the Violent take it by Force. He fays also in another Place, If thou wilt enter into Life, keep my Commandments. Now, in order to enable us to do these good Works, I believe the Grace of God to be necessary for us; and this Grace of God is obtain'd by the Fervency of our Prayers, and the Steadiness of our Faith. XL. I proceed to the Authority of the Visible Head of the Church: By this Head I understand, as I have already faid, the Pope, who is the lawful Successor of St. Peter; and, as such, I believe, that he is infallible, not only in the Government of the Church, but also in all Matters of Faith: I rely folely upon what Jesus Chrift faid upon this Subject, when he gave the Keys to St. Peter, Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock will I build my Church, Matt. xvi. Ver. 18. By this Act Jesus Chrift establish'd St. Peter for the Head and Prince of the Church: 'The following Words of Jesus Chrift are an intire Confirmation of this Truth, Matt. xvi. Ver. 18. And the Gates of Hell Shall not prevail against it, that is to say, againft the Church, and by Consequence againft its Head. 'Tis therefore true, that God granted an abfolute Authority to St. Peter and his Succeffors, which Authority has a Resemblance with that which God granted under the Old Law, to Aaron and his Family. In Confideration of this fupreme Dignity I believe, that I cannot pay Respect and Submiffion enough to the Pope; and I think what I advance is prov'd in the first Place, because to honour the Vicar of Jesus Christ, is paying Devotion to himself: Secondly, 'tis honouring St. Peter, to ho nour his Successor; and lastly, I believe, that I am " am' the more worthy to be a Member of the Church, when I honour him who is the Head of it. I therefore kiss his Feet, as I would those of Jesus Chrift himself: I fall prostrate before him, as I would before St. Peter; and am intirely perfuaded, that this Token of Adoration, so far from being liable to the Charge of Idolatry, as the Heretics think, can, on the contrary, be only deem'd a Thing agreeable to God, and what tends to his Glorification. We are told in the Old Testament, that Jacob bowed himself to the Ground to Efau seven times, Gen. xxxiii. Ver. 3,7. His Children, with Leab and Rachel, also ador'd him: Jofeph was ador'd by his Brethren : Abigail ador'd David, and Bathsheba Solomon. None of these Acts of Adoration were made to God, but to Men; why then shall we refuse to adore the Head of Christendom? Tho' St. Peter refus'd to be ador'd by Cornelius, 'twas because he was very sensible, that Cornelius, being a Gentile, would pay him Obeifance and Worship little inferior to that which was due to God; but this is no Argument that St. Peter did not receive the Honours that were due to him, as being the Head of the Church: In fine, when I cast myfelf at the Pope's Feet, I have a Share in his Benediction, I humbly defire it, and I adore in him the Power which he has to bless me. I am also perfuaded, that none but the Pope has a Right to affemble a Council; and I believe, that every Affembly which is held by the Name of a Council, without the Participation of the Pope, cannot be deem'd an Oecumenical Coun cil A Body is incapable of acting without its VOL. IV. [Z] Head, Head, for 'tis the Head by which the Body i always directed: Consequently the Church cannot assemble, act, nor decide, without the Pope, who is its Head, and who, by Confequence, has the fole Right of Decifion; because he is the Rock on which Jesus Chrift has founded his Church, and because without him there would be no Church. I therefore with Submission receive all the Decifions of a Council where the Pope either presides in Person, or by his Legates; and I look upon all Assemblies of Priefts that are met, or are held by the Command of any other Power than the Pope, as mere Assemblies of the Clergy. Thus, my Lord, have I given you the fincere Declaration of my Faith, such as it is imprinted on my Heart: I believe it Holy, and I believe it Canonical; and hope, that when your Lordship fees it in Writing, you will give it the fame Approbation that you were pleased to honour it with when I had the Favour of making it to you by Word of Mouth. If, contrary to my Intention, I have deviated from the Track of Truth, I intreat you, my Lord, to lend me your Hand, to vouchsafe to be my Guide, and to lead me to that Piety which you profess, and by which all Mankind is edified: Make me worthy of the Dignity of the Priefthood, of which I am ambitious. But this is trespassing too far upon your Eminency's Attention, and 'tis high time to put an End to a Letter, which nothing can excuse the Length of, but the Sacredness of the Subject whereof it treats. I shall think myself exceeding happy, if if I have explain'd myself with sufficient Perspicuity, and if the Sentiments I lay before your Lordship can render me deserving of the Honour of your Esteem. I am, with infinite Respect, My LORD, Your LORDSHIP'S Most Humble, and Most Obedient Servant, Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. END of VOL. IV. |