8. M. gentilis Smith. Smith. In watery waste places. - Perennial. August. 9. M. Pulegium Linn. Penny-royal. Flowers whorled. Leaves ovate. Ε. Β. 15. 1026. Stem prostrate. Flower-stalks and calyx all over downy; teeth fringed. Smith. On wet commons, and about the margins of small brooks. - Perennial. September. 6. THYMUS Linn. Calyx campanulate; the orifice closed with hairs; the limb 2-lipped; the upper lip 3-toothed; the lower bifid, or with 2 bristles. Corolla short; the upper lip emarginate; the lower 3-lobed; all the lobes plane and nearly equal. Stamens 4, distant. 1. T. Serpyllum Linn. Wild Thyme. Flowers in small heads. Stems recumbent. tuse, entire, fringed at their base. Smith. Ε. Β. 22. 1514. Leaves flat, ovate, ob On heaths and dry mountainous ground. - Perennial. July, Augusi. 1 7. ORIGANUM Linn. Calyx cylindrical, 5-toothed, when in fruit closed up with hairs. Corolla short; the upper lip erect, emarginate; the lower trifid, and all the lobes nearly equal. Stamens 4, distant. 1. O. vulgare Linn. Common Marjoram. Ε. Β. 16. 1143. Heads of flowers roundish, panicled, crowded, erect. Involucral leaves ovate, smooth. Calyx with 5 acute unequal teeth; throat hairy. Smith. In bushy places, on a limestone or gravelly soil. - Perennial. July, August. 8. MELISSA Linn. Calyx cylindrical or gibbous at the base, the orifice closed with hairs, or nearly naked; the limb 2-lipped, the upper lip 3-toothed; the lower bifid, or with 2 bristles. Corolla with a 2-lipped limb; the upper lip emarginate, the lower 3-lobed. Stamens 4, the upper ones shorter than the lower. Anthers in pairs under the upper lip of the corolla. 1. M. Acinos Benth. Ε. Β. 6. 411. Flowers about 6 in a whorl, on simple stalks. Stem branched, ascending. Leaves acute, serrated. Thymus Acinos Linn. In fields. - Annual. July, August. 2. M. Calamintha Linn. Calamint. Whorls on forked, many-flowered stalks. Ε. Β. 24. 1676. Leaves with shallow ser ratures. Hairs in the mouth of the calyx not prominent. Smith. Thymus Calamintha Scop. By way sides. - Perennial. July, August. 3. M. Nepeta Linn. Ε. Β. 20. 1414. Whorls on forked many-flowered stalks, longer than the adjoining leaf. Leaves serrated. Hairs in the mouth of the calyx prominent. Smith. Thymus Nepeta Smith. On dry banks, and by way sides. - Perennial. August. 4. M. Clinopodium Benth. Ε. Β. 20. 1401. Herbaceous, erect, villous. Leaves stalked, ovate, obtuse, somewhat crenelled, rounded at base. Whorls equal, globose, manyflowered. Bracts numerous, subulate, as long as the calyx. Clinopodium vulgare Linn. Woods, fields, and hedges. Perennial. 9. ΝΕΡΕΤA Linn. Calyx cylindrical. Corolla with a long tube; the orifice gaping; the upper lip emarginate; the lower 3-lobed; the lateral lobes very short, reflexed; the intermediate one larger, crenate, and concave. Stamens 4, the upper ones longer than the lower ones. Ε. Β. 2. 137. 1. N. Cataria Linn. Cat-mint, or Nep. Whorls stalked, crowded into spikes. Leaves finely downy, heartshaped, stalked, with tooth-like serratures. Smith. On banks, and by road sides. - Perennial. July. Ε. Β. 12. 853. 2. N. Glechoma Benth. Ground Ivy. Procumbent. Leaves round, crenelled, cordate. Whorls few flowered. Calyx long, rather incurved. Glechoma hederacea Linn. Hedges and dry ditches. - Perennial. 10. MELITTIS Linn. Calyx campanulate, large, with 3 or 4 broad lobes. Corolla twice as long as the calyx; the limb dilated, spreading; the upper lip flat, entire; the lower 3-lobed; the lobes large and unequal. 