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If there be a change in us, it fhall goe well with us.



Secondly, though Gods decree be unchangeable, yet if thou canst finde a change in thy felfe, it fhall goe well with thee: As if a Father should take up an unchangeable refolution,to dif-inherite a ftubborne and ungracious child, because hee is fo; if the child fhould change and alter his courfes, and grow fober, the Father may now receive him to mercie, and yet no change in his refolution,but the change is onely in the fonne : Or, if a Prince should fet downe in a Law, (as a Law of the Medes and Perfians, that alters not) faying, I will not receive to favour fuch a rebellious fubject, because hee is fo, yet if his subject be changed, he may receive him, and yet his Decree may be unchangeable,because the change was in the subject; and the Decree was grounded upon this,If he did remaine fo rebellious and stubborne: So I fay to thee, If God hath therefore threatned to reject thee, because thou art a stubborne and rebellious wretch; if now thou shalt finde a change in thy felfe, that thy ftubborne heart is broken, ftanding in awe of him, fearing to offend him, or to commit any finne that thou knoweft to be a finne : I fay, notwithstanding that unchangeablene Be of his, hee cannot but receive thee to mercie. As if a Physician should take up an unchangeable refolution, not to give his Patient fuch reftorative Phyficke, because his ftomacke is foule, fo that it will not worke, and because he will not receive fuch Purgations, whereby he should be prepared for it: But if there be a change in the Patient, if his ftomacke


be cleane and fit for it, fo that it will worke, and he become willing to receive it; if he give it him, the change is not in the Phyfician,but in the Patient. Therefore when you heare this, fit not downe difcouraged; but rather goe and fit alone, and confider of thy finnes; and give not over,till thy heart be broken for them: and when this is done, be fure that he will receive thee to mercie; for hee may remaine unchangeable in his decree, if the change be in thee. And therefore, this Doctrine doth not discourage,but rather stirre up and incite men to change their courfes, yea,it is the very scope of it.

Againe, I adde this further: He that faith, To what purpofe is it,to endeavour? Whosoever it is that fayes fo, I would aske that man this que ftion: Didft thou ever goe about any holy duty, and didft finde this top in it, that though yet thou wouldeft doe them, thou couldeft not be accepted? Hadft thou ever a ferious refolution, to forfake fuch and fuch a finne,and the occasions of it,and yet thou didst finde fuch a barreas this, that thou couldeft not alter Gods decree thereby, and for that onely reafon haft gone on in it? Did ever any man upon his death-bed fay for No man furely dares to affirme it: but it is, because hee would not fecke to God. Therefore complaine not of the unchangeable decree of God, but of the ftubbornneffe of thy heart, in that thou wilt not buckle,and come in unto him.

The beft way in this Doctrine, of the unchangeableneffe of Gods decree of election, is this :


[blocks in formation]


occafion the Doctrine of Gods unchan

geableneffe is

revealed in Scripture.

Rom.9. 18,19.

to confider in what manner it is delivered in the Scripture,and to what purpose,and to make that uft of it, and then thou shalt be sure not to abufe it. As for example: To what end, and for what occasion is this Doctrine of election delivered? You shall finde, that it is on this occafion, Romans 9.18,19. When many of the Lewes did not come in, to whom did belong the Covenant, and the Law, and the Teftimonies, this was an objection that was made against the Doctrine of the Gospel, what was the reafon that the Lewes did not come in, and that his owne people were not wrought upon? To answer this objection, the Apostle tells them, that this was not against GODS good will; hee was able to doe it, if it were his pleasure: but (faith hee) some hath hee chofen, and fome not; fome hee loves, and some hee hates; fome hee hath mercie upon, and some hee hardens. So that the fcope of that Doctrine is, That GOD might be magnified; that no objection might be made against the Almightie power of God, as if hee was not able to bring them in, that men might not fav, that they have refifted his will: and the Apoftle reveales it for that purpose, that men might be anfwered. So that fuch Doctrines as this, you must confider for what end they are revealed. this Doctrine. So for this Doctrine of GOD's unchangeableneffe; what is the end, why it is revealed? You fhall fee in Numb. 23. 19. Hee is not as man, that hee fhould repent: Therefore I have bleed Ifrael, and bee fhall be bleßed. The end is, to fhew

The end of



The use of this


that his favour is an unchangeable favour: So hee hath curfed Saul, and hee fhall be curfed, 1 Sam. 1 Sam.14.29. 15.29. his decrees are unalterable. So likewife, Iam.1.13. God is good,and cannot be otherwife: Lam.1.139 therefore he can tempt no man. Out of all these places it is apparant, that the use of this Doctrine is, that wee might tremble at his judgements, and that wee might rejoyce in his favour with joy unfpeakable, and glorious: in a word, that men might know the excellencie of the Almighty, and might know and magnifie God, because conftancie and unchangeableneffe is a propertie of wifedome. This being the end why it is revealed, it ought to be applyed onely to thefe ufes: As, (to fhew it in those particulars which before wee did mention) when wee heare that God rejected Saul, and will not repent of it, and the Zewes, &c. the ufe that wee fhould make of it, is this; to thinke with thy felfe, If God should paffe fuch a decree of rejection upon me, it cannot be changed, therefore I will feare before him,and take heed of that ftubbornnesse and wicked courfe of difobedience, that may bring such a curfe upon me, and fuch a ftroake upon my foule, as never can be altered, never revoked. And this ufe the Apoftle makes of it, Heb. 3. when hee had delivered Gods unchangeable decree, declared by his Swearing in his wrath, that they should never enter into his rest: Therefore deferre not (faith hée) while it is called to day; left that you continu ing in a courfe of rebellion, the doore of mercie be fhut upon you, and God doe fweare in his



Vse 3.

We fhall finde

God the fame, in difpenfing Ljudgements and mercies

in thefe times to us, that he former times

hath beene in

to them.

wrath, as hee did to them, that you fhall never enter into his reft. Beloved, there is a double time; (as I faid before) a time of the comming forth of this decree, and a time of preparing and trying, while the doore ftands Open: therefore take heed, that that acceptable time doe not paffe away, left thou be hardened through the deceitfulnesse of finne.

If GOD be unchangeable,then looke whatsoever hee hath done in former times; what judgements hee hath inflicted, and for what; what mercies hee hath fhewen, and upon what ground; and thou mayeft expect the fame ftill, because there is no change in him: Therefore goe over all the Scripture, and behold what hee hath done there; looke through all thine owne experience, and fee what hee hath done to thee, and to others; and know, that hee will doe the fame againe to thee; for hee is unchangeable. As for example: Looke what hee did to foab, Shimei, and the houfe of saul; you know the finnes that they committed; Ioab had committed murther, and Shimei reviled David,and Saul flew the Gibeonites; against his oath: though they went on a long time in peace and profperitie, yet because their pardon was not fued out, therefore, after many yeeres God called them to an account: As Ioab went not to the grave in deferved death, and therefore it was brought uppeace; and Shimei on him; and Saul was punifhed in the bloud of his fonnes; and hee was faine himfelfe, as hee had flaine others in battell. So be thou affured, if there be any finne which thou haft formerly


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