GENERA. i. CORYMBIFERE Pappus hairy, abundant Involucrum imbricated Flowers floscular Heads cylindrical Heads hemispherical or roundish Florets all hermaphrodite Florets of the centre hermaphro dite; of the circumference Flowers radiant Anthers with 2 bristles at the base Pappus simple Scales of involucrum leafy Pappus double Anthers naked at the base Rays white or purple oblong or lanceolate Rays yellow, about 5 Scales scarious, dry Flowers diœcious Flowers hermaphrodite Scales of the involucrum unequal Scales of the involucrum equal Involucrum with external bracteolæ Involucrum double Involucrum simple Scales membranous at the margin Scales not membranous at the margin Receptacle flat Receptacle conical Pappus wanting, or a membranous margin Sexes in the same head Receptacle naked or hairy Flowers radiant Scales of involucrum scarious at margin Scales of involucrum not scarious Flowers flosculous Pappus wholly wanting Pappus membranous, entire Receptacle paleaceous Corolla with 2 sacs at the base Corolla not saccate at the base 1. EUPATORIUM. 2. CHRYSOCOMA. 3. CONYZA. 4. INULA. 5. LIMBARDA. 6. PUBLICARIA. 7. ASTER. 8. ERIGERON. 10. ANTENNARIA. 11. GNAPHALIUM. 12. FILAGO. 13. SENECIO. 14. DORONICUM. 15. TUSSILAGO. 16. CINERARIA. 17. BELLIS. 18. CHRYSANTHEMUM. 19. MATRICARIA. 20. ARTEMISIA. 21. TANACETUM. 22. DIOTIS. 23. MARUTA. 24. ANTHEMIS. 25. ACHILLEA. Involucrum hemispherical, many-flowered Pappus none Pappus a membrane Involucrum ovate, few-flowered Sexes in different heads Pappus aristate ii, CYNAROCEPHALE Receptacle excavated like a honey-comb Receptacle paleaceous Pappus double Pappus single feathery Scales of the involucrum all spiny 26. XANTHIUM. 27. BIDENS. 28. ONOPORDUM. 29. SAUSSUREA. 30. CNICUS. Inner scales of the involucrum scarious hairy rigid, unequal soft, equal between paleaceous and bristly bristly Scales of involucrum acute Scales of involucrum spiny or torn Paleæ jagged 31. CARLINA. 32. LAPPA. 33. SILYBUM. 34. SERRATULA. 35. CENTAUREA. Involucrum cylindrical; scales imbricated, oval-oblong. Florets few, all tubular, hermaphrodite. Receptacle naked. Pappus pilose. Dec. 1. E. cannabinum Linn. Hemp-agrimony. Ε. Β. 6. 428. Leaves in 3, or 5, deep, lanceolate segments; the middle one longest. Smith. In watery boggy places. - Perennial. July, August. 2. CHRYSOCOMA Linn. Involucrum imbricated, hemispherical, or ovate; scales linear. Florets all hermaphrodite, tubular. Pappus hairy, ciliated. Receptacle excavated. Dec. 1. Ch. Linosyris Linn. Goldylocks. Herbaceous. Leaves linear, smooth. Involucrum loosely spreading. Ε. Β. 35. 2505. On rocky cliffs, on the southern sea-coast. Perennial. August, September. 3. CONYZA. Linn. Involucrum roundish, imbricated. Florets all tubular; in the centre 5-toothed, hermaphrodite, in the ray barren, slender, 3-toothed. Re ceptacle naked. Pappus hairy, ciliated. Dec. Ε. Β. 17. 1195. 1. C. squarrosa Linn. Plowman's Spikenard. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, downy, crenate. Stem herbaceous, corym bose. Scales of involucrum leafy, recurved. In chalky or limestone countries. - Biennial. July, August. 4. INULA Linn. Involucrum imbricated; outer scales terminated by a leafy appendage. Flowers radiant, with the ray yellow. Receptacle naked. Pappus hairy, simple. 1. I. Helenium Linn. Elecampane. Ε. Β. 22. 1546. Leaves ovate, rugged, clasping the stem; downy beneath. Corvisartia Helenium Mérat. In moist meadows and pastures. - Perennial. July, August. 5. LIMBARDA Cassini. Involucrum imbricated; scales without any appendage. Flowers radiant, with the ray yellow. Receptacle naked. Pappus hairy, simple. 1. L. tricuspis Cassini. Golden Samphire. Ε. Β. 1. 68. Leaves linear, fleshy, partly 3-pointed. Involucrum smooth. I. crithmifolia Linn. On the sea-coast in the south. - Perennial. August. 6. PULICARIA Cassini. Involucrum imbricated. Flowers radiant, with the ray yellow. Receptacle naked. Pappus double; the outer membranous. 1. P. dysenterica Cassini. Ε. Β. 16. 1115. Leaves oblong, downy, clasping the stem with their heart-shaped base. Stem woolly, panicled. Scales of involucrum bristleshaped, hairy. 2. P. vulgaris Cassini. E. B. 17. 1196. Leaves clasping the stem, wavy. Stem much branched, hairy. Heads hemispherical; radius scarcely longer than the disk. Inula pulicaria Linn. I. uliginosa Sibth. I. cylindrica Withering. On damp commons. - Annual. September 7. ASTER Linn. Involucrum imbricated; scales linear, acute. Flowers radiant; of the ray female, in a single row, oblong, not yellow. Pappus hairy. Receptacle naked. 1. A. Tripolium Linn. Sea Star-wort. Ε. Β. 2. 