1. M. Melissophyllum Linn. Bastard Balm. Ε. Β. 9. 577. In woods and hedges, in the south of England. - Perennial. May, June. 11. GALEOPSIS Linn. Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed, spiny. Corolla longer than the calyx; the limb bilabiate; the upper lip vaulted and crenate; the lower with 3 unequal lobes. Anthers opening with transverse valves, hairy on their margins. 1. G. Ladanum Linn. Ε. Β. 13. 884. Stem not swelled below the joints. Leaves lanceolate, somewhat serrated, hairy. Upper lip of the corolla slightly notched. Smith. Galeopsis angustifolia Ehr. In dry gravelly, or chalky fields. - Annual. August, September. 2. G. villosa Hudson. Ε. Β. 33. 2353. Stem not swelled below the joints. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, serrated, very soft and downy. Upper lip of the corolla deeply notched. G. grandiflora Willd. G. latifolia Ehr. In sandy corn-fields. - Annual. July, August. 3. G. Tetrahit Linn. Common Hemp-nettle. Stem bristly, swelled below the joints. E. B. 3. 207. Corolla twice the length of the calyx; upper lip nearly straight. Smith. In cultivated ground. - Annual. July, August. 4. G. versicolor Curtis. Bee-Nettle. Ε. Β. 10. 667. Stem bristly, swelled below the joints. Corolla thrice the length of the calyx; upper lip tumid; middle lobe of the lower heartshaped. Smith. G. cannabina Willd. In sandy corn-fields. - Annual. July, August. 12. LAMIUM Linn. Calyx 5-toothed, awned, naked, spreading at the point. Corolla longer than the calyx; its orifice inflated; the upper lip vaulted, entire; the lower with 2 small lateral lobes, and a large emarginate one in the middle. Anthers smooth or hairy at the back. Nuts 8-cornered, truncate, with sharp angles. * Flowers white or reddish. 1. L. vulgatum Benth. Leaves ovate, cordate, or truncate at base, rugose, generally shaggy. Teeth of the calyx long, subulate, smooth, or hairy. Tube of corolla large, with a ring of hairs inside, twice bent; throat dilated. Upper lip of corolla oblong, the lateral lobes with a long subulate tooth. Anthers hairy. In waste ground. - Perennial. May, June; also September. 2. L. purpureum Linn. Red Dead-nettle. Ε. Β. 11. 769. Leaves heart-shaped, bluntish, unequally crenate, stalked; the upper ones crowded. Stem leafless in the middle. Calyx-teeth lanceolate. Tube of the corolla closed near the bottom with hairs. Smith. In waste ground. - Annual. May. 3. L. incisum Willd. Ε. Β. 27. 1933. Leaves heart-shaped, dilated, stalked, irregularly cut; the upper ones crowded. Stem leafless in the middle. Tube of the corolla internally naked; marginal teeth dilated, combined. Smith. L. dissectum With. In waste ground. Annual. May. 4. L. amplexicaule Linn. Great Henbit. Ε. Β. 11. 770. Floral leaves sessile, kidney-shaped, obtuse, deeply crenate, partly lobed, clasping the stem. Teeth of the calyx linear-awl-shaped, as long as its tube. Smith. In sandy fields. - Annual. February - June. 5. L. Galeobdolon Crantz. ** Flowers yellow. Ε. Β. 11. 