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Raifeth our af fe&tions,to them.



breed ftrong affli&ions,

lity of the creature caufeth us to expect more from it than is in it. Secondly, This expectation raifeth our affections unto the creature: hence it is,that wee fet our affections too much upon them, and delight too much in them. Thirdly, Strong affections, when they are fet upon the creature, doe alwayes bring foorth Thefe ftrong ftrong afflictions for what is the reafon of all the griefe, that we undergoe from day to day? Is it not, because our affections are fet upon changeable objects, upon the creatures? And therefore when they are changed, then there is a change in our mindes alfo: whereas if thou didft looke alone upon the unchangeable God, this would keepe thee from worldly care and forrow, this would preferve in thee evenneffe and equabilitie of minde. Therefore take heed of forgetting this, that tobe unchangeable,is proper to God alone, and then fet thy affections upon none but him: which if thou wilt doe, thou fhalt alwayes enjoy a constant serenitie and securitie of minde; as if a man were in the upper Region, where there is no change of weather, when as below here, there is one day foule, another faire; fo if a man could live with GOD, and walke with him, and have his converfation in heaven, hee should not be fubject to fuch changes; whereas if a man fet his minde upon earthly things, he fhalbe still fubje&t to perturbations and unevenneffe: for all griefe of minde comes from hence, that thou lookeft for unchangeableneffe from the creature, where it is not


then veffels.

to be had; whereas if thou wouldest looke up to God, thou shalt finde all things alike there, there is no change with him. When an earthen pot is All outward broken,it doth not much trouble you, for you re-things as earmember it to bee but an earthen pot: now every thing here below, all your friends, wife, children, they are but earthen veffels, and the confideration of this would exceedingly helpe you,if you would fettle it on your heart. Therefore fay, what a foole was I? I did not remember, they were but a flower, a vapour, and a shadow: for fo the Scripture cals them: And fhall a man take on because a vapour is scattered, and a flower withered,and a fhadow vanished? Therfore remember, that to bee unchangeable is proper to GoD alone; and to bee changeable is as proper to the creature,as to him to be immutable.

Secondly, You may fee from hence, how to helpe that vanity to which the creature is fubject for if unchangeableneße bee the property of GOD onely, thou must not feeke a ftability from the creature,but confider that it hath no further coftancy in it, than God is pleased to communicate the fame to it,who is the fountaine,from whence al unchageablenes proceeds; for as mutable as they be, yet if hee will make thy friends to be stable, or thy wealth, it thall be fo. Therefore the onely way is, to goe to him, to make thofe things firme, which otherwife are unconftant. The love of a friend is unconftant, for he may die, his breath is in his nofthrils; and if hee doe live, yet his thoughts may perifb,and his affections alter:

Got to God to put a ftabilitie thou enjoye

into the thing


So that they fhall faile thee as a land floud doth Summer,as lob faith; which dries up in Summer time, and yet that is the time of thirst; even fo will they faile thee in the time of need: and the like may bee faid of all things elfe, fo that hee whofe comfort doth depend upo them,hath but A dependant a dependant felicity, which is like the motion of

felicity to truftin crea


Vse 5. Learne to prize things

by their un

mills and fhips, which cease when the water or wind failes them. But yet as mutable as they are, repaire to God, and hee can put a conftancy unto them. Apply this therefore unto thy felfe: thou liveft now, and art in health and wealth, in fuch and fuch a place,and fuch circumftances, as may continue it; the only way to establish thee in all this,is to goe to God, and to befeech him to put a ftability into thy condition: For the creature, as it is made of nothing, & built upon a foundation of nothing, fo it is apt to return to nothing. And remember this, that the more retired, and weaned, and fearefull thy affections are about any thing, fo that thou canst say in good earnest, If GOD will, I fhall enjoy them to day,and next day, but his will I know not, I know not how long I fhall enjoy them; if thou canft fay thus, thou shalt hold them the Longer, and the fafter, for that is a figne that thou dependeft upon God, and not on the creature, that thou trufteft him, and art not faftned to it.

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If this bee fo, then unchangeablene fe is an excellency in him for all his Attributes are exchangeable ceeding excellent. Then if thou wouldeft judge of any thing in the World, thou must take this

neffe,as Grace



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as a measure by which thou maieft prize and eAseme it: looke how changeable it is, to much the worle it is; if it bec good, the more immutable, the better it is, for all unchangeablnes commeth from weakeneffe. Therefore learne to value it fo; and you shall finde this of much ufe. Aswee may fee in the Heavens; it is said that they are vaine, because they waxe old as doth a garmnet but thou art the fame, Pfa.102.26.27. Goe through every thing glorious in the world, glorious Churches, they are fubject to change, as Ierufalem, the glory of all the earth, it is ruinated, and brought to nothing. Take men that are moft eminent, yet because they are subject to change,by death or by pafsions, there is a vanity in them though they live here like gods in their glory; yet when they come to dye, and their change comes, they appeare to bee but men. Therefore magnifie no man, but labour to bee perfwaded of thy felfe, as a man. I need not fpeake to you of riches, they take to themselves wings and fly away; nor of credit and honour, they are in the power of them that give them: whatfoever is changeable, according to the mu tabilitie of it, so value it.. But I preffe the contrary:Look upon the things that are not changeable, and labour to prize them. Thou shalt Grace unfinde faving grace to bee unchangeable, though it may be impaired in degree, and may recoyle to the roote, and may not bud foorth as at other times, yet it is unchangeable, it shall never bee taken away: So fpirituall life is unchangeable,



changeable, 1/a 40,8. Mat.5.

when that begins, then the other fhales off, even as old nailes doe, when new grow under them: therefore this fhould teach us to value it much. So the word of God is an unchangeable thing, The word uRay 40.8. The graßewithereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of the Lord fball ftand for ever. And Matth. 5. Heaven and earth fhall passe away, but my word shall not paẞe away. Now what use should wee make of this? Then ftudy the word more than any thing in the World befides. There is matter of much learning in the World, because there are many creatures; now all other knowledge is but of the creature, and the knowledge of them cannot be more excellent than the thing knowne, and it vanifheth away with them, but the word of God fball not paffe, the word indures for ever. Therefore looke what truth thou canft get out of the word,which may build up the inward man, looke what profit thou canft get from it, that fhall remaine for ever. Wherefore thou fhouldeft prize it much, get it plenteously into thy heart, in the full wifedome and power of it. Wee have indeed many imployments in this life; but that which is bestowed upon unchangeable things,which fhall never alter, that is the best time spent.

Good workes unchangeable

Laftly, all the good workes thou doest, and all the evill workes of unregenerate men unrepented of, fhall remaine for ever. Looke what good workes thou doeft in the world, they fhall remaine with thee for ever, they shall bee had in continuall remembrance. Therefore thou fhoul


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