87. Herbaceous, corymbose. Leaves lanceolate, entire, fleshy, smooth, obscurely 3-ribbed. Scales of involucrum obtuse, somewhat membranous. On the muddy sea-coast. - Perennial. August, September. 8. ERIGERON Linn. Involucrum oblong, imbricated; scales linear, acute, very numerous. Flowers radiant; of the ray female, very narrow and numerous, in a double row, not yellow. Pappus hairy. Receptacle naked. 1. E. canadense Linn. Ε. Β. 29. 2019. Stem hairy, panicled, many-headed. Leaves lanceolate; lower ones toothed. Smith. In cultivated, as well as waste ground. Annual. August, September. 2. E. acre Linn. Stem racemose. Ε. Β. 17. 1158. Stalks mostly single-headed. Leaves lanceolate or tongue-shaped, sessile. Radius erect, scarcely taller than the pappus. In dry gravelly or chalky pastures. Biennial, July, August; sometimes early in the spring. 3. E. alpinum Linn. Ε. Β. 7. 464. Stem mostly single-headed. Involucrum hairy. Radius spreading, twice the length of the pappus. B. uniflorum. Ε. Β. 34. 2416. Stem single-headed. Involucrum woolly. Radius erect, twice the length of the pappus. E. uniflorum Linn. On the mountains of Scotland. - Perennial. July. 9. SOLIDAGO Linn. Involucrum imbricated. Flowers radiant; of the ray yellow, about 5. Receptacle naked. Pappus hairy. Dec. 1. S. Virgaurea Linn. Golden-rod. Ε. Β. 5. 301. Stem slightly zigzag, angular. Clusters downy, panicled, crowded, erect. Leaves partly serrated. Smith. In groves and mountains. 2. S. cambrica Hudson. Perennial. July-September. Stem simple, downy. Leaves wedge-shaped, lanceolate, serrated, slightly hairy. Racemes erect. Rays long. Hort. Kew. On mountains. - Perennial. July-September. 10. ANTENNARIA Gærtn. Involucrum imbricated, hemispherical; scales scarious, coloured. Flowers diœcious. Florets all tubular. Males: Anthers with 2 bristles at the base. Stigmata truncate. Pappus filiform or clavate. Females: Florets filiform, with a minute limb. Pappus capillary. 1. A. margaritacea Gærtn. Ε. Β. 29. 2018. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute, loosely cottony on the upper side; densely underneath. Stem branched in the upper part. Panicles corymbose, level-topped. Gnaphalium margaritaceum Linn. In moist meadows. - Perennial. August. 2. A. dioica Gærtn. Ε. Β. 4. 267. Shoots procumbent. Stem unbranched. Corymb simple, terminal. Gnaphalium dioicum Linn. S. In dry mountainous pastures. - Perennial, June, July. 11. GNAPHALIUM Linn. Involucrum imbricated; scales scarious, unequal, blunt, coloured, connivent at top, and of equal height with the truncate head. Florets filiform, tubular; female in the circumference, hermaphrodite in the disk. Receptacle flat, naked. Pappus capillary, deciduous. 1. G. luteo-album Linn. Ε. Β. 14. 1002. Leaves half stem-clasping, linear, oblong, wavy, woolly on both sides; lower ones blunt. Heads densely tufted. In dry sandy ground in the south. - Annual. July, August. 2. G. sylvaticum Linn. Ε. Β. 13. 913. Stem simple, erect. Spike leafy, somewhat compound. Leaves lanceolate, tapering at the base, cottony on both sides. Smith. On the Highland mountains of Scotland. - Perennial. August. 3. G. rectum Smith. Ε. Β. 2. 124. Stem erect, panicled, many-headed, leafy. Leaves linear-lanceolate, naked on the upper side, silky beneath. In groves, thickets, and pastures. - Perennial. August. 4. G. supinum Linn. Ε. Β. 17. 1193. Stem recumbent, quite simple, with a simple cluster of very few Leaves linear-lanceolate, somewhat cottony on both sides. heads. G. fuscum Scopoli. G. alpinum Lightfoot. On the summits of Highland mountains. - Perennial. July 5. G. uliginosum Linn. Ε. Β. 17. 1194. Stem much branched, spreading. Leaves linear-lanceolate, cottony on both sides. Heads in dense terminal tufts. In sandy watery places. - Annual. August. 12. FILAGO Linn. Involucrum imbricated; scales equal, acuminate, scarious, discoloured, longer than the few-flowered head. Florets filiform, tubular; female in the circumference, hermaphrodite in the disk. Receptacle conical, toothed, tuberculated, or paleaceous. 1. F. gallica Linn. Ε. Β. 33. 2369. Stem erect, branched. Leaves linear, revolute, acute. Heads awl shaped, axillary, tufted. Gnaphalium gallicum Hudson. Logfia subulata Cassini. In gravelly corn-fields, but very rare. Annual, July, August. 2. F. minima Ε. Β. 17. 1157. Stem erect, branched. Leaves lanceolate, acute, flat. Heads conical, in lateral and terminal tufts. Gnaphalium minimum Smith. G. montanum Hudson. Logfia brevifolia Cassini. In barren, sandy, and gravelly ground. - Annual. July. 3. F. germanica Linn. Cudweed. Ε. Β. 14. 946. Stem erect, proliferous. Leaves lanceolate. Heads globose, manyflowered, lateral as well as terminal. Scales of involucrum bristlepointed. |