787. Leaves ovate-acuminate, truncate at base, or cordate, nearly smooth or hairy. Tube of corolla contracted at base, inflated upwards, twice bent, with an oblique ring in the inside, dilated in the throat; upper lip long and entire; lateral lobes oblong, toothless, or nearly so, scarcely shorter than the lip. Galeobdolon luteum Huds. G. Galeopsis Curtis. Galeopsis Galeobdolon Linn. In shady, rather moist places, in groves or hedge-bottoms, not uncommon. Perennial. May. 13. LEONURUS Linn. Calyx 5-cornered, 5-toothed, with a naked orifice. longer than the calyx, 2-lipped; the upper lip villous, entire, con Corolla scarcely cave, the lower reflexed, 3-parted, nearly equal. Anthers smooth. Nuts truncate, with sharp angles. Ε. Β. 4. 286. 1. L. Cardiaca Linn. Motherwort. Upper leaves lanceolate, either 3-lobed or undivided. Smith. 14. STACHYS Linn. Calyx nearly campanulate, 5-cleft, or 5-toothed, acuminate. Corolla with a short tube; the upper lip vaulted; the lower 3-lobed, with the sides reflexed. Nuts obsoletely 3-cornered, ovate, or roundish. Dec. 1. S. sylvatica Linn. Ε. Β. 6. 416. Six flowers in a whorl. Leaves heart-shaped, stalked. Stem solid. Smith. Under hedges. - Perennial. July, August. 2. S. annua Linn. E. B. Supp. 2669. Leaves stalked, ovate, crenelled, rounded or wedge-shaped at the base. Whorls 6-flowered, distinct, the upper close together. Calyxes tubular-campanulate, shaggy: teeth somewhat spiny. Corollas downy. In fields. - Annual. July, August. 3. S. palustris Linn. Ε. Β. 24. 1675. Six to 10 flowers in a whorl. Leaves linear-lanceolate, half em bracing the stem. S. ambigua Smith. Root tuberous. Smith. In wet hedges and fields. - Perennial. August. Ε. Β. 12. 829. 4. S. germanica Linn. Many flowers in a whorl. Leaves crenate, densely silky; woolly beneath. Stem woolly, erect. Smith. In fields, and by road sides. - Perennial. September. 5. S. arvensis Linn. Six flowers in a whorl. crenate, slightly hairy. In sandy or chalky fields. Ε. Β. 17. 1154. Stem weak. Leaves heart-shaped, obtuse, Annual. July, August. Betony. 6. S. Betonica Benth. Ε. Β. 16. 1142. Lower leaves on long stalks, ovate-oblong, obtuse, crenelled, cordate, the upper remote. Whorls many-flowered, collected into an oblong interrupted spike. Betonica officinalis Linn. In woods and thickets. - Perennial. July, August. 15. BALLOTA Linn. Calyx funnel-shaped, dilated at the top, 5-cornered, with 10 streaks and 5 teeth. Corolla 2-lipped; the upper lip concave, crenate; the lower 3-lobed; the middle lobe larger and emarginate. Nuts triangular. Ε. Β. 1. 46. 1. B. nigra Linn. Black Horehound. Leaves ovate, undivided, serrated. Calyx funnel-shaped, abrupt, with short spreading teeth. Smith. About hedges and waste places, common. 16. MARRUBIUM Linn. Perennial. July, August. Calyx cylindrical, with 10 streaks, and 5 or 10 teeth. Corolla a little longer than the calyx, 2-lipped; the upper narrow and bifid; the lower trifid, with the middle segment broader and emarginate. Stamens enclosed in the tube of the corolla. Ε. Β. 6. 410. 1. M. vulgare Linn. White Horehound. Calyx-teeth 10, bristle-shaped, hooked backwards. Leaves roundish-ovate, unequally serrated. Smith. In dry waste ground, by road sides. - Perennial. July. 17. SCUTELLARIA Linn. Calyx short, with both lips entire; a concave scale lying upon the upper lip. Corolla longer, curved at the base, limb bilabiate. Ε. Β. 8. 523. 1. S. galericulata Linn. Common Skull-cap. Leaves lanceolate, crenelled, rugged, heart-shaped at the base. Flowers axillary. Smith. About ditches and other watery situations. - Perennial. July, August. 2. S. minor Linn. Ε. Β. 8. 524. Leaves ovate, nearly entire, heart-shaped, and occasionally lobed at |