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him with glory,", there can be no question as to the impiety of the person, concerning whom these things are predicted.

Nor will there be any difficulty in showing how exactly the Character of Napoleon corresponded with this description. Wilfulness and impiety were the two prominent features in his character during the days of his prosperity, while an opportunity was offered for its developement. In illustration of his wilfulness, it does not seem necessary to adduce any particular proofs. Throughout his whole career, no consideration prevented him, whenever he had the power, from "doing according to his will." And as to his impiety, as represented in the passages above quoted, no one who has searched into particulars, can doubt. In addition to those instances adduced by Mr. Frere, -such as his ascribing his successes, in his public dispatches, to his fate and his destiny; his dedicating in the year 1801 the consecrated chapel of the Invalids to Mars, the god of war, and placing the image of that pagan deity on the spot which had been occupied by the Christian symbol of redemption; his declaring in his speech to the Council of Ancients, Nov. 10th, 1799, "I have always followed the god of war; and fortune and the god of war are with me;" his permitting the most blasphemous

addresses and applications of Scripture prophecies to himself *;—in addition to these proofs and displays of impiety, the proclamations issued by Napoleon in Egypt, confirm very strongly his resemblance in this point to the person predicted by the Angel. Let the following extract from a proclamation addressed to the Mahometan priests before his departure for Syria be taken as a specimen:-"Is there a man (he asks) so blind as not to see that all my operations are conducted by destiny? Instruct the inhabitants, that ever since the world has existed, it was written that after having overcome the enemies of Islamism, and destroyed the Cross, I should come from the farthest parts of the West to fulfil the task which has been imposed upon me. Make them see that in the second book of the Koran, in more than twenty passages, that which has happened was foreseen; and that which shall take place has also been explained.


I could call to account each individual among you, for the most secret sentiments of his heart: for I know every thing, even that which

* Dodsley's Annual Register for 1801, p. 267.; Edinburgh Annual Register for 1808, p. 417, and for 1810, p. 529, as referred to by Mr. Frere, in his "Combined View of the Prophecies,” p. 449–455. See also Southey's Peninsular War, vol.i. p.16. 50. 63.


you never communicated to any person; and the day will come, when all the world shall witness, that as I act in consequence of orders from above, human efforts are of no avail against me.'

Previously to this proclamation, in one issued to the few surviving inhabitants of Alexandria, he had expressly denied Jesus Christ, and had affirmed, that his officers and his soldiers were all true Mussulmen.+ In full accordance with which declarations "his subsequent cruelties at Cairo were accompanied with the most impudent pretensions to a devoted homage to Mahomet and his religion. And with that renegado hypocrisy so congenial to his chąracter, after issuing several profane and ridiculous proclamations, he was not unfrequently distinguished by the name of Ali Bonaparte.” ‡


If it should be said in contradiction to the inference which these facts are brought establish, that Napoleon afterwards restored the Roman Catholic religion in France, and thereby acknowledged the truth of Christianity, it may be justly replied, that this was altogether a political measure; and that so far

* Gifford's Memoirs of Napoleon, vol. i. p. 272.
+ Ibid. p. 246, 247.

+ Ibid. p. 250.

from affecting his individual character, in opposition to the view which has been given, it only shows that the man who could proclaim himself a Pagan in the field of battle, a Mahometan in the plains of Egypt, and a Papist, whensoever it suited his purpose, in France, was in his heart an Infidel, nor "regarded any god, but magnified himself above all."


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In looking at the Exploits of " the King," as detailed in the prophecy, the first thing which strikes us is the astonishing and unparalleled success which he was permitted for a season to enjoy for the expression, he "shall do according to his will," implies not only his wilful and despotic disposition, but also the unvarying success with which he would accomplish the object of his wishes. He would "exalt himself" in a wonderful manner to the highest pitch of power and absolute authority. He would marvellously succeed in almost every undertaking, even beyond all expectation, and, in short, would "prosper;" would proceed in nearly an uninterrupted career of prosperity for the season allotted to him.

It is also foretold among his other exploits, that "a god whom his fathers knew not, he should honour with gold and silver, and precious stones, and pleasant things;" and also, that he shall cause them to rule over many,

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