Cotyledons flat, accumbent. Radicle lateral. Seeds compressed. Tribe i. Arabidea Dec. Siliqua dehiscent; septum linear, something broader than the seeds. Seeds oval, compressed, often bordered. Cotyledons flat, accumbent, parallel with the septum. Dec. Siliqua taper. Stigmata connivent, thickened, or connate at the back. Calyx with two sacs at the base. Seeds compressed, in one row, generally bordered. Cotyledons flat. Dec. 1. M. incana R. Brown. Ε. Β. 27. 1935. Stem shrubby, upright, branched. Leaves lanceolate, obtuse, entire, hoary. Pods without glands. Smith. Cheiranthus incanus Linn. On maritime cliffs in the south of England. - Shrub. May, June. 2. M. sinuata R. Brown. Stem herbaceous, spreading. Leaves downy, sinuated; those of the branches undivided. prominent glands. Smith. Cheiranthus sinuatus Linn. Ch. tricuspidatus Hudson. Ε. Β. 7. 462. glandular, obtuse, Pods rough with On the sandy sea-coasts of Wales and Cornwall. - Biennial. August. 2. CHEIRANTHUS Linn. Siliqua taper or compressed. Stigma 2-lobed or capitate. Calyx with two sacs at the base. Seeds in one row, ovate, compressed Dec. Ε. Β. 27. 1934. 1. Ch. Cheiri Linn. WALL-FLOWER. Leaves lanceolate, acute; most hoary beneath, with simple close hairs. Stem shrubby. Branches angular. Style prominent. Smith. Ch. fruticulosus Linn. Smith. On old walls. - Shrub. April, May. 3. NASTURTIUM R. Brown. Siliqua nearly taper, shortened, or declinate. Stigma almost two-lobed. Calyx equal at the base, spreading. Seeds small, irregularly attached in two rows, not bordered. Dec. 1. N. officinale R. Brown. WATER-CRESS. Ε. Β. 12. 855. Leaves pinnate; leaflets roundish-heart-shaped, wavy. Smith. Sisymbrium Nasturtium Linn. In clear springs, rivulets, and ponds, very common and abundant. - Perennial. June, July. 2. N. sylvestre R. Brown. Ε. Β. 33. 2324. Leaves pinnate; leaflets lanceolate, deeply serrated or cut. creeping. Smith. Sisymbrium sylvestre Linn. Root In gravelly wet meadows, about the margins of rivers and ditches. - Perennial. June-September. 3. N. terrestre R. Brown. Leaves pinnatifid, unequally toothed. Ε. Β. 25. 1747 Root tapering. scarcely so long as the calyx. Pod curved. Smith. Sisymbrium terrestre Smith. N. palustre Dec. Petals About the banks of ditches, and in damp meadows. - Annual. June-September. 4. N. amphibium R. Brown. Ε. Β. 26. 1840. Leaves oblong, pinnatifid, or serrated. Roots fibrous. Petals longer than the calyx. Pod elliptical. Smith. Sisymbrium amphibium Linn. Common in meadows and by the side of rivers and ditches. Perennial. JuneAugust. 4. BARBAREA R. Brown. Siliqua with four angles, slightly compressed: the valves not pointed at the apex, concave, keeled. Calyx equal at the base. Dec. 1. B. vulgaris R. Brown. BELLEISLE Cress. Ε. Β. 7. 443. Lower leaves lyrate, the terminal lobe roundish; upper obovate, toothed. Smith. Erysimum Barbarea Linn. Common in waste ground. - Perennial. May-August. 2. B. præcox R. Brown. E. B. 16. 1129. Lower leaves lyrate; upper deeply pinnatifid, with linear-oblong entire segments. Smith. Erysimum præcox Smith. In watery grassy places, or on the banks of ditches, rare. Biennial. AprilOctober. 5. TURRITIS Linn. TOWER-MUSTARD. Siliqua linear; the valves flat. Seeds in two rows in each cell. Ε. Β. 11. 777. 1. T. glabra Linn. Radical leaves toothed, rough; the rest entire, clasping the stem, smooth. Smith. On banks and by road sides. - Annual. May, June. 6. ARABIS Linn. Siliqua linear; valves flat, with a single rib in the middle. Seeds in one row in each cell, oval or orbicular, compressed. Cotyledons flat. Flowers white, unfrequently pink. Dec. 1. A. thaliana Linn. Ε. Β. 13. 901. Leaves hairy, more or less toothed; radical ones stalked, oblong. Stamens not much shorter than the petals. Stem branched. Pods pointing upwards. Smith. On walls, dry banks, cottage roofs, and dry sandy ground, every where. Annual. April. 2. A. stricta Hudson. Ε. Β. 9. 614. Leaves toothed, obtuse, bristly; radical ones somewhat lyrate. Stems hairy. Petals nearly erect. Calyx smooth. Smith. On St. Vincent's rocks near Bristol, and elsewhere in that neighbourhood. Perennial. May. 3. A. hispida Linn. Ε. Β. 7. 469. Radical leaves lyrate or hastate, smooth or bristly, tufted; stemleaves lanceolate, entire, scattered, mostly smooth. Petals spreading. Root branched at the crown. Smith. Cardamine petræa Hudson. C. hastulata E. Botany. Arabis Crantziana Willd. Arabis petræa Lam. On lofty alpine rocks of Wales and Scotland, in moist places. - Perennial. July. 4. A. ciliata R. Brown. Ε. Β. 25. 1746. Leaves somewhat toothed, smooth on both sides, distinctly fringed and bearded; radical ones obovate. Stem simple. Smith. Turritis alpina Linn. Turritis ciliata Willd. On cliffs near the sea, in Ireland. - Biennial. July, August. 5. A. hirsuta R. Brown. Ε. Β. 9. 587. Leaves toothed and bristly. Stem rough, with simple spreading hairs. Pods quite erect, with slightly keeled valves. Smith. Turritis hirsuta Linn. On old walls, stony banks, or rocks, uncommon. - Perennial. May. 6. A. Turrita Linn. Leaves toothed, clasping the stem. calyx, each with a leafy bractea. recurved in one direction. Smith. A. umbrosa Crantz. Ε. Β. 3. 178. Flower-stalks the length of the Pods linear, flat, thick-edged, On the walls of Trinity and St. John's colleges, Cambridge, of Magdalen college, Oxford, and of the castle of Cliesh, Kinross-shire. - Biennial. May. 7. CARDAMINE Linn. Siliqua linear; valves flat, nerveless, usually dehiscing with elasticity. Seeds ovate, not bordered; umbilical cords slender. Dec. * Leaves simple. Ε. Β. 33. 2355. 1. C. bellidifolia Linn. Leaves simple, ovate, slightly wavy, entire; the radical ones much shorter than their foot-stalks. Style short, conical. Smith. Gathered wild in Scotland by Mr. Milne. Withering. - Perennial. August. ** Leaves pinnate. Ε. Β. 2. 80. 2. C. impatiens Linn. Leaves pinnate; leaflets lanceolate, mostly cut. Stipulas fringed. Smith. In shady, rather moist, rocky situations, in the north of England; rare in Scotland. - Annual. May, June. 3. C. hirsuta Linn. Ε. Β. 7. 492. Leaves pinnate, without stipulas; leaflets stalked, roundish-oblong, notched. Smith. C. flexuosa Withering. C. parviflora Lightfoot. In waste or cultivated ground, especially in moist shady places, very frequent. Annual. March-June. 4. C. pratensis Linn. Ladies'-smock. Ε. Β. 11. 776. Leaves pinnate, without stipulas; leaflets of the radical ones roundish and toothed; those of the stem-leaves lanceolate, entire. Petals with a tooth upon the claw. Smith. Common in meadows and moist pastures. - Perennial. April, May. 5. C. amara Linn. Ε. Β. 14. 1000. Leaves pinnate, without stipulas; leaflets of the lowermost roundish ; Stem creeping at the base. Style of the rest toothed or angular. obliquely elongated.. Smith. In watery places, by the sides of rivers and brooks, but not common. Perennial. April, May. 8. DENTARIA Linn. CORALWORT. Seeds Siliqua lanceolate; valves flat, without ribs, often dehiscing with elasticity; placentæ not winged. Umbilical cords broad. ovate, not bordered, in one row. Dec. 1. D. bulbifera Linn. Ε. Β. 5. 309. Lower leaves pinnated; upper simple, with axillary bulbs. Near Mayfield, Sussex. In the Old Park Wood, near Harefield, Middlesex, abundantly. In woods between Beconsfield and Wickham, plentifully. On the north sides of the High Rocks, Tonbridge Wells, and elsewhere in that neighbourhood. - Perennial. April, May. Tribe ii. Alyssineæ Dec. Silicula dehiscing longitudinally; septum broad, oval, membranous; valves flat or concave. Seeds compressed, often bordered. Cotyledons flat, accumbent, parallel with the septum |