of servitude account their own masters worthy of all re spect, that the name and doctrine of God may not be blasphemed. And let not those that have believing masters treat them disrespectfully, because they are brethren, but let them give their service more readily, because those who receive the benefit of it are believers and objects of affection." In R. V., "let as many servants as are under the yoke [όσοι εισιν ύπο ζυγον devλa] count their own masters worthy of all honour [Tung], that the name of God and his doctrine [wan το όνομα του Θεού και ἡ διδασκαλια] be not blasphemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not despise [Kaτappover Twσay] them because they are brethren, but rather do them service αλλα μαλλον δουλευετωσαν] because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit" [ó71 #1501 €iði και αγαπητοι, οι της ευεργεσίας αντιλαμ

βανομενοι]. The rendering here given by Philalethes, is not a little happy: in the last clause he follows Newcome, with a trifling variation.

1 Tim. vi. 1S." Who giveth life" [in R. V., "who quickeneth," Tov SwoosOUVTOS]. A requisite correction and an obvious improvement.


14. "That thou keep thyself, as thou art instructed, unspotted," &c. in R. V., "that thou keep this commandment without spot" [Toa σε την εντολήν ασπιλον]. Place a comma after commandment, and another after unrebukeable, which is better than to render Tyy εyToλy by "as thou art instructed."

2 Tim. i 1." As to the promise of life in Christ Jesus:" in R. V., " according to [kar'] the promise of life which is in C. J." [Sans TNS EV Xp Ιησού). "As to," is also the render ing of Newcome: "with respect to,"

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6. "That thou keep alive the divine gift which thou possessest by the imposition of my hands:" in R. V., "that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee [αναζωπυρείν το χαpioμa τOU εCU, ESI EV σOL] by the putting on of my hands." [Aia T επιθέσεως, κ. τ. λ.]

8. "The attested doctrine of our Lord, nor of me who am in bonds for him" in R. V., " the testimony of our Lord, [το μαρτύριον του Κυρίου wv,] nor of me his prisoner [unde EμE TOY degμIOY AVTOV]. Philalethes has improved upon King James's translators; yet the rendering by Newcome is still better, "the testimony concerning our Lord, or of me, a prisoner because of him."

10. "( Opening a clear view of immortal life, by the gospel:" in R. V., "hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel." [Φωτισαντος δε ζωην και αφθαρσίαν

δια του ευαγγελίου.] Wakefield has it, "spread abroad:" the F. G. Vers., "a mis en evidence."

2 Tim. i. 12. "What I have confided to him" [y zapałŋkny μor]: in R. V., "what I have committed unto him." Translate, however, with the editors of the I. V., "what he hath committed to me," and read their note, and Schleusner, in verb. zaşakaTalk, No. 2; also Rosenmüller, in loc.

18. "In the great day." According to R. V., “in that day." [E Ke Tupa.] Wakefield has supplied great in italics. Nothing is gained by freedoms of this description.

ii. 4. "No man who goeth

out to war, entangleth himself with the common affairs of life :" in R. V., "in the affairs of this life" [TAK TEL bov прayμatuais]. The addition, by Philalethes, of the word common, is unnecessary and unjustifiable.

6." The husbandman must first labour, and then partake of the fruits." A requisite correction of the R. V.," the husbandman that laboureth, must be first partaker,” &c, which is the very reverse of the apostle's declaration [TO KITα yεapy!! δει πρωτον των καρπων μεταλαμβάνειν]. Wakefield's rendering," the hus bandman must labour before he be partaker of the fruits," is the best. See, too, the marginal translation in the larger English Bibles.

20. "The former for honourable, the latter for meaner uses" [d μεν εις τιμην, ο δε εις ατιμίαν]: in R. V., "some to honour, and some to dishonour." Philalethes has followed Doddridge.

22. "Flee from those things which excite the passions of youth:" in R. V., " flee also youthful lusts" τας δε νεωτερικάς επιθυμιας φευγε]. Ph lalethes has given a paraphrase rather than a translation.

26. "Taken captive by the devil," &c. [Tov diaboλov], so the Ř. V.; and thus Worsley, Wakefield and Newcome. With the I. V., we translate, "the accuser."

iii. S. "Averse to what is good:" in R. V., " despisers of those that are good" [apiλayabes]. Most translators and commentators refer the word to persons: probably it also

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