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A briefe Collection of the principall heads of thefe five infuing

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Sermon the first.

The explanation of the two words, Anathema,

and Maranatha

Doctrine T.


That to love the Lord Jefus, is so neceffarily required of us, That he is worthy to be accurfed that doth it


What Loue is in generall.

How this Love doth fhew it felfe.

Five kindes of Love.

Three qualities of love.",

fol. 3.





What this Love of the Lord Fefus is, It is a holy dif pofition, arifing from faith, whereby we cleave unto the Lord fefus Chrift, with full purpose of heart to ferve and please him in all things.


Five reafons why they are worthy to be cursed that love not the Lord Jefus

Vfe I.


It is a great finne not to love the Lord Fefus Chrift.



To the Reader of thefe pious and plaine Sermons, Grace and

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Hriftian Reader, it was an old

complaint of an Heathen, that the noife of the old Philofophers opinions did hinder their dung-hill gods from hearing their prayers: And it is no very new.complaint of a Chriftian, that the many idle fubtleties of the Schoole have fo drawn up Divinity to the highest pegge of a curious mind,that it hinders the heart from moulding it into Prayers and practice,

This grave and ferious Divine, whose living Sermons are here commended to thee when hee is dead, faw it with both eyes. Therefore though he was no fmall master in fubtleties, yet all his thoughts were bent to draw them downe from the floating braine, to the feeling heart;


beart; that his hearers might be better brought to know and doe, As this hath been his courfe in all his writings before extant; fo is it in this, that now comes to thy hands. How might he have hid himselfe in the thornes of fpeculation? How high might bee have flowne in the curious extracts of every word of this Text? But he, that delighted to Jpeake ten words to edification, rather then ten thousand that could not pierce every ordinary braine, conten ted himselfe to fill up deepe foards to make them paffable, and to wade the fweete and fhallow ftreames of the love of the Lord Iefus.

He might, from hence, have fet him felfe.up. on the mount of curlings, and showred downe worse then fire and brimstone upon delinquents: but the meekneffe of his fpirit carries him up to the mount of bleflings to learn good foules through death to finde life through threatnings to meete with comforts.

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Hee being lifted up by the Divine love of Chrift, doth defcribe lode, and our love to Chrift: He foares to the equity, and neceffity of it: He refts not before he have given you the meanes, motives, markės, gaines qualifi cations, and obiects of this love. How faine


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