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and Ramah, were attacked and taken. Joppa, garrisoned by 6000 men, was carried by assault; and, in the course of his march, the keys of Jerusalem were delivered unto him; and his camp was planted in the Holy Land between the Dead and the Mediterranean seas. The result of this expedition was indeed disastrous: but it is no where said in the prophecy that it would be otherwise. Napoleon's conduct, throughout the siege of Acre, and towards his prisoners afterwards, demonstrates the "great fury" with which he went forth on this occasion, the circumstance particularly stated in the prophecy; and the numbers which perished, in consequence of this attack upon Palestine, of Frenchmen, Egyptians, Natives, and British, calculated at not less than 50,000, show what is intended by the expression of his going forth "utterly to make away many." So literally and circumstantially did the exploits of Napoleon correspond with the words of the Angel.

in this place, which some commentators have suggested, and which, if adopted, most clearly predicts the fact as it occurred in this part of Napoleon's expedition.




66 HIS END."

GREAT and unexampled as was to be the success of the predicted King, during the season of of his prosperity, yet a time was to come when this prosperity would terminate. Raised up as a minister of vengeance, as an instrument employed for inflicting some portion of those judg ments with which God would visit the Papal powers, he was, till this commission should be fulfilled, to "do according to his will:" nor would his career of victory and success be impeded. But this object being accomplished, his End would come. The same counsels of the Almighty, which had required his exaltation for a time, would equally demand his removal. Like other wilful and infidel conquerors who had preceded him, he was, in his defeat and degradation, to read a moral lesson to mankind: while in this very act, he should yet subserve the particular and specific purpose, which, according to the view here taken of this vision, he was ordained to fulfil.

What, then, at the appointed season, were to be the mode and order of his defeat?" At the Time of the End," or, as the ordinary usage of the Hebrew preposition fully warrants, "In the time of the end," within some part of that predicted and remarkable period, "the King of the South shall push at him." The first successful stand against his hitherto invincible power shall begin from the south.* Thence a King "shall push at him," and by repelling, gain ground upon him; while, in the mean time, a more formidable opponent shall assault him in the contrary direction. "The King of the North shall come against him, like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships, and shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over;" recovering, in rapid succession, from the grasp of this formidable usurper, the countries which he had

* As in the preceding part of the prophecy the kings of Egypt and of Syria are denominated the kings of the south and of the north, because their respective territories were thus geographically situated, in relation to the land of Judæa, which, from this circumstance, would be deeply implicated in their contests and transactions; so, in this subsequent part of the Prophecy, the kings of the South and of the North may be understood as designating the monarchs of those countries, which occupy the same geographical situation, in respect to the territories of "the King," who would be so intimately affected by their proceedings.

seized, and even passing over into his own territories, and inundating them with victorious and insulting armies.

The last words of the chapter predict the final result of these combined attacks against this conspicuous person. "He shall come to his end, and none shall help him. How, or when, or where this event shall take place, is not specified. Two points only are stated; the certainty of the event," he shall come to his end;" and the utterly weak, helpless, and deserted condition to which he shall be reduced, "and none shall help him." The contrast between his former power and greatness, and the imbecility and insignificance in which he will terminate his career, makes a striking feature in the picture. His End shall be as extraordinary in one way, as his course had been in another. "He did according to his will, and exalted himself and prospered. Yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."

But while the prophecy details these particulars respecting the defeat and End of "the King," there is one expression in the passage which reflects much additional light on this part of the subject. It is said (v. 36.) " he shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished, for that that is determined shall be done." What, it may be asked, is the Indignation here intended,

and what is meant by its being accomplished? The view which has been taken of the Prophecy indicates that the indignation here intended, was God's Indignation against Israel: for this, as it has been shown, was the grand object of Daniel's thought and solicitude, the chief subject of his prayer and supplication, and the great point on which the Angel was to communicate information to him. By the Indignation's being accomplished, may be understood the arrival of that time when it would cease any longer to operate: when that series of events, which should gradually produce and finally complete the deliverance and restoration of the twelve tribes, would commence their date. Was Daniel then desirous of knowing, when this Indignation would be accomplished? He was told that it would be when the king in question should have ceased to prosper. "He shall prosper till the Indignation be accomplished." The termination of his prosperity-the conclusive proof and consummation of which will be his helpless End will synchronise with the return

* It will be seen, by a reference to the former editions of this work, that the writer has given, in this part of the prophecy, an interpretation different from that which he formerly proposed. The present explanation was suggested to him by a friend much conversant in prophetical studies, and he has adopted it as being in several respects preferable to the one which he himself originally advanced.

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