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trodden, intricate, and arduous paths, brought a greater acceffion to men of knowledge of thofe powers by which he is peculiarly diftinguished, than any book that had ever been written. It tended also to sharpen and invigorate the faculties. But the caution with which it examined different fpecies and degrees of evidence, a caution right as far as it merely prevented error, fometimes refufed to admit truth; fought proof of a different kind from that which the nature of the fubject required; doubted', where, in the plain judgment of common fenfe, no doubt could exift, and afforded supposed data from whence ingenious men might form the most vifionary theories "."



1 He denied that we had any certain evidence for the exiftence of any objects but ourselves individually, and of the Deity.

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Berkeley and Hume, pursuing Locke's principles, denied the existence of external objects. His hypothefis refpecting governments being founded on a fiction, is neceffarily inconclufive in point of reafoning. But the writings of the Whigs during the reigns of George I. and II. affumed the existence of the fuppofed original compact, as an axiom as indifputable as any of Euclid's; and while practically, wifely, and vigorously supporting our excellent Conftitution, theoretically defended principles, according to which all existing governments might be fubverted; and upon which the French Philofophifts have founded their fyftem of anarchy


Thus the prevalence of metaphyfical difquifitions powerfully affifted the growth of Infidelity in those countries where the liberal fpirit of the reformation tolerated discussion upon religious and political fubjects. Confidered as matters of mere fpeculation, and admired as enlarging the sphere of knowledge, the tendency of these writings was not always perceived by minds which Religion guarded from the mifchief. They faw the dazzling meteors shoot harmless into space. But Infidelity faw clearly how their courfe might be directed to guide mankind to her dominions; and the diffenfions that prevailed among the numerous fects which sprung from the doctrines of Luther and Calvin, unhappily affifted the execution of this defign,

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It is faid, with a defign of difgracing our country, that the doctrines of the English Infidels, Toland, Tindal, Hobbes, Collins, and Bolingbroke, infpired the first idea of abolishing Christianity and diforganizing fociety; and that it was in England Voltaire conceived the hope of being able to extirpate religion. But do we, as a nation, deferve this opprobrium? To fay nothing of the Manichean origin of

and mifery. I am indebted for thefe excellent remarks to a very able writer in a periodical publication. See the AntiJacobin Mag. No. II,

this idea, we have only to look at the impiety and licentioufnefs which had uninterruptedly reigned in the courts of Rome and Italy, from a much earlier period than the age of Voltaire, and to recollect the names of Aretin, Spinoza, Leibnitz, and Descartes, and above all, perhaps, of Bayle, to trace the fource from whence our English Infidels derived their opinions. "It is certain that in the fixteenth century there lay concealed in different parts of Europe, feveral perfons who entertained a virulent enmity against religion in general, and in a more especial manner against the religion of the Gofpel; and who, both in their writings and in their private conversation, fowed the feeds of impiety and error, and instilled their odious principles into weak and credulous minds. It is even reported, that in certain provinces of France and Italy, schools were erected, from whence these impious doctrines were iffued ". The hiftories of thofe times bear witnefs, that our English youth who travelled fo early as the reign of James I. returned too often with the feeds of vice and infidelity, which they gathered with the knowledge and the manners of more polished countries. And the court of Charles II. difplays

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in a very striking manner, the principles and habits which the King and Nobles had learnt

upon the continent. The general deteftation of the hypocrify and fanaticism of the Puritans tended to heighten their Irreligion, and encouraged them to publish their opinions; but the kingdom at large was not infected by them, and the following reigns exhibit in every rank of people an attachment to Religion, and a zeal in its caufe, which the annals of no other nation can furnish.

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It is then very certain that Infidelity had long been prevalent upon the continent, before the Rival of Julian was led by vanity and wickedness to form his plan for its Establishment: and that from his early youth Voltaire had embraced Antichriftian principles. "P Vifiting England, whofe mild and tolerant laws, not reftraining opinions previous to the actual experience of their hurtfulness, afforded a confiderable latitude to fpeculations from which evil had not yet been demonftrated to accrue, he furnished himself with the doctrines" of the English Philofophers. Unaccustomed probably to their mode of argument, and pretended depth of reafoning, he confidered himself as

Barruel, p. 28, 33. ? Anti-Jacobin Mag. No. II. greatly

greatly ftrengthened by the acquifition; and already an enemy to Christianity, "he became defirous of its overthrow; an overthrow, which the ardor of his temper, and the vivacity of his imagination, made him suppose would be fpeedy. Votaries of new opinions are beyond others fanguine in their expectations of pro felytes to be made, and eafy in their belief that numbers are actually made. Voltaire, affociating with men of his own sentiments" (and it is well known he was little noticed by men of an opposite description) "found many admirers of Bolingbroke, and thence drew a very common, but very fuperficial inference, that moft of the English men of letters were tinctured with the fame notions. Befides being defirous that Christianity should be destroyed, he was ambitious that it should be deftroyed by himself; and having, as he fuppofed, the learned men of a most learned nation to fupport him, he conceived that it would be no difficult tafk." But the eafe with which he propagated the most pernicious doctrines of his fyftem, the number of affiftants he gained over to his plan, and its astonishing fuccefs upon the continent before England was acquainted with the defign, will furely deliver her from the odium of this reproach. And the glorious stand fhe has made in defence